Infantry invisible damage and extreme ranges need fixing with increased resource cost - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2013-06-16, 01:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Master Sergeant
Infantry invisible damage and extreme ranges need fixing with increased resource cost

The last thread I started was just bad vitriol, I know it, I felt like kicking a puppy and sorry for that, was in poor taste. I self banned myself for a couple of weeks as a result. Moving on.

Increased resource costs for vehicles is probably a good thing, and is needed to change the current gameplay where infantry totally dominate and vehicles (particularly armored vehicles) are considered disposable, and are very weak in terms of combat. The most important aspect of vehicles being weak is the invisible damage and extreme ranges of infantry weapons. Strikers, Bursters, engie AV turrets, and Fractures are the most common cause of invisible vehicle destruction.

Rendered invisibility and immunity are huge issues, one we are apparently stuck with due to technological and practical issues, most players are aware of this. The current way this is implemented where infantry (especially massed infantry) can spam lethal and destructive fire at an opposing force while being completely invulnerable and invisible is simply not tenable if vehicles are supposed to mean something and be rare and costly purchases. Having your throw away tank blow up to some invisible and unavoidable enemy is frustrating, having your costly and precious tank blow up to these same unavoidable and invisible and invulnerable enemies is pretty much unplayable.

If resource costs for vehicles are changed, infantry vs vehicle combat at render ranges that automatically grant invisible god mode to infantry forces need to be changed with these costs. There are numerous ways to fix it (make it so if you don't take damage from sources you don't render, reduce the range of infantry weapons so they can't inflict damage if they don't render, let vehicles damage massed infantry that doesn't render - hell libs might have a role again - etc, etc, plenty of choices). There are plenty of pretty direct fixes for this issue, and something has to be done about it if these resource cost changes are going live.

Last edited by phungus; 2013-06-16 at 01:27 PM.
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Old 2013-06-16, 02:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Shogun's Avatar
Re: Infantry invisible damage and extreme ranges need fixing with increased resource

my hope is, that the render restrictions will go away when ps2 finally uses all cpu cores.

as long as this rendering infused invulnerability is ingame, ps2 just doesn´t qualify as a valid aaa shooter.
***********************official bittervet*********************

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