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Old 2003-01-28, 05:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #16

I believe in the spirit world. I believe that you are born to parents that you chose, and that your life is to serve a purpose.
I think there is a spiritual form that is a leader... a "God". I'm not sure of his form... but i believe that God is not one gender, or that there is a father god and mother god. I think the basis of many things is balanced... and that the spiritual leader (or God) should become the aptitude of that balance.

People are born with similarities that bind them together. The basic charateristics are those that forge this bond between each individual. The want to love, the need to survive, every emotion... all subconsciously emitting from each of our souls. I believe it is our souls that act as a common line through out the entire population of this world, and the next. I think a person's soul grows with each encounter. Each person that I meet, that i become known to, adds a part to who I am. The biggest thing about growing... and living, is meeting individuals that teach you of things. Wether they be good or bad, situations will arise through relationships and lessons are to be learned. I believe that things happen for a reason, and that situations, no matter how horrendous or terrible, were set on your path so that YOU encounter them. I do think its a test, not necessairly for God... but for yourself.

I believe in reincarnation. I seriously don't believe that my entire life will end at my last breath on this one. Once you reach the after life, you are given a choice, either to stay in the afterlife, or to return to the world and live again. Ever met someone and you just click? That person who you can somehow just instantly get along with and act like you've known them for a longer time than what you actually have? Its someone you have encountered in a past life... or someone who you have met too soon...and their role will play a larger part in a life to come. I do believe that what you put out comes back to you three times fold. Another aspect in which i believe... those things that you have talent in...are things that you lack talent in the after life. You are sent to the earth to improve on things that you lack in the after life. Heaven is not perfect... but it is harmonious.

I don't believe in Hell. In no way, shape, or form do i believe that God would send his own people into torture. People need chances to redeem themselves. What you do in this life will predetermine what happens in the next. There is a repercussion for every action, and it will reflect back on you in your next life.

I believe the bible is misleading. I refuse to make the bible the rock in which i rely on. People have a problem with that...they tell me it is the word of God... but it isn't... It is the translation by Man on the word of God...I think many things are fables. I believe that Jesus had a family, he was a father with children. I do believe that he performed miracles. I just think there was an essence in which people lost touch of from now. I'm not entirely sure if i believe in the tale of Adam and Eve... I am completely in support of the idea of evolution. I think God planned for evolution to occur and i think the Big Bang theory played some role in it...but evolution is the cause in which we live as who we are today.

Those people who live their lives, believing that they are doing the best in their ability to stay in good hopes for a better after life... face it, if you were born in a different country or culture you're religion would basically be something outside of what you have now, and you may be the ones practicing the beliefs of a foreign religion. Beliefs are closely related to geography, and God would never punish someone who believe for their entire lifetime that they were doing something that was pleasing to him.

Um, there is probably more... but i don't want to bore you. Thanks to those who read a portion of my reply...and love to those who took the time to read my beliefs...but mostly, learned more of me.

So... um, i suppose in closing... i'll leave you with this.

God has created all people and through all people he has a purpose for them...
God has created Satan, Buddha, Mohammad, Jesus, Confuscious... and so, true religion lies somewhere between each of their teachings.
Because who are we to say they were wrong... when it may have been their purpose.

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Old 2003-01-28, 05:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Staff Sergeant


I like your post. I believe organized religions can serve a purpose. In trying to understand what we believe in, it is not always possible to simply think to yourself and come up with an answer. Finding out about what other religion's believe can be a big help. It is very interesting to see what religions belive and show, at their core, and then see how people choose to use them.

In many ways I'm sad that I was raised Catholic. Because when you look at the heart of Christianity there are many many wonderful teaching. But I too am jaded by many of the things that I have experienced and I often find it hard to see them in a posative light.

But, you can take pieces of religions and use them to help you with spirituality. Rather than simply following a religion for the sake of doing it.
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Old 2003-01-28, 05:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Sig Mastah!
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There is nothing wrong with having faith as long as you beware those who would use your faith as a tool. For the sake of argument let's say there is a God and Devil and for the sake of further argument let's say that there is one "Right" religion and a million-zillion wrong ones.

My question is this: who was responsible for the Crusades? God, the Devil, or the Pope?
[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2003-01-28, 05:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #19

but... this isn't an argument... an argument is exactly what this thread is trying NOT to be
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Old 2003-01-28, 05:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
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Ok, for the sake of Discussion then. I didn't mean to invalidate my question by inciting an argument
[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2003-01-28, 05:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
Staff Sergeant

Can't answer your question Airlift because I believe none of the premises behind it. How if you do, then you have to answer that question for yourself.

eMa. I'm still trying to figure out how to respond to your post .

It might take me a few days.
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Old 2003-01-28, 05:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Sig Mastah!
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But I already know my answer, and I also don't believe the premises behind the question. That's why I said for the sake of argument and then corrected it down to the sake of non-argument.

The question doesn't really have anything to do with there being only one true god or if you get down to it even about God at all, but the nature of man. It boils down to: In your heart, do you think God wants us to kill each other, is it the Devil making us do it, or is it just our own politics?

I don't want to answer the question myself because I want to know what others think. I'll come back with my honest opinion on religion if you're really curious, but don't expect it to be some great revelation. I'm as clueless as the rest of humanity when it comes to the incomprehensible.
[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2003-01-28, 05:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #23

Airlift i understand you.
For the longest time i resented God... in fact, to this day... i still don't enjoy using the reference "God" when what i actually mean is my Spiritual Guidance...
I held this resentment because i believed that he sent those people to partake in the crusades...and to kill in his name...but i've come to realize that the minds of the human race are twisted... and that for the to what i believe, they don't truly understand.
I believe it wasn't god's will... and although some people argue that he knew that this would occur... i don't think that is the case... what happens on earth is through the free will of the people who act out... what they committed, i believe they faced repercussions, acted out by God, in their next life....
Men's interpetation was wrong... and i think... God cried for those people...

