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Old 2004-07-24, 01:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Sentrosi's Avatar



These things an FPS does not make.

There are always going to be people who just do that stuff because they know it pisses them off. The other night during our ops night I shot down probably 20 or so aircraft, yet only registered 9 kills. Yes, it ticked me off to see that. But I'm not about to leave a highly volitile enemy air situation just to chase down one lonely coward. That person will meet their maker soon, especially if we're flying over a contested tower.

If you bail out of a vehicle, you're respawn timer should automatically add 10 seconds to your respawn time. Just a small penalty to pay for dodging a deserved kill.

But once again, like I said up top;



These things an FPS does not make
Commanding Officer

To the next idiot who says the PS2 Devs do not listen: See this Thread
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Old 2004-07-24, 01:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Lieutenant Colonel
Zatrais's Avatar

Bollox, what kind of player will just simply let you kill him when he knows he's outskilled. The only smart thing to do is to bail and try to make a difference on the ground, not to give you, the enemy, experience. If you want the kill, dive down and kill him.

Tying to denie you the exp for a kill is a perfectly viable tactic.

Same with rocket spam, they're killing the enemy any way they can. Get a skyguard to counter them.

The entire point of planetside is to try to annahilate the enemy in any way possible and deny the oposing players whatever you can.
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Old 2004-07-24, 02:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Brigadier General
Lartnev's Avatar

Originally Posted by Sentrosi
These things an FPS does not make.
You've never played TFC have you?

Whilst it is kinda annoying when someone bails, I just think to myself "well that's what I would have done in the same situation." It's not about denying someone exp, it's about survival.
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Old 2004-07-24, 03:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Major General
Warborn's Avatar

Originally Posted by KeviN
PS: Reaver rocket spam damage on infantry needs to be nerfed greatly, I think this would really help the problem.
A resounding YES. The game would be so much better if Reaver rockets either had no splash (so they're only for vehicles/turrets) or did barely any damage to infantry.
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Old 2004-07-24, 03:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
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Dharkbayne's Avatar

Originally Posted by Warborn
A resounding YES. The game would be so much better if Reaver rockets either had no splash (so they're only for vehicles/turrets) or did barely any damage to infantry.
That's stupid, they're fucking missiles, if anything, they should BUFF the damage, and to make them spam less, reduce the AMOUNT of missiles.
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Old 2004-07-24, 03:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
Sputty's Avatar

IMO, they should reduce the Reaver's missiles power greatly, increase rate of fire, and add a Reaver variant that has heavy anti vehicle missiles
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Old 2004-07-24, 05:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #37

People will do anything to survive in the game. the people that bail out when they get shot at are so skillless, they know they have no hope of winning in the air so they bail. once i get the game, i'll bail only if i loose control and have tryed every manuver go get him off my tail. chivalry left the battlefield with knights and samuri.
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Old 2004-07-24, 05:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
First Sergeant

Originally Posted by Sputty
I don't think you understand the meaning of the word ethics
You may mean etiquette
Whatever, I was tired when I wrote this.

Anyways, after reading all the post, I have to agree with Dhark. I think you should at least get the xp for the vehicle when it crashes.

Originally Posted by Sentrosi

The other night during our ops night I shot down probably 20 or so aircraft, yet only registered 9 kills. Yes, it ticked me off to see that. But I'm not about to leave a highly volitile enemy air situation just to chase down one lonely coward. That person will meet their maker soon, especially if we're flying over a contested tower.
It doesn't always register on the Kill/Death ratio, but the kills are still counted overall.

Last edited by KeviN; 2004-07-24 at 05:41 PM.
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Old 2004-07-24, 06:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
Major General
Warborn's Avatar

Originally Posted by hDrakbynea
That's stupid, they're fucking missiles, if anything, they should BUFF the damage, and to make them spam less, reduce the AMOUNT of missiles.
Yeah, because having one vehicle which is excellent at pretty much every role you can put it into is a brilliant idea. Almost as smart as making tanks annihilate anything that can't fly, but then, they're fixing that with BFRs from the sound of it.

