Whenever anyone spawns, grabs a gun/armor (unless the gun's from their locker), or spawns a vehicle, a base's fuel is used up a small amount. Once it's out, no more of that.
Also, a single hacker, provided he gets to the control console, can take out main source of respawning for a minimum of roughly 16 minutes, and that's if the defenders are on his ass immediately after (Unless it goes back immediatly to the recent owners when re-hacked before the 15 minute timer is up, I'm not sure on that one). Of course, to balance the many entrances, there's things like automated (from what I've heard) turrets, so less people are needed on surface perimeter and defenders can be sent to cover the underground entrances. TR are going to be mean defenders in the underground tunnels with anchored dual chainguns, but that anchor has that one drawback...