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Old 2003-03-15, 01:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
Inventor of Dirt
xuur's Avatar

on behalf of those of us you've sworn to defend, thank you.

In God we trust. Everyone else, keep your hands where I can see them.
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Old 2003-03-15, 01:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
KrazyJester's Avatar

what are takin in college and what are ya goin into engineer?
Try to look unimportant - they may be low on ammo

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Old 2003-03-15, 01:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
The Mensa Troll
Mtx's Avatar

Originally posted by Toimu
They told me you cannot get pass E-2 without 60+ credit hours.

My parents haven't pay shit for me in 7 years. All my college loans are in my name. I haven't lived at home in 5 years.

I've looked into this for many years. Alot of people in my family are in. If I hate it, I atleast want to be able to tell my kids I did a few years.
They lied to you. Get used to that. Trust me.. you'll get to basic and say "WTF is this shit?!"

E-3 is easy to make. You'd probably make it right after AIT anyway. Depends on your promotion points and judging by your disignation I'd say you have high promotion points. If your parents haven't paid for your college than I think there is a way to get the Army to pay off your college for you. Check into that...

Hey, I'm not trying to stop you from going. I remember how I felt when I looked in the mirrior that last time. You will get a sense of pride when you look in the mirrior and gaze at that sexy beast (me) in that badass uniform (BDU's)... (unless you are wearing your Class A's then you just feel lame and uncomfortable) ... (Oh and you'll really learn to hate your Beret. It's like wearing a rubberband on your head all freaking day... you'll yearn to wear the cap again... but they wont let you unless you're pulling a duty or go to war. You wear your Cap during war but that fagget ass beret the rest of the time. Stupid huh? Get used to stupid.. you joined the Army.)

Where was I.. oh yeah sense of pride. Yeah that goes away in a few days but hey... for a few days you'll be on top of the world and you'll always be able to say "I defended the greatest nmation on Earth.

How did it go?....

I am a soldier of the United States Army. I am a defender of the greatest nation on Earth. Because I am proud of the uniform I wear I will always act in ways blah blah blah and blah blah blah

Okay I forgot the creed.

Ah Mani you were Army right? Do you remember the creed?

It's important that you learn the creed now. That way you'll have a little less to learn later. Where are you going to BASIC at?


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Old 2003-03-15, 01:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
Registered User

I believe E-1 through E-4 is based on time in service (at least it is in AF). I'll be E-3 at the end of Tech school.

I did research on jobs, benefits, as well as a wealth of other military info for a year and a half before i swore in. Military service is not for everyone... I found that out in my research. A great site for information NOT coming out of the recruiters mouth is http://usmilitary.about.com/ check that place out.
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Old 2003-03-15, 04:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
Second Lieutenant

Fort Leonard Wood is were I'll be doing Basic.

I'm going to school for my BS in chemistry.

And I hope it is as easy for someone coming in as an E-2 to become an E-3, as it is for me to become an E-4.
...What's Iraq like?

IEDs, SAF, RPGs, & mortars. But only during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The enemy is so poor, they have to keep day jobs

PS Storyline
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