News: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638 - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2011-11-03, 06:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
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Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638
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Old 2011-11-03, 06:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
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Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

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Old 2011-11-03, 07:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

Arrr, 2 late. :>

Theres a guy on Facebook already getting crazy about the quality. :>
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Old 2011-11-03, 07:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Sergeant Major
Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

I basically learned... very little. It felt like a slightly more in depth look at a very specific moment from the last back story installment.

Yet, I will admit, this felt like TR propaganda for the most part.
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Old 2011-11-03, 07:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

Good read.

Problems I found that should be cleaned up.

paragraph1, Line 3: should be "plenty of opportunities"

edit: removed the ones that have been fixed. Hope this didn't come off as dickish.

Last edited by CrystalViolet; 2011-11-03 at 10:32 PM.
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Old 2011-11-03, 07:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
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Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

It is ever more interesting to see the way the people of the Republic have been indoctrinated, and the overly positive effects of a world run on propaganda and united fear of what lies beyond the Earth.

However, just as the story alluded to, a great man once said it best: "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Ol' Ben rolls NC.
I reserve all judgment till Beta.
But I'm still going to point and laugh.
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Old 2011-11-03, 07:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

Terrible. I really don't like hating on something that is related to something else that I love, but seriously, what the fuck.

I saw this update fly across my screen as Facebook updated and I quickly refreshed PSU, barely got it up before Basti!

EDIT: Calling the Beta announcement date right now, Monday, December 19th.

Last edited by Tapman; 2011-11-03 at 07:26 PM.
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Old 2011-11-03, 07:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

Could also say they lived in a utopia with a great sense of community that worked for the greater good, long live the TR!

P.s. Yeah I think hiring a proof reader will look a bit more professional..
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Old 2011-11-03, 07:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
First Lieutenant
Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

Good stuff, but seriously, quickly proofread it. I'm not gettin nitpicky at all, i hate people that do that, but when its off enough that a sentence doesnt make sense or that i stop several times mid-sentence because its not reading right, then you need to proofread it better.
Waiting for the return of the superior, real PS style teamwork oriented vehicles with drivers not gunning, and in fixed vehicle slots so we can once again have real, epic, vehicle battles where the tanks actually move in combat rather than a silly 1700's era line up and shoot.
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Old 2011-11-03, 07:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

I hate pointing out this grammar error, but I must cause double negatives are my pet peeve: "It was vital to the Terran Republic that no individual would never again be permitted to slow down the safe progress of all peoples."

It was that simple "n" in "never" that they needed to do away with and it would have been perfect...

AMAZING story though, I like very much!!

Also: I like the quote where it was like "600 years ago someone better than Harikan said this" about Never giving up freedom for security - alluding towards Benjamin Franklin

Last edited by MgFalcon; 2011-11-03 at 08:02 PM.
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Old 2011-11-03, 08:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
First Sergeant
Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

I'll admit something: I am a huge nerd.

I'm the kind of guy that if I find a good book, like one in G.R.R.Martin's series, entire mealtimes will pass by and it will feel like a few minutes. A good series like the aforementioned, and I will feel deeply saddened when there is none left to read...a perpetual thirst for more information.

I'm a big fan of table top role playing games, I'm a DM for a Dark Sun campaign. A long winded explanation for the following: I love story.

I really enjoy the fact that SOE is investing money and resources for a quality story. Not just some generic story but named characters! Characters we can sympathize with, empathize with and who speak to our souls. I'm a Vanu for life, but I now have a deeper respect for what the TR stand for and why. Well done SOE.

(don't get the impression that i'm some RPG care bear, I will not hesitate to pop an E-clip in yo ass)

Last edited by Baron; 2011-11-03 at 08:49 PM.
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Old 2011-11-03, 09:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Sergeant Major
Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

I don't know about sympathize with. Earlier, sure, it was like watching a family take different sides, and inevitably they'd be shooting each other. That was rather dramatic. This latest one is really just a documentary. Nice to get the history, but it did feel, dare I say, rushed?