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Old 2003-01-28, 05:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
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HERE I AM!! THE RADICAL ATHEIST THAT WILL TURN THIS POST INTO A FLAME POST!! jk... it's just like i said in the other post, expressing my opinion as an atheist often offends... so here I go (everyone, PLEASE try to tolerate)....

I think that there is no logic behind god. You can't say that there is no logic in the non-existence of god, because you are trying to call god into existence (which you can't do). when you say that there is no logic in the non-existence of god, you are declaring he exists, where there is no logic behind, which in turn, makes the non-existence logical. Get that? if not, post, I'll try to answer your questions (I'm REALLY bad at explaining crap)

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Old 2003-01-28, 06:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
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I think its a waste of time, I just live my life day to day

but on a sidenote, religion, politics. These threads never end up well.

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Old 2003-01-28, 06:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
Lieutenant General
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Originally posted by {{eMaGyN}}
I believe in the spirit world. I believe that you are born to parents that you chose, and that your life is to serve a purpose.
I think there is a spiritual form that is a leader... a "God". I'm not sure of his form... but i believe that God is not one gender, or that there is a father god and mother god. I think the basis of many things is balanced... and that the spiritual leader (or God) should become the aptitude of that balance.


Um, there is probably more... but i don't want to bore you. Thanks to those who read a portion of my reply...and love to those who took the time to read my beliefs...but mostly, learned more of me.

So... um, i suppose in closing... i'll leave you with this.

God has created all people and through all people he has a purpose for them...
God has created Satan, Buddha, Mohammad, Jesus, Confuscious... and so, true religion lies somewhere between each of their teachings.
Because who are we to say they were wrong... when it may have been their purpose.

Holy shiznit!!!

I read the whole thing and it's almost exactly my way of thinking.

I believe when we die we get reincarnated, if you did good you evolve, become a better person, if not you digress and have to start anew. I also believe that "our souls act as a common line through out the entire population of this world, and the next. I think a person's soul grows with each encounter" and that our souls recognize each other, they travel in the same basic group over and over again. As for a god i dunno, part of me does believe in a higher being but than the rational part wonders how and why he/she/it would just sit around and watch us and why doesn't he/she/it prevent the bad things or help us in time of need.
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Old 2003-01-28, 06:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
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Well, I believe in a god. I think the bible is one of the greatest books ever written. I also don't quite see it the way most churches I've been to do.

I know there is a god because I can�t believe that all of this just popped out of nowhere. I also can�t believe that in the entire universe we are the only intelligent life forms. I couldn�t imagine all that space would be for naught. If there are other intelligent life forms, what do they believe?

I say the bible is the greatest book ever written. I am not saying it answers all and should be followed word for word. But it is full of wonderful stories and great inspiration. Is it the word of god? Maybe. Does it contain some fiction? Probably. It was written and translated by humans after all. But none the less it does show what wonderful people humans can actually be.

I don�t quite follow most organized religions. It is well documented that early on the church and faith in general was used to control people, to make money off of people and used as an excuse to kill people. There many, many different religions through out the world. From today�s biggest cities to the smallest hut in Africa religion is diverse. If only one religion can be true, who�s to say it�s not some tribe in a small village in the middle of a jungle that knows the right path? I grew up on Catholicism, now I attend a Christian church (not regularly) but I am also very fascinated in the beliefs of Buddhism. I feel there is something to be learned from every culture.
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Old 2003-01-28, 06:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
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Thanks eMa, this is why little hamma ran away. You're sleeping on the couch tonight.
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Vist because we're better than you.
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Old 2003-01-28, 06:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
Sig Mastah!
Airlift's Avatar

Thank you, Ema. That is precisely what I was getting at, and your answer segues directly into my opinion. I think that the truth is fleeting and the more man touches religion, the farther away it flies. I won't say there's One true religion, but to find the most accurate view of the truth I would suggest Taoism. There are only two texts which have remained unchanged since 500 BC. It is usually overlooked in Theology courses because it doesn't have the trappings of modern religion. The problem is that unless you read chinese, you're getting at least one translation removed, but the trick is to find as many different translations as you can and compare them. In the end, it is still only a book, and it's on the reader to make what they will of it.

I grew up in an aggressive christian church that took nearly everything in the bible literally (which of course threw the congregation into fits of contridiction and second-guessing). Had my entire family not been kicked out when I was young (Iff'n they's the One True God, I'm burning) I would probably be either buried deep in it or moving far away to escape. When I did get kicked out, I was pretty full-on lost, having just been told that I was no longer invited to participate in the religion I was indoctorined with since I was a toddler. So over my teenage years I studied as many other religions as I could find, and I came out pretty disenchanted with what I learned. Taoism was the only thing that spoke to me on a deeper level, and it isn't a practiced, organized religion. That formed my opinion on practiced, organized religions.

Or I could have summed that entire story up to say that Religion is a beautiful thing, and it is a shame that man had to come along and fuck it up.
[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2003-01-28, 06:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #30

Originally posted by Rayzer
Or we could talk about a 25 year old woman, having spent 2 years of her life battling cancer. Finally at peace in her last days because of her faith and belief that she is going to a better place. Her struggle having inspired her sister to form a foundation to help childern through there battle with cancer.


I you Rayzer. This is an amazing concept. Thank you.

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