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View Poll Results: How do you like the Landline Concept?
I don't like it as much as the LLU idea 3 33.33%
I think it's a better idea then the LLU idea 3 33.33%
I think the system needs to change, but neither work 2 22.22%
Leave the system alone 1 11.11%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 2003-07-25, 11:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar
Alternative to the LLU, Thoughts?

Alternative Idea Being Considered

What do you think? It's called the "landline" idea. Nav suggested I post a new topic about it, so here it is, and I'll even poll you all on it
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Old 2003-07-25, 11:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #2

its not like our suggestions will even matter to SOE . whats the point?
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Old 2003-07-25, 11:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
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I like it, if for no other reason it makes more sense than the lettuce idea. But what I'm most wanting is prebuilt trenches, pillboxes, bunkers and more shit for you to hole up in when you run across other enemies instead of one of you getting waxed, then having to spawn 5 minutes back.

My dream scenario would be you and a couple buddies are hoofin it cross country, then you bump into some NC scum, so you sneak back into a trench while your buddies man the stationary guns on the pillbox. Then you attack the NC, who then scramble for cover as they get cut down. I'd like to see pill boxes and concrete wreckage and bomb whole and trenches line the whole countryside. As it is, Auraxis is a pretty damn pristine place considering all the shit that's going on.
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Old 2003-07-25, 12:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
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Re: hmmm

Originally posted by GammA
its not like our suggestions will even matter to SOE . whats the point?
On the contrary, SOE listened when we wanted (Well, some of us wanted) the Lattice link system, and they implemented it, and if you check the thread I cited, you'll see that the counter-proposal is being monitored by the devs. So it's possible.
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Old 2003-07-25, 12:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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What bothers me is that in beta, these guys knew where they wanted the game to go, and knew how they were getting there. Then the last week of beta, they changed their minds, and all hell broke loose. Now, it *seems* (not saying it is) that they are just going with popular vote instead of implementing their original design plan. I'm wondering why the change has occured.
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Old 2003-07-25, 12:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Vis Armata
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"Zones of Control", posted 06-06-2003 02:33 PM on pg. 4

1. Zones of control - small, hackable points far removed from bases (could be as simple as an antenna on a mountain, or something that looks like a junction box in the trees). Nothing big - no spawn points, defensive emplacements vehicle pads. They could lie along the lattice, or just surrounding bases. The zone, once captured, extends a SOI to that surrounding area. Basically, something to fight over outside bases.
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Old 2003-07-25, 12:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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I'd imagine that the original plan was "more of the same", so to speak, and they saw that the community demanded more variation, so they alternated to these (poorly conceived) plans.
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Old 2003-07-25, 12:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Originally posted by Vis Armata
"Zones of Control", posted 06-06-2003 02:33 PM on pg. 4

1. Zones of control - small, hackable points far removed from bases (could be as simple as an antenna on a mountain, or something that looks like a junction box in the trees). Nothing big - no spawn points, defensive emplacements vehicle pads. They could lie along the lattice, or just surrounding bases. The zone, once captured, extends a SOI to that surrounding area. Basically, something to fight over outside bases.
That'd be excelent combined with the landline idea, interesting...
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Old 2003-07-25, 01:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Vis Armata
Sergeant Major
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Speaking of changing their minds, Nav, I'm thinking now that they never wanted put in the matrix (lattice now) system in the first place...Remember on the beta boards and here how the player-created system was going to save the game? The community wanted it so bad that we got it. Now we're reaping what we have sown.

edit: If it were up to me, I would remove the lattice altogether, build up defensive structures and implement the teamplay enhancements. Simplicity is always better.

Last edited by Vis Armata; 2003-07-25 at 01:12 PM.
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Old 2003-07-25, 01:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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That's what I meant about that last week. They implemented it with like 4 days left in beta. I really like the idea of combining both of these ideas, and adding shelters and pillboxes all throughout the countryside. Then you could take out the lattices, and people could fight where ever they felt, but they actually have to fight to get to that base, instead of just walking in the front gate.
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Old 2003-07-25, 01:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Bad Mojo
Master Sergeant

I wasn't totally upset ofer the LLU idea, but this new one looks really good.
-Bad Mojo-
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Old 2003-07-25, 01:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
First Sergeant
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Re: hmmm

Originally posted by GammA
its not like our suggestions will even matter to SOE . whats the point?
Hey Gamma,

Didn't you read Sporks post?:

"Just so we are all sure of it, I am watching this thread and forwarding the link for consideration. I won't be interacting, but it is being watched."