Freedom and security are polar opposites Too much of the former, you have anarchy. Too much of the latter, you have totalitarianism. *Resisting political debate urges* Life amounts to nothing if you are caged. Freedom amounts to nothing if you are dead.

The trick for SOE to pull off is making all of the TR's enemies see them as the latter, and all of the NC's enemies to see the NC as the former.

VS are, obviously, techno-babbling nut-jobs that just started shooting at us, so they have to go down too.

Obviously, everyone should see their own allegiance as in the right.

I fight for the TR and I only respect the VS in that I can probably count on them to NOT shell a city if there are civvies inside the buildings. The NC back story, what little we've read, makes me believe they'd happily fire away so long as they win and/or get paid.
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Old 2011-11-03, 10:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
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Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

I'm not worried about the minor typos (some of which have already been fixed it seems) because I just write it off that this story is written in the first person, and this TR fascist is either some idiot that can't speak (i.e. G.W. Bush) or some idiot that can only read from a teleprompter (i.e. Obama). Either way him and the rest of you TR scum need to be cleansed from this world.

We are the 33%! We are the NC! #OccupyAuraxis
"Before you say anything, prepare to stfu." -Kenny F-ing Powers

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Old 2011-11-03, 10:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638 plus a few changes

Yo, two months out o' tweny-eight gots passed in our long journey ta da wormhole an' ultimately ta da future o' mankind.

Despite da never ending list o' things ta do, extended space travel has uh way o' offering plenny opportunities fo' finkin’. Lately muh thoughts gots turned ta war; I mean, wassup wi'dat? We ain't nevah had no wars since anyone been 'live!

But the bruthuz knew bettah. War had always bin what we wuz all ‘bout, an' has many times taken us ta da brink o' killin e’yone. Bfoe da formation o' da Terran Republic, or as Farrakan (da greatgreat whatevahbaby o' Louis Farrkan) called, it de Forf Reich, Earf ain’t nevah seen no years wifout war, nahh tyme o' worldwide peace, nuttin' but strife an' misery.

Our final an' worstest war began hundreds o' years ago, on January 18th 2368, da day da world died. One hour past dawn, "responding ta intel indicating imminent an' simultaneous attacks", Earf’s six greatest countries declared war on each other. Now we know, nobody in command o' any o' da countries who started dat bizniss could remember launchin' any missiles, and dey din’t know who sent out da first alarm.

But dey all expected da war Mebbe dey wanted it. Sell mo' guns, kill mo' bruthuhs. Despite da fact dat dis here wuz da so-called “war ta end all wars”, Nukes, ion warheads an' even anti-matter stuff wuz never used, though nobody wuz certain why. But in da very first year o' world-wide conflict, half da human population died, either in da war or cuz o' it.

Starvation an' disease ganked as many as lasers an' explosives. But then, seventy-seven years later, on December 19, 2444, the war ended. Not cuz we's figga'd "Hey, dis be jus' WAY too stupid!", but cuz scientists announced da existence o' da wormhole, an' uh new t’reat from beyond. All past trufs wuz eradicated in da single instant da universe opened wide, an' dey wuz replaced by uh single new truf: If mankind wanted ta survive, all nations an' all gangstas would gots ta werk togethah.

On May 13, 2445, an armistice wuz signed by all da nations which made the Earf a DMZ. S’prize! in less than tweny years, borders fell an' Gu’mints merged. Where dere had been nearly two hundred separate countries, now dere would only be one united planet under da banner o' da Terran Republic. Some of da bruthuz wa’nt to up on dis, cuz, to da bruthuz, them culuhz looked a lot like someone ELSE’s attempt at a world gu’mint. We hid our guns, letttin’m think we wuz all down wif dat, but we wuz watchin’ all along, nevah lettin’ our guard down fo’ a minit. I mean, come on, we gots a bunch o' goose-steppin' "Hail!" salutin' red-an-black-an-gray uniform wearin' suckaz and we supposed to just be all down wi'dat? We may be okay widit on da outsi'e, but we be doin' our OWN weapons devel'mint on the down low, ya dig? An' yo gats may be fancy an' all long-range an' whatevah, but ours'll knock you down and knock you out, ya feel me?

