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Old 2003-12-14, 07:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #46
First Lieutenant

VS gives the NC a major headache all the time. The problem is in the open field.

Because of the VS MAXes and Magriders, they are easily the best empire for field skirmishes, bridge battles, and all that crap.

The vanguard/prowler vs magrider is something of a mismatch. Mobility is the key factor. Got that magrider down to 30% health? Too bad you can't catch it as it goes off to repair. One hill, and it skirts over it at 30-50kph, and your vanguard/prowler climbs it in 12 seconds. Did a magrider get the jump on your tank? Well you can't run away; the magrider is faster and more mobile. Sure, a few shots will take it out, but a magrider can get off 3-4 shots before you can even turn the turret in their direction.

Personally, the magrider is my #1 frustration in the game. Its just too good compared to the other 2 tanks. You don't have to lead your shots, you don't have to compensate for arc, you don't have to worry so much about aircraft, you don't have to worry about getting choked on a bridge, and you glide over hills and water.

I don't think they should change it though; its the epitome of VS versatility, but I don't think anyone realizes how much better it is than the other tanks. Sure, the other empires talk about what happens when 6+ vanguards come around, but almost every night you could find 7-12 Magriders there to stop them.

I think all 3 tanks should move the same speed; it wouldn't change much because of the terrain on nearly any continent the magrider will still always have a higher average speed.

That's my whine for the day.
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Old 2003-12-14, 08:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #47

Tera is a whining troll. Please post these useless topics on the official forums as you do nothing here except make people angry with your exceeding dumb posts. Giving an opinion on an empire while playing for a hour is completely absurd. I have a BR 11 vanu character on Markov so that means I'm a vanu expert by your standards. I looked at your Emerald NC character and I'm sure your 18 kills give you a fascinating insight to how NC weapons own.

As for your moronic statement of "lack of team play" it is by far the best proof that you were dropped on your head as a child.

As for weapons:

The guass is a good weapon, too bad it only has a clip of 30 compared to the pulsar's 40 and cycler's 50. A fact commonly over looked.

I feel the heavy assault weapons are moderately balanaced with the exception of the MCG. Not that I think the MCG isn't a decent weapon but the crouching pisses me off when I use it. Don't even get me started on the lasher, any vanu whine about it obviously hasn't gone up against it.

Why does every vanu just ignore the fact that the magrider has some extreme advantages. Direct fire makes it just as good against enemy air as it is at range vs land vehicles. It can cross water (where it is basically untouchable by splash damage) and climb serious steep angles.

The VS max jumping ability is the best in the game. This is not open to debate. It lets a VS max escape and dodge, and gives a great ability to attack from unique positions.

Ugh, I'm tired of replying to this troll post.

JuSTCHiLLiN - JCsuperstar - xxJCxx formerly of Immortalis Vita

Last edited by JuSTCHiLLiN; 2003-12-14 at 08:06 PM.
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Old 2003-12-14, 08:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #48
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Originally Posted by TeraHertz
Another thing is this, put 5 lasher uses in a corridor, you can surge own it all your want, you're still going to die. The same could be said of the MCG. Try to do the same with a JH, and you'd have to sit closer to the door, leaving you vulnerable to grenades. Door protection (especialy the back door) is a major part of a battle.
You realize you just contradicted your own argument?

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Old 2003-12-14, 09:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #49
First Sergeant

The empires break down rather evenly. They infact do reflect thier Direct strengths and weaknesses.

The NC: When they are approching a battle they are at thier weakest. With this in mind a Smart commander would force a longer range battle. Concordently (Just love that word) a smart NC commander would understand this and use gorilla tactics to get up close. However if a NC force gets into a base thats when the battle turns to thier favor. They have the power to take a base easily because of thier JH (the most used weapon by the NC). The main issue is that the NC have the numbers but not the skill. This isnt a blanket statement, there are skilled NC, but when the grey zone of winning or loseing is so shallow is more of a coin toss than a fight. Wielding this epiphany you will find that there is less of a challenge yielding less of a battle hardened grunt.

The TR: They have no huge ***** in thier armor, no massive weakness. Thier only "weakness" is the fact that they excell at nothing. But interestingly enough that only makes them a tougher opponent. For the rare PS player who sticks with TR, they reap the reward of getting increadably good. And because they have no "specialty" they dont have a good chunk of thier force weilding the same thing. In effect the TR have ballanced forces.

