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Old 2002-10-09, 12:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
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Lack Of Economy

What does everyone think about there being no money/economy? Think it may hurt the game, or make it better?

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Old 2002-10-09, 01:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
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To tell you the truth, I doubt it will effect the game much at all. Dave had a really good point when he was saying that "Newbies are dirt poor, and the vet's were so rich that money didn't matter anymore"

It's been that way in most RPG games I have ever played. Granted I haven't ever played an MMOLRPG, but it's got to be the same basic concept.

The closest thing that I could think of to having an economy vs not having an economy was T1 vs T2. In T1 a remote Inv had only so much "Energy" so you could only get so much out of it before it was "Empty", In T2 the remotes just keep giving you stuff, and never run out of energy. IMO the T2 version was better then the T1 version.

Or you can look at it like BF1942. You can only carry so much ammo, but it you run low you can just stop by an ammo crate and get more.

Or you could look at it like C&C Ren, which was a fun game, but it sucked when you spawned and didn't have enough to buy the tank you always wanted, or the Armor/Gun set up you wanted to use. You'd end up in the cheapest set up, and trying to save up the credits so that you might be able to get one on your next spawn. It wasn't really my cup of tea.

Planetside should have everything covered with time limits on how often you can buy vechicles, and requiring you to earn certs before you can use somthing.

Personally I think it was a great move to get rid of the economy.
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Old 2002-10-09, 02:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #3

I like the idea of having no economy...

We will have to work to get BEP and CEP points already, worrying about ammo cost and armor expense would just be too much...

I want to be able to blow stuff up and be willing to sacrifice a few mortars if need be (do they have those? Lol )

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Old 2002-10-09, 04:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
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By far this is better. Since vets would be filthy rich anyway, they'd most likely end up giving credits to the n00bs anyway... so all they did was take out the begging step. At least they'll be no beggers in this game... You can only get something if you can use it. That's why this game r0x0rs.
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Old 2002-10-09, 05:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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I think it will make it better also, its not like you can run in every 5 mins and pickup a vehicle your not even certified for.

I wonder how long the "time" will be if you crash. Considering I will probably crash left and right when i first start learning to fly

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Old 2002-10-09, 06:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
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haha if this game had an economy..all you would hear in chat would be people spamming "GIVE ME CREDITS PLZ"

economy in games like asherons call is good, not EXTREMELY necessary, but it helps...

I think in this type of game, no economy is a good call, because it would be extremely hard for pilots to gain any form of currency when they mainly fly a bunch of people to a battlefield, fly away, and repeat. Say the dropship gets shot down by a swarm of 10 mosquitos, the pilot instantly loses all the money they spent on buying it, and have to somehow make all the money again to buy a new one. If their certs are aimed towards piloting, they will be "gimps" in battles. So I believe (as a dropship pilot to be) that no economy in this type of game = good
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Old 2002-10-09, 06:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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btw Unreg's comparison to C&C Renegade was a good one, the credits make that game sux0r, i find myself running around with a sidearm just trying to get credits :]

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Old 2002-10-09, 06:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Before this, I was wondering myself how pilots and medics would be get credits... would it be by the hour or on salary?
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Old 2002-10-09, 06:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #9

/me will give nudies for credits.


I've gone lost my mind.

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Old 2002-10-09, 06:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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/me follows eMa around the PS world

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Old 2002-10-10, 01:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
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Dear Dev Team,

Can you please put the economy back in the game. There are much more important things to buy then ammo. Please refer to eMa's post in the "Lack of Economy" thread.


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Old 2002-10-10, 01:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Old 2002-10-10, 02:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #13


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Old 2002-10-10, 03:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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i got the nudies and will give out for the right amount of sex and money

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Old 2002-10-10, 03:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
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As much as I'd like to see those, THroNe, I'm not willing to sex0r you up0r for it.
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