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Old 2003-06-16, 06:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #46

On the subject of Heavy Assault....I think the Jackhammer is definitely the best inside....hands down. But outside, the Lasher really rocks. The Chaingun.......well, it makes a lot of noise anyway. So maybe it is good for annoying the other guys to death. Beyond sucks.
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Old 2003-06-16, 07:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #47

Turn the Lasher into the Lighting gun from quake. Boom its fixed, its effective and if you suck you will get tons of grief points.
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Old 2003-06-16, 08:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #48
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Led's Avatar

If they would change it to a PPC, THAT would kick ass.


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Old 2003-06-16, 08:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #49
Sergeant Major
kidriot's Avatar

if you're going to nerf a weapon based merely on the number of people that use it then why hasn't the gauss or cycler taken a nerf? why aren't you talking about the majority of people using a pheonix or striker or lancer?

quoting a percentage of people w/out hard data is merely a guess.

say, the jackhammer gets "adjusted." and "all the NC" that were using jackhammer turn to rocklet and thumper for indoor fights. are we going to begin bitching about those weapons?

an infantry is very simple to kill. a pre-adjustment DC or Pounder max was very tough to kill. especially the pounders with the larger splash damage and the old DC that pierced armor. those were not working as intended.

it's a heavy assault weapon. it ought to be mowing people down. the lasher and chaingun need to be given a boost.

the way I look at it, no ONE weapon ought to have the power to hold entire squads off. and I say entire squads cos 3-4 newbs running around don't count. atm, there is NO weapon that has the power to stop entire squads of people w/the close exception of a pounder bouncing grenades around.

it's funny and ironic to see the same people claiming a zerg is a tactic bitching about another zerg using a weapon. let's bitch about the gauss and cycler. I see entirely too many people using that weapon. (because skill is not a factor, right?)
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Old 2003-06-16, 08:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #50
Lieutenant General
OneManArmy's Avatar

I dont understand why people bitch at all, it takes all the fun out of the game, its a good thing the devs ignore most of the crap they see. because otherwise we'd all end up with knifes and nothing else.

and WTF is this zerg bullshit? what else can you do when you have the sheer number of players that PS does?
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Old 2003-06-16, 08:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #51
Second Lieutenant
Kaikou's Avatar

yea, um....


I would hope it does get nerfed just because 90% (if not more) of the NC use it. Watch the kill chat scroll up in an NC battle, you'll see what I mean.
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Old 2003-06-16, 08:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #52
Lieutenant General
OneManArmy's Avatar

good i hate teh lancer the lasher the striker the cycler the pounder max the dual cycler max the reaver the sniper rifle the rocklet

can we nerf those too please?
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Old 2003-06-16, 09:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #53

Jackhammer requires a nerf or the other Heavy wepoans needs to be on par with it, period.

The number of certs used to acquire it dosent justify the overwhelming advantage the weapon provides.

The Dev has said it before, the level dosent matter, a level 1 guy can kill a level 20. Being higher level = more certs = more versatility.

Anyone in his right might (unlike the protective NC) can and does see the overpower this weapon has. 90% of the NC uses it and for a good reason: if they can get in close quaters, they own. When you are up to a point where the other races are picking up and using your weapons, there is something wrong.
I got killed plenty of times with different weapons, Chainguns, thumpers, Phoenixes but nothing like the amount of time i die to a jackhammer.

I saw a stupid quote about "if they nerf it, we are gonna suck", that is just retarded, that one weapon = your whole race.. the TR were saying the same thing on their MAXe's nerfs, they still are pretty efficient, as heavy assault today, it took me 3 runs with a thumper to take out a MAX in a CC, i unloaded on him everytime and never had time to reload (others also took a few shots at him). Before you flame saying i got no skills, looks my stats below, i can hold my own quite well

Bottom line is: the races are supposed to be balanced and they are not. The AV weapons are pretty nice on each side, the Heavy weapons are not. Like Hamma said, this is the kind of stats the Dev can get and all of them using it will be their downfall. I am certain they can see the numbers but not sure how to deal with it: nerf it or nerf the other 2..?
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Old 2003-06-16, 09:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #54