The VS: By far have the best tactical advantage in the game. The ability to move faster and ignore terrain (for the most part) is so blaringly superior to the other two that it is only balanced by one simple fact. Thier weapons are hard to use. A steep learning curve keeps your newbloods to a minimum. So you may ask why they get a pop advantage now? The thing is that since the server merger alot of people are trying different factions. So since the VS have the coolfactor goin for them, it follows that people are going to switchhit on over to them.

Now for the changes: Dont stop reading assuming that this is a nerf/buff rant.

NC ok you need to recognize your weakness, RANGE! So think of some ways to for CQB's. Like a galaxy drop on the roof. Or put something inbetween your enemies.

TR you guys scare the shit out of me somethimes. I know how the NC are gonna try to kill me, so I have no problem keeping an eye out for the surge+JH combo. But you guys have a plethra of options for killing me, thus making you a volitile enemy.

VS im tired and need to finish my Paper for the final. Just umm do better? Whatever.
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Old 2003-12-14, 09:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #50
Second Lieutenant

Everyone shhh, its balanced...

I dunno why people keep going "noe!!11 my empirer weaker!!13". Really, just shut the fuck up, it is balanced.

The only thing that is out of balance is HA vs MA across all empires, and maybe AA/AV/Anti-MAX.
look a post by vick is right above this
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Old 2003-12-14, 09:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #51
Second Lieutenant

Originally Posted by JuSTCHiLLiN
Tera is a whining troll. Please post these useless topics on the official forums as you do nothing here except make people angry with your exceeding dumb posts. Giving an opinion on an empire while playing for a hour is completely absurd. I have a BR 11 vanu character on Markov so that means I'm a vanu expert by your standards. I looked at your Emerald NC character and I'm sure your 18 kills give you a fascinating insight to how NC weapons own.
Just because I am tired of the whining:

Justchillin is a whining troll, with a fucking stupid name. Go post your dumb shit on the official forums. Your opinions are completly absurd. I looked at your little stats. I bet those 6000 kills gave you a ton of insight into how to whine on the forums about how your empire sucks, like it makes you a better player. My stats are better then yours, so my opinion is more valid. You suck at life, your a newb.

look a post by vick is right above this
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Old 2003-12-14, 09:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #52
Major General
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Originally Posted by TeraHertz
Today I learned a lot about NC weapons. I finally went off to emerald and created an NC character. I didn�t create one on Werner, because I still don�t think you should be able to so.

The first thing I found was that the NC talks sh*t when they say their maxs are crap. I cruised around a base in my scat max blowing away TR left right and centre. One comical moment occurred when an agile tried to run from me up the stairs, seemingly forgetting maxs can run. His macros of �help help� only brought more lambs to the slaughter. Toggle run, untoggle, activate sheild, kill. That got me about 3 battle ranks in 10 mins.

After continued investigation into weapons I discovered that the gauss is amazing. It OWNS the pulsar. The pulsar needs a big buff to get anywhere near it�s prowess. Devs, give the VS the gauss, its wasted on the NC, they all play with their noobhammers. I really want a gauss. If I had one I�d probably ditch the lasher.

The NC AT weapon is also a powerful device. While it�s ammo restrictions appear to balance it, it is a lot of fun to use, and also effective. I had a great time wiping out maxs, confusing the hell out of prowlers by flying rockets upwards, then slamming them down on their roofs, and chasing reavers.

I didn�t use the jackhammer as an NC, since I already have a lot of experience with that weapon from picking them up off dead bodies. We all know the JH is insanley powered.

In conclusing, I believe the NC have the best MA. They have the best AV, and they have the best HA. Their maxs are far from useless, but until I get the certs freed up on Emerald I reserve judgement. Though at the moment I would say I have never feared another max more while in a max suit, and been so safe from infantry.
The pulsar needs something done to it, it may have an AV option that can be quickly switched too, but I think that is a throw back from the begining of PS, at a time where this kind of AV fire was worth a damn. I was owning Lasher users with the guass, don't try to tell me that should happen.

By the way, VS on Emerald, you might want to find out about this arse hole (below), and his outfit. Not that there�s probably much you can do about them spying on your CR5s though .
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Old 2003-12-14, 09:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #53
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The only things a would do right now to the Game is give the pulsar stacking plasma damage, up the gauss damage, lower its fire rate, make it more accurate. Give the striker a 5 shot box of ammo, the pheonix a 2 shot clip, more AV and a 4 shot box, and let the Lancer use regular ammo at 15 per shot(as said in a different post), then up the AV damage, but not the A-max or AA, becasue we don't another stiker AA uberness problem.