Representatives from all da former nations would sit on its council. cuz those in charge understood dat Earf either moved forward togethah or perished togethah, dey lay down laws dat would be strictly an' evenly enforced. Again, we had heard all dis befo’.

It wuz vital ta da Terran Republic dat nahh individual would ever ag'in be permitted ta slow down da safe progress o' all peoples. fo' first tyme in her history dere wuz peace on Earf, an' dis here tyme dat peace wuz embraced by brothas. At leas' dat's what dey was FINKIN' dat we wuz all down wit'.

At da end o' its ten-year term, da Terran Republic constitution sez free an' open elections. Da gangstas, freed from trip, didn’t wants anythin` ta change an' voted da Terran Republic back into power. Ten years later dey did da same. At da end o' da first century, on da date da wormhole wuz ta open one mo' tyme, da gangstas once ag'in voted da Terran Republic into office. an' so dey did fo' another hundred years. dere wuz some who fought against such mandated peace. dere wuz always those who wanted mo'. Some don’ jus’ want a piece o’ the pie. Some want the whole kitchen, fo sho!

But when dey struck, da Terran Republic struck back, harder. ta ensure da continuation o' peace, da T.R. enacted strict laws an' harsh penalties. But da gangstas, enjoying da most prosperous moment in humanity’s history, encouraged dem on. As T.R. prezident Harrikan (dat’s his akchual name, I ain’t makin’ dis up!) proclaimed in 2598: “All citizens mus' display loyalty an' fealty (whateva dat means) ta da Republic, above all. Strict retribution iz sometimes required, an' if minor freedoms mus' be compromised ta ensure da continued security an' prosperity o' all, then so be it.”

Loyalty an' fealty ta da Republic, above all. deez became da werdz da Terran Republic lived by an' da werdz da gangstas embraced. an' dey is da werdz ah spoke on da day ah took the job, however, ah gots always disagreed wif Harrikan 'bout the second part. Gangstas should never give up they freedoms fo' security. Some suckah far more pimp than Harrikan said dat 600 years ago. this day, under da banner o' da Terran Republic, ah lead uh bright an' hopeful fleet toward uh new frontier an' uh new future.

But though da ships is at peace as we's rockin’ toward da wormhole, ah jus’ din’ feel right. Ah fink dere may be some who don’t wants dis here trip ta succeed an' ah fink uthuhs who could just act the fool up in heah, ah be also feelin’, as we's rockin’ closer ta da wormhole, somefin` else; dat same feelin’ o’ maaan, somefin’ just ain’t right dat ah felt on muh first voyage ta da Moon Belt, dat felin’ that sez “Yo, you ain’t gonna make it!” But, what’s a bruthuh to do?

Somefin` iz out dere an' ah be bein’ told ta turn away from it, but somefin` inside me tells me ah can’t. So why, you who is watching dis here mus' aks, do ah still leads us on? Da answer iz simple an' it’s been da M.O. since we's lived in da darkest caves. Nahh matter da warnings or da doubts, nahh matter how much hatin’ be comin’ or how many fists is raised in revolution, we ain’t never turned from our future. Whatevah gon’ happen gon’ happen, an’ me and the bruthuz be strapped and ready fo’ whateva, Ya dig?

Thus the seeds of the New Conglomerate are being sown, long before there ever was a New Conglomerate.
Bagger 288

Last edited by Traak; 2011-11-03 at 11:01 PM.
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This is the last VIP post in this thread.   Old 2011-11-03, 10:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
PlanetSide 2
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Re: Backstory: Historical Archive - Thomas Connery Holovid - 14.07.2638

haha, what
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