anyone happen so see the badass-ness on the test server today?
this morning on the test server, they were trying to figure out what was causing the doors to lock shut. so they organized a test session. all 3 empires were fighting over gunuku on cyssor. it was badass. we fought for about 45 mins over that base. fuckin, the devs were all in there and they had haxXX. first proffessorcha0s, he was down in the cc with god mode and inf. ammo with the new improved lasher (he was tr) and he got the hack on the base and didn't let any of us get in, he would just rape anyone who walked in. or if he decided not to kill us outright, he'd wait for the cc to pile full of ppl then lay a boomer in the middle of the room and get about 10 people with it. and then later when we were outside fighting, he rolled up in an unkillable TR magrider. it was funny as hell. and one time we cornered one of the devs against a base wall, he dropped a fucking exploding ams on top of us!!!
after we got all done fighting for the test session, they called everyone into the courtyard and didn't allow fighting, then they gave everyone xp up the ying yang (i went from 0 cr to cr1.5 on accident cuz i forgot to disband from my squad when they started handing out xp, then i went from br4 to br 17 in under 2 mins )
that was the coolest thing i've seen the devs do, it was really fun and now i'm a higher br in the test server than i am on emerald