Originally Posted by Redshift
it's not a technical thing.
There are keys that are used inside and outside vehicles, that you'd not be able to use on those keys if you assigned them to straft, for example i have Q as autorun and E as darklight, both of those wouldn't be able to bound to those if i drove a mag or i'd have different bindings for them inside and outside of vehicles. I'm not saying it's impossible far from it, but i can see why they've not bothered.
Fine, if Q & E don't work than choose another pair of keys that are near your primary movement keys. Or use 2 mouse buttons if you have a gaming mouse, or even the scroll wheel. There are a bunch of options to choose from. It's only 2 more keys. FWIW I was able to do strafe/rolls just fine in my ship in the Descent series using that same key setup (A/D for strafe, Q/E for roll).
I also seem to recall someone @SOE saying we'd be able to do barrel rolls in aircraft. If they can also strafe then you might run into the same keybind dilemma. Unless they let you go into a roll by overextending the mouse freelook.
My point is that it's not difficult to control a strafing tank that has a 360 turret, and if that's their justification for removing the Mag's turret then it's a piss-poor excuse.
But who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and they'll offer a 360 degree main turret as an unlock (not likely but we can hope).