Reason why CR5 / TR on Emerald (long) - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2003-07-25, 10:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Question Reason why CR5 / TR on Emerald (long)

Today im going to offer a personal explaination on why i believe CR5's on Emerald / TR were *not* taking an initiative in commanding / doing globals for organization for the empire. This should really be on the emerald specific forum but alot of people who dont check that board or even not on emerald are curious, so i intend to address this issue here.

I have been CR5 since the end of the 3rd week of the game release. I was the 4th one on TR emerald to reach that rank and i am also outfit leader of the 7th Legion. I never rely on other people other than my outfit when a specific target / objective has to be met, simply because most of the TR on emerald (not all) are not worth my time. Am I all that great? no i am not, im simply trying to get people to play the game like its suppose to be played; organized, well coordinated, and people working as a team. I run my outfit pretty strictly, we have outfit training everynight at 8:30pm and all our members are required to use Teamspeak, and all platoon leaders present are required to file a report after each nights training.

We don't run a friendly community on emeral to say the least. There are a number of reasons:

#1 uncooperative people. everytime some cr5 does a global asking help on a specific location, there are people who say: " STFU we dont care", or "OMG you idiots are over there when you should be *insert here*. Or even "YOUR ABUSING GLOBAL!"

answer: after getting acouple of those from simply just using 1 or 2 after the first 2 days of getting CR5 and actually trying to get people to work together, i didnt give a hell on what the idiots wanted to do. ANd i realized that if i wanted to do something i had to do it myself, and my outfit were the people i could rely on and had direct control over. and everyone worked together.

#2 envious lower ranked commanders. Some times you get some cr4 soon to be 5 commanders who act like they are the shit and know everything. so they have an attitude like they dont have to follow anyone since they will get high rank soon. And because of that they dont want to help you, and they want to continue XP whoring on amerish so they can get their last couple of bubbles. THey dont care if you organized or not, they just want 10 slots filled so they can get full XP when base hack goes through. * i personally have not had this problem * but several people on command chat other cr5 get that alot and been telling us about it.

answer: gj if you can get to cr5 soon, you've worked hard. BUt its pathetic and useless if you cant cooperate and you get CR5, wtf is the point? Inorder to lead you have to be able to follow first.

#3 XP whores. they dont care where needs help, they dont care if we are loosing our own continents, and they dont care if we have only one base left. the only thing they care about is sitting in the shitty SOI of a base when the hack goes through so they can get the next battle rank. They do that until they get to their BR, and then they get bored leave, come on the forum complain on how the game sux and is repetitive and is no point in playing.

answer: yes good bye we dont want you here. you havent even played the game like its suppose to be played and you waisted your money. If i played the game just to get more kills than anyone else or brag how i fragged more people and i would rather go play UT (i have for 2 years). and more whats importantly, especially when people are trying to actually do their job on the continent and there is a population lock because idiots like these jam up the place and sit in a ALREADY secured base waiting for hack to go through instead of assisting another base which is about to fall.

#4 DEVs inability to implement teamwork features. THey were suppose to have alliance chat features, in game voice features, platoon combination squads, and yet i see no features implemented on how to improve teamwork, but rather bullshit nonsense on "hey guys lets add CTF!, yay!" or wait "lets change the script alittle so that bases wont be able to be hacked this way and itll seem like we did alot! yea nice marketing strategy!".

answer: out of our power to control. we can complain and flame them but they still do what they think will get them money and not care on the game play's value for people who want to work as a team. for that, alot of people arent keeping the game beyond their game cards, i for one am in doubt.

#5 (everyones favorite) moronic n00bs that just get CR5 and like to annoy people. I have 4 CR5s in my outfit, and YES i have one of them in my outfit, and i've seen another 1-2 or them that do it just for fun sake. you just gotta break some damn sense into them

answer: YES i know you just got cr5 and you want to use acouple of globals, everyone likes to play with their new toy. BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS. if you do a global that prevents other people from concentrating/ playing especially if you say something thats off topic, your going to expect flames and you deserve to be. When i am on i tell everyone on /c to keep their mouths shut unless its strictly important and related to something that needs to be accomplished. But im not going to babysit/ teach all the CR5s how to use their globals.