And who gives a damn if they're missiles? A striker is a missile, does that kill people instantly? How about a phoenix missile? Or even a decimator? This is a game, and balance is all that matters. Making Reavers able to obliterate the stuff that's suppose to be a threat to them (infantry/MAXs) is stupid. The only thing that keeps them from ruling the game is that they don't have the endurance of a tank, and run out of rockets after blowing away a handful of infantry and MAXs. With any luck, they'll fix this obvious oversight and massive flaw in the game, regardless of what people like you think "should" happen because of realism, or whatever you want to call it. Reavers shouldn't be able to annihilate infantry and MAXs as they do. If Planetside is ever going to come close to fully realizing its potential, these all-in-one vehicles need to be addressed.
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Old 2004-07-24, 07:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
Lieutenant General
Baneblade's Avatar

I would gladly trade those rockets for a Decimator equivalent. Right now you need to spam rockets no matter what you are trying to kill...cept maybe a Wraith.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2004-07-24, 09:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
Staff Sergeant
BlackHawk's Avatar

Originally Posted by Sentrosi
There are always going to be people who just do that stuff because they know it pisses them off. The other night during our ops night I shot down probably 20 or so aircraft, yet only registered 9 kills. Yes, it ticked me off to see that. But I'm not about to leave a highly volitile enemy air situation just to chase down one lonely coward. That person will meet their maker soon, especially if we're flying over a contested tower.

If you bail out of a vehicle, you're respawn timer should automatically add 10 seconds to your respawn time. Just a small penalty to pay for dodging a deserved kill.
Playing as a sniper, I am often robbed of kills by people running behind cover in order to repair and heal after I hit them once. That is simply not fair. They should stand perfectly still as soon as they get hit, so that I can reload and hit them again to get the kill. It's good ethics, or etiquette, to do so. If you run to cover after being hit by a sniper shot, your respawn timer should have an added 30 seconds, since you are robbing me of my kill and experience.

Destiny, chance, fate, fortune - they're all just ways of claiming your successes without claiming your failures.
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Old 2004-07-24, 09:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Sergeant Major
Eldanesh's Avatar

I think reavers should stay as they are. It bugs me that 20mm is as weak as it is at AI, but it takes like 1/6 of their rockets to kill a damned infantry. In a skeedo you can whore waaaaaay more infantry kills and in a liberator I can practically kill 6 people and an ams in a clip :P

Honestly, I think there is a good air/infantry balance as is, I am just suprised people whine about reavers as much as they do, skeedos and libs are way worse imo- a good skeedo has way more potential, and a good liberator is nigh-impossible to down from the ground without zerging it.
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Old 2004-07-24, 10:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Terran Sniper
First Sergeant
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Originally Posted by AztecWarrior
I only eject when I'm about to lose control or already have. Doesn't matter who's shooting at me. One point: I'm tired of the guy just jumping out slow as hell so I die. I want ejection seats.
ejection seats=drop from higher altitude=longer drop times=more time for dude to kill you in the air
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Old 2004-07-25, 12:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #44
First Lieutenant

i think they need to fix aircrafts so you can blow them up... i hate making a fully loaded lib go out of control just so i cant shoot it anymore becasue it drops 20 meters in half a second.

o and if you have ever been a burster you will know you get kill all the time by aircraft becuase you have no defence.

i personally do not bail when shot down by an aircraft only AA maxs.
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Old 2004-07-25, 12:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #45
Brigadier General
ObnoxiousFrog's Avatar

Install the 20mm gun on the reaver in the middle of it (it originally was intended like this), and give it Enforcer-esque rockets that fire both barrels quickly but take longer to reload. This would better define the 20mm as an accurate AI weapon and the rockets as slow-but-beefy AV weapons.

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