1. Broadcast "LFS" (looking for squad) in sanctuary when you log in. Commanders are always looking.. some ask for particular ranks or certs, but most are happy just to make up the numbers. Don't worry if you can't find one.. the idea that a squad is essential is something a myth, anything but a pure support character will gain BR just as quickly (if not quicker) solo. You just need to gain a little experience to "read" where you should be and what you need to be doing.
2. That's the default.. you actually have to go into the squad menu and turn it off if you intend to solo. You don't see the writing above your own character in third person view.
3. Try instant action. Or keep an eye on the map and look for the fire-flashes indicating combat. You'll soon get the hang of picking up what's happening where from looking at the map. Look at the number of spaces available on each island too - the less space, usually the more action. Look out for enemy bases your side is hacking (indicated by the different colored little flags) or your bases being hacked and use the HART shuttle to drop nearby.
4. Up to you, try them and see. For soloing, an infiltrator is a smart choice as you can become useful (and deadly early).. a few hours play and you'll enough BR for advanced hacking and some transport (Mosquito is best choice IMHO, rather than wraith). A decent grunt needs quite a few cert points, and while pure medics or similar might appeal, nobody really needs them as every squad will have one or two high rankers that have adv medic as well as being kick-ass at something(s) else.
5. Click on the top icon (a single head) on the menu bar bottom right. That shows your progress in both BR and CR, and gives access to kill stats etc.
Last edited by Hertston; 2003-07-21 at 08:50 PM.