Conclusion: as you can see here, i have personally not tried to organize TR using globals or continent alls very often. I do however coordinate offensives by contacting other outfit leaders, other officers of squadrons using via /tells or ventrillo/teamspeak in organizing assaults. Yes its sad that this game meant to be played as a team game does not have the features built to be treated that way. The most blame can be put on the DEVs/SOE for their incompetence, but also for the individual players inability to use self-judgement on cooperating.

Lately i have been organizing more and more outfits and people who want to do coordinated attacks and organization. but its sorta behind the scenes to most people since its not at all related to using global chat or CR5 abilitys. The only reason i have CR5 now is because i get to have that cool looking backpack that doesnt do anything.

WEll those are my reasons in not taking an initiative in attempting to use my *powers* to organize TR, and if you want want to do some massive scaled offensives during the night or coordinate send tell to me.

/t GammArkantis

Last edited by GammA; 2003-07-25 at 11:38 AM.
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Old 2003-07-25, 11:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Major General
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Gamma I've played with you before, and I was impressed with a time where you personally brought down and ANT and AMS to a base that just 2 of us held, while you directed the other members of TR to a more important contested base. It's that kind of personal initiative that more CR5's should take.
You First. No more Pearl Harbors.

Vist because we're better than you.
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Old 2003-07-25, 11:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #3

srry for the double post, but just to provide an example of some one retarded, and to keep the post on top so hamma/ some other people who are in need to know before it gets piled on.

Me and my group were doing a base defense maneuver on verica on amerish. we were pretty sucessful for mos tof the night, but there were some moments where i some people were pissy. That night verica was the only base on amerish we had, the 7th Legion training mission was to capture and hold the base for as long as we can before getting zerged over, frankly we held it for an hour and a half before caving into the vanu zerg swarm, but thats besides the point. there was one instance where the base went down to 10% on our side and was about to go neutral, and we needed that base to keep running inorder to hold up defenses. Apparantly there were some other squads running arround, and when i had one of my guys bring in an ANT, some guy sent a local to my saying "WTF you refill the base for! damnit we should just let it go neutral and recap it for XP". first of all, it was the only base we had on the continent, secondly we only had about 4 squads there all surrounded by VANU towers from all directions, and thirdly we had trouble even holding the tower against 150 vanu guys with lashers. Its just an example on the extent point #3 goes in regards to some people. LAME XP system...

but anyways bump...
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Old 2003-07-25, 11:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #4

Hey gamma if you ever need help with any of your outfits training sessions in fighting/avoiding a VS in a thresher who would run ppl down just let me know. I'm on Emerald and I am impressed by TR's ability to kick our butts on emerald most of the time before the patch and after the patch (well before everyone decides to go to amerish and kill TR in a zerg like fasion).

BR13 Special Assult/ Med assult/ reinforced/ Thresher/ Starfire AA/ Engineer.
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Old 2003-07-25, 11:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
sure thing

dont be scared when you get a /tell from me
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Old 2003-07-25, 12:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #6

I won't, I've run over 100 NC players in 2 days with my thresher. I held 2 towers hostage (or rather pissed a bunch of NC off who were trying to escape )

I've had an idiot reaver pilot try to ram me and died.
I've run from 2 vanguards and lived.
I've runned from a skeeter and lived
I've runned from a bunch of people and turn around and run them over then repaired and runned some more people over.
I've runned over 30 max's (most of them NC)
I've runned over 50 or more friendly units 10 intentional and 40 unintentional (people just love to run in front of me)

I won't be too scared
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Old 2003-07-25, 12:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #7

youve not seen the 7th Legion's Armor collumn have you? . mwuahahahahaha
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Old 2003-07-25, 12:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #8

I've seen a few armored colums, I've been in a few myself.
(1st Panzer division on Johrai. The dumbasses left for swg I've only been in 1 TR tank column. 4 Vanguard coloums 2 magrider colums.) Vanguards are the best tanks to have a colums with if you have intelligent gunners and good drivers.