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.
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Old 2003-12-14, 10:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #54
Lieutenant Colonel

Originally Posted by Lilbird2431
All factions-fine

nuff said quit bitching
My thoughts too. I have used every empire, every weapon, every vehicle, and every MAX. Each side as an advantage, and a disadvantage. Personally, I'd take a mAgrider gun over a Vanguard or Prowler anyday. I'll hoof around with a JH, Gauss, Lasher, or Sniper rifle anyday, I'll use a Sparrow, Starfire, or Burster over any other MAX. BTW, when I play an Empire, I hate all other empires. *Winks* LOL* But damn, that Sparrow, I wish I could use it on any empire. Us Vanu call it the 3 mile MAX. And for good reason. It's a little broken. Once those missles lock-on, they never stop. Or they don't seem to.

As for what good is a Pulsar? One, I don't have to carry two types of ammo, and two, I don't have to change ammo types in combat. Two good reasons for me.
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Old 2003-12-14, 10:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #55
Lieutenant Colonel

Originally Posted by Rbstr
The only things a would do right now to the Game is give the pulsar stacking plasma damage, up the gauss damage, lower its fire rate, make it more accurate. Give the striker a 5 shot box of ammo, the pheonix a 2 shot clip, more AV and a 4 shot box, and let the Lancer use regular ammo at 15 per shot(as said in a different post), then up the AV damage, but not the A-max or AA, becasue we don't another stiker AA uberness problem.
WTF? Pulsar doesn't do plasma damage. It's a Laser weapon.
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Old 2003-12-14, 10:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #56
Spee's Avatar

I started playing this game in September. During that time, I've gotten to know all three empires pretty well, save for Terran - For some reason I cant play them beyond a low level. *shrug*

I liked the NC for thier "PWNZ THEM THROUGH THE EYES" philosophy. I liked terran simply because thier guns are on crack, speed-wise. And, I <3 the VS, simply because Im in the most awesome outfit evar, aside from IV. So much lovely, lovely teamwork.
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Old 2003-12-14, 11:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #57
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TR=need help, call police
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Old 2003-12-15, 12:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #58
First Sergeant

Dammit! Take this to the OF.
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Old 2003-12-15, 01:28 AM   [Ignore Me] #59
The one, the only
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Originally Posted by BDMJ
Dammit! Take this to the OF.

I've used every weapon and vehicle in the game extensively with the exceptions of the TR and VS empire specific vehicles post balance pass.

MA= My conclusion is they are just about ballanced. The Pusar has a smaller COF when fireing automatic than the Gauss, and better per-shot damage than the cycler. The secondary mode is highly underrated.

HA= All of them are good, with the MCG being a little too powerfull due to its effectiveness at range. I don't sudgest screwing with it however, it will just become more fucked up.

AV= Quit your bitching about one empire being overpowered, realy. This cert in general could use a boost. The Lancer's COF is a little too big, the Striker could stand to have faster moveing rockets(so you don't have to hold lock as long) and the phoenix has the worst TTK of the 3. Not to mention that the Deci should be in this cert, dumbass SOE.

The Vanu MAXes' special ability is by far the most useful, and it's weapons are argurably better. Sparrow is a fire-and-forget weapons system. This is to make up for the reletively crapy TTK. the Starfire has the highest likelyhood of killing an aircraft from what I've seen, though suppriseingly few TR seem to use the burster. Burster could use a magazine boost IMO. Note to aircraft, if you get a lock-on while fighting VS or TR, run and swerve, if vs the NC, just run.

Vehicles I have less expirence with on the giveing end, but plenty on the recieveing. I'll provide what I can.

Buggies= They never should have fucked with the ground pounder.

Tanks= Mag is a little too good, mainly because they increased the infantry damage on the Rail gun(wtf were they thinking?) and the good armor damage on the driver's gun. IMHO, Prowler's main-guns shouldnt be one shot like the Vangaurd's because it has a signifiganly higher ROF and the chainguns on top for infantry and Air. Vangaurd is the most vunerable of the tanks against Air, but that gun is death to light vehicles that are stupid enough to get close.

OF the empire specific pistols, Repeater is the best infil-assassin pistol, Magscatter is the best infil-defence pistol, and beamer is the best anti-CE pistol. If you can, grab a spiker though.
Some say power corrupts, I say the corrupt seek power.
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Old 2003-12-15, 01:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #60
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This thread sucks, lets all just chill out and spread some

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