Guys, the Jackhammer is overpowered because the RoF is too high. It kills Reinforced in 3 hits . You can't have that strong of a shot, and still have it fire at the rate it does. No way. And on the issue, of how it sucks at a distance, how do expect people to combat the NC inside if the Jackhammer stays the way it does? Sooner or later it boils down to battling inside, so what will the Vanu or TR do? Especially the Vanu, because the miniCG isn't bad at all, in my eyes it's pretty balanced. The lasher is underpowered, and the Jackhammer is overpowered. The cycler is too good indoors, and that makes it too versatile. The Pulsar has either too much recoil,which the Vanu are supposed to have a large absence of, or no kill zone like any of the others. The gauss is fine, needs a bit more of a punch and a bit lessened RoF to make it more "New Conglomerate-Like".

good i hate teh lancer the lasher the striker the cycler the pounder max the dual cycler max the reaver the sniper rifle the rocklet

can we nerf those too please?
we are not asking that we take all its power away, we are just asking that it be balanced with the other weapons. cuz it's not, and i think people are going to notice it sooner or later, because dev teams play the game as well. i've seen many things be changed in the game that were talked about on the forums more than others, and this is one of them.

But outside, the Lasher really rocks.
Lol. Not.

Last edited by FliggenMan; 2003-06-16 at 09:19 PM.
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Old 2003-06-16, 09:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #55
First Lieutenant

Definitely 90% of NC does not use the jackhammer. You're taking it a bit extreme.

It may seem like that because JH kills will naturally be higher in close quarters combat, and large scale skirmishes.

In small group situations, its still balanced. The only real factor between two opposing infantry is who spots who first and gets off the first shot.

If you think surge + hammer is all that bad you're not smart enough to use surge properly.

Hell, lets nerf Surge. Problem solved, right?

Edit: Oh I almost forgot. You don't really have the right to bitch about the jackhammer unless you lose consistently to it while using weapons close to it. I've had people using supressors telling me they would have killed me if I wasn't using a jackhammer. Rofl...right buddy.

Last edited by WritheNC; 2003-06-16 at 09:13 PM.
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Old 2003-06-16, 09:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #56
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Led's Avatar

People seem to forget that sweepers also kill reinforced in 3 shots :P Hell they completely strip all your armor off in TWO.
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Old 2003-06-16, 09:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #57
Lieutenant General
OneManArmy's Avatar

look at all of you!!!! If you die when you get close THEN DONT GET CLOSE TO IT!!!! just dont scream nerf because you suck. fuck I think we all should have just have knifes only, that way no one could complain.

personally i dont care if they nerf the jackhammer, if they do I'll just use the sweeper its the same damn thing.
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Old 2003-06-16, 09:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #58
Master Sergeant
Winged_Nazgul's Avatar

I was really wondering where you guys get this figure of 90% of NC uses the JH. I don't use it myself and haven't except for maybe 1 day during the first week of retail. IMO, it just wasn't flexible enough for my needs and I really do think the Heavy Assault cert is probably the biggest waste of 4 certs around (6 if you count MA). JH is the cream of a crop of pretty limited weaponry IMO.

But that's just me.

So I went and dug around my own outfit for some hard numbers. Synpax from the SOE forums came up with a way of extracting outfit data from and putting the results in .xls format. I asked him to do it for Sturmgrenadier, unarguably the largest NC outfit on the busiest server. I wanted to see if the 90% was even close.

Out of 304 members, guess how many had Heavy Assault?

66. Wasn't even close to 90%. SOE has the hard data as well. You can rely on your gut feelings and misconceptions all you want. Just don't be too disappointed if the devs don't.
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Old 2003-06-16, 09:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #59

Originally posted by OneManArmy
look at all of you!!!!
getting close to it is inevitable. it reigns indoors, other than MAX units. it should not. and u know that its strength combined with the RoF is no match against the sweeper, cuz ive tried fighting it with one. no comparison.
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Old 2003-06-16, 09:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #60
First Sergeant

I'd just like to point out that EVERY person who is for the JH nerf is either TR or VS, and neither of them bitch about each others' weapons. Either everyone hates NC, or the JH is really overpowered. I myself, who am NC, think the Hammer is overpowered. And this 90% of NC uses JH thing, well, based on the battle I just had, out of over 100 people, only about 5 people did NOT have a jackhammer on them. So, here's just an opinion from an NC who DOES think the hammer is overpowered.
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