After my outfit gets forme 172nd =Mad hatters= would your outfit be willing to participate in friday knife fights? Just bring an AMS and a bunch of knifes.
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Old 2003-07-25, 12:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
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Old 2003-07-25, 01:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Hmm, interesting to say the least, gives me a new perspective, i too think Hamma is a little overly ah... ambitious with his goals once he hits CR5, but thats beside the point. Unfortantly our outfit has had the same experiences with moronic imbeciles, we were beggining to think we were the only intelligent terrans on the server. We are for the most part very, very disdainful of our fellow Terrans because, much of the time, we are amazed that they are even smart enough to breath, let alone fight effectively. I agree with all five of your points. Unfortantly it seems your outfit has fallen under net as everyone elses, which may not be right. I also agree with your statement that a players outfit is the only one that can be relied upon, and if you are trying to command they are going to be your elites. I don't know how many times we've watched 20-30 players banging their heads against a wall as our galaxy slowly glides over the tower, drops five or six people, and we procedded to take it without a casaulty.

We haven't exactly had alot of contact with you or your outfit, for the most part we work alone and let other Terrans live or die by their own devices, but what little i've seen was rather mixed. I've seen you guys valiently fight up a cliff on Ceryshen, taking extremely few casualties and as soon as you got to the top, you had to turn around because you had lost your link, because your rearguard was either too weak or non-existent. I've seen a few really stupid broadcasts from you, and a few smart ones, sometimes the same one. And now, for the abrupt and akward ending because i have some smurfs to kill and i'm late. So just assume i make a witty statement here along the lines of gained a little respect/humility.
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Old 2003-07-25, 01:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #11

indeed i havent heard alot about the dragon wolves, however i have had other outfit leaders tell me about how AGO was completely uneffective, and also BWC-FireFly had critized the dragonwolves of their actions in the past but there was no change in the way things operate. im not to one to critisize since i have no personal dealings with the dragonwolves, but maybe thats why, because the dragonwolves have not taken the initiative to organize anything.

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Old 2003-07-25, 01:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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/rings bell

Round 1#
You First. No more Pearl Harbors.

Vist because we're better than you.
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Old 2003-07-25, 02:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #13

I'd better say before I begin this post that my highest level character is a BR17, CR2 (Vanu, Werner) , with no "command" aspirations whatsoever.

A few home truths. Gaining CR is the same as gaining BR. It requires little "hard work" or leadership skill, just plenty of hours and an eye for how the game flows. I'd be the first to agree it shouldn't be like that, but it is.

That's why people have minimal respect for most CR4/5s... because most (I don't mean all) have no better grasp of the game than most reasonably bright BR12s and upwards. They have just logged more hours as SL. The game (as is), it's tactics and strategy are not complicated. If you want that sort of complexity, try WW2OL. Allegiance was another good example if anyone here played that.. everyone knew the best leaders by name, because they were good, their teams usually won, and folks knew it.

That said, a good commander can be an asset. Distribution of information is important, as is transport organisation and (where possible) co-ordinating the effort... with minimal attempts at micro-management (which just annoys people trying to get on with what they know needs doing). But at present, you recognise a good commander from what they say and do, who they are, - not their rank. To be honest there's one on Werner I listen to, when any others start babbling away I just turn off receipt of command messages.

In short, those who are good (and have people management skills too), will earn respect and some people/squads might even do what they want them to do. But the rank itself just means diddly squat.. and very little in the game is as irritating as a poor CR4/5 spamming do this, do that, go here, come here when a quick glance at the map shows them either to be misguided, or completely clueless.

Last edited by Hertston; 2003-07-25 at 02:15 PM.
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Old 2003-07-25, 03:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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I like the sexy neckpiece with the antenna

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Old 2003-07-25, 03:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
command chat

I play a br 15 cr 2 NC character on Markov and I always try to communicate to other squad leaders or anyone cr 2 and up. It helps people to let them know where you are and where we need help. I remember an instance where 3 other cr 2+ guys and I were coordinating our defense with each other.. It eneded up working out great! If any commander cr 2+ were to work together like that in NC, our numbers wouldnt have a large impact on the outcome of a battle.
10th ACR - Now you're messin with a son of a bit**!
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