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Old 2003-07-07, 02:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
First Sergeant

Grrrr! Ok I've played a lot of MMPOGs. And I know they all come with their fair share of bugs/problems. But this game just seems to really be pushing the limits of my tolerance. Every night. EVERY single night I experience about a half dozen bugs. Some are minor, while some aren't. Some actually compromise our operations. And if it's not the bugs then its the crashes. Its getting to the point where Pop Lock = Continent Crash.

Tonight I pretty much got to experience them all. Buggy doors preventing me from accessing the base. Buggy respawn tubes that wont let you out. They also don't seem to be displaying any sort of graphic anymore when they are taken out. Now you just blast away at them and keep checking your map. Then my buggy jackhammer wouldn't reload, so I dropped it on the ground. Then it started reproducing like bunnies. Of course you couldnt pick any of them up. Then a continent crash. And now a server crash.

SOE, I can support your reason to charge for a game that many critisized as being not much dfferent than all the current FPSs with FREE online play. But at least give me decent service. You're making my crappy cable company look like service superstars when compared to your quality.

Good game? Yes. Good Service? No.

Ok, I'm done with my little rant now. Not sure if this made me feel better or the beer I drank while writing it.

Last edited by Cease; 2003-07-07 at 02:51 AM.
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Old 2003-07-07, 03:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
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Old 2003-07-07, 02:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
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What your talking about is not really a bug, its lag. Ive had it when i was on 56k. Stuff like this usually happens when there's too many people in a narea for you'r connection. I think its because of how the system works is why thsi happens.

Im pretty sure the game's too buisy making sure people dont skip around to worry about the message that your opening a dore/using a terminal/reloading gets to the server and back. Thing like that have to be confirmed with the server before you can do them, so the server can tell the other players you'r doing it, so other players can see you opening the door, know you;r using the terminal and see you'r character doing the reloading animation. The only reason that the same doesn't happen when you shoot is because the developers realized that shooting's too important to be lagged so they made it 'client side' so you can shoot without the server needing to know before you do it, if theres no lag the message that you shot the guy gets there instantly, but when there's lag the message could take a bit to get there and thats why in some games you shoot people and they don't die, the server didn't get the message about the damage yet. At least thats how i think it works.

You can't blame the developers though, its like a miracle that a game like this is even working, let alone doing great on 56k.

Get broadband of some kind if you can, thats what i'm trying to do, but it live where broadband can only be done by sattelite, which takes a while for the signal to get to space and back so i can't play the game on it. Soon though there's going to be a working broadband i can get, so i'll see you all in the game soon!

PS. this game is fucking awsome, if its any better now then when i played it in beta, it muct be really good and as soon as i can i'll be right into the game.
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