This idea that Argent came up with is an awesome idea. The idea of relay stations/repeaters is brilliant. It will indeed move the battles outside of the base and will be necessary to hold if we are going to hack the base.

I know. Just because they are looking at it doesn't mean they are going to implement it. But Spork did say he was forwarding it to the dev team. Hey, that's a start
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Old 2003-07-25, 02:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #13

I liked the idea so much, I wanted to contribute some additional technologies that could be put into the game to take advantage of it. While I can't post this on the official forums until I get home from work, I thought I'd get some feedback from you guys in the meantime. It's supposed to build on the Land Line proposal...

New Technology: Lattice Link Disruptor (LLD)

Realizing the need to disrupt enemy communications between their own bases, each empire has developed technology specially designed for such a task behind enemy lines. While these separate technologies achieve the same basic goal of disrupting lattice communications, each do so in different manners. Once deployed near a repeater facility, the LLD disrupts the link between facilities, effectively isolating them from nearby support. Any facility benefits gained from lattice links are lost while a disruption is in place.

TR MLLD - The Terran Republic, making use of pre-War technology, has modified an AMS chassis to support a link jamming device that also disrupts radar functions for both enemy and friendly units in a surrounding area. The Mobile Lattice Link Disruptor must be deployed within a respectable distance from a nearby repeater facility, disrupting communications and radar for both friendly and enemy units. In addition to a cloaking field similar to the standard AMS, the jamming of radar makes the vehicle must more difficult to detect directly. Enemy forces can zero in on this LLD's location by triangulating its position within the blacked-out radar field and destroying it. Because of the intense power usage, the LLD will drain after ten minutes of use. Multiple LLDs along the same lattice link will disrupt their effectiveness, making it only possible to deploy one at a time. Thought the driver cab remains the same, the spawn tubes have been replaced with jamming equipment. The cloak field is deployed similar to the AMS, while the jamming field is engaged by an aft control terminal.

VS LLDV - The Vanu Sovereignty has made use of ancient Vanu technology to enhance their REKs. Advanced Hackers can make their way into enemy repeater stations and hack the control center, implanting a computer virus that disrupts communications along the lattice link between the two main bases. The computer cores within the base will attempt to clean their system by purging the communications link and rebooting, taking the link down for a ten minute period and denying link benefits during that time. Opposing Advanced Hackers can attempt to disinfect the Lattice Link Disruptor Virus from the infected console in a similar manner, making that console virus-resistant for five minutes.

NC LLDP - The New Conglomerate has modified their Advanced Engineer's Boomers with an enhanced EM pulse, capable of disrupting circuitry within the heavily-shielded control console of repeater stations. Opposing Engineers can repair the internal damage to the CC and restore communications through the lattice system. This Lattice Link Disruptor Pulse can only be used on a limited number of repeater station types due to their vulnerability to the EMP. Engineers repairing damaged CCs use additional nano units to reinforce the console, making it invulnerable for a five minute period.

Why They Are Different:
The reason why less restrictions have been placed on the TR's MLLD is because it is much harder to deploy behind enemy lines because the vehicle must be driven into position since it cannot be carried by a Galaxy. Because it is specific to the TR, the vehicle cannot be spawned from a hacked enemy vehicle terminal. In addition, it can be deployed anywhere on the map as a mobile jamming station that affects both enemies and friendliest.

The NC and VS LLDs can be deployed easily by a single person in the field, provided they have the necessary certifications. Unlike the MLLD which can be easily destroyed en route to its target, the LLDV and the LLDP can be deployed with little effort, but once it is deployed it can be stopped or repaired, and the same tactic cannot be used again for a set amount of time to prevent multiple persons from lying dormant in repeater stations and thus deny a base of benefits.

Can They Be Stolen:
Good question. If the TR's MLLD can be hacked and stolen, then surely the NC and VS variants should be. Perhaps the VS Advanced Hacker has a modified REK that's a different color and can be picked up. The device itself would contain one deployable virus. An NC ACE can be the same way, and perhaps two or three ACEs must be used to disrupt a CC so that one can't easily stockpile them.
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