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Old 2003-07-29, 12:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Stop crackin on the lasher

Lasher is not a super weapon. Lasher is fine the way is. The only thing i want to change about it is the rate of fire. I can't hit anything at over 20 ft away. The thing shoots like a one legged cat without a head. So stop your crap the JH is the best weapon in the game. All the other HA are two times the weapon the lasher is. So stop crackin cuz VS gained a little power.

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Old 2003-07-29, 12:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #2

yeah i think ur right. but on raw damage the lasher is the most powerful, although you must look at fire rate, range ammo capacity etc. to determine the actual power of the weapon. so all the n00bs can stop whining yes the lasher is very powerful but has no refire rate and the range is about as far as u can throw a piece of paper
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Old 2003-07-29, 12:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Sergeant Major
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I agree, and if they say our weapon is to powerful then why don't they loot our corpses for it if they really think it's that good. Also some people get killed once by it and they say "nerf it! it kills me every time". Don't pay any attention to my sig, I play all three empires and my tr guy is the one with the most kills, but my vanu is close behind him.
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Old 2003-07-29, 12:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #4

I loot Both TR and NC looking for their HA and will use them
My locker is fulled up with them

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Old 2003-07-29, 12:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Happy lil Elf
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"stop crackin"

That has got to the the dumbest expression I've ever heard or read. I mean...."stop crackin"?

Anyways yes the lasher is overpowered in it's AV capabilities. I agree everything else seems fine about it though /shrug
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Old 2003-07-29, 12:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
First Sergeant

All the other HA are two times the weapon the lasher is.

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Old 2003-07-29, 01:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Master Sergeant

I just wonder why the devs are lowering its damage at range...if you can actually get hit by a lasher at 80 meters, you must REALLY be a noob, or fell asleep at the keyboard...
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Old 2003-07-29, 01:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
First Sergeant

You're thinking outside... think inside... like say the Backdoor of a base to the end of the long hallway leading to it. Its quite common for a couple of Lasher guys to be at one end spamming down the long hallway at the backdoor and hitting people just as hard as if they were at point blank.
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Old 2003-07-29, 01:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Banned for no reason
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If the other HA weapons are so much better than the lasher, why don't i see the Vanu going to loot every corpse in hopes of finding a JH or a MCG?

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Old 2003-07-29, 01:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Master Sergeant
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JH is barely a good weapon now, the other 2 HA are much better. Hell, MCG was pretty damn good before they improved it. Lasher is too multi-versatile tho, it shouldnt be able to kill both MAXs and Soft targets, the JH cant do that, and it takes a full clip of MCG to kill 1 MAX if u hit him with every bullet
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Old 2003-07-29, 01:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
First Sergeant

I still see some Vanu using JHs from time to time. But you rarely see them use a MCG.

I saw something kind cool last night tho. The Vanu were defending and we were assaulting. They had the basement locked down. They had a couple of Lasher guys camping all the doorways and just raping anything that came through the doors --- Including our Maxes and MCG grunts. We were sort of at a stalemate. Then a few of our HA guys got clever and went out the backdoor and outside... they went around and killed a few Lasher guys outside... the basement still at a stalemate our HA guys came back down to the basement with Lashers, and easily cleared the basement out.
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Old 2003-07-29, 03:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Sergeant Major
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Well I would loot people's corpses more but all I can use is standard assalt... The jackhammer is instant kill point blank in secondary mode. I think all three HA weapons work just fine. NC are supposed to have more damage dealing weapons. Tr chain gun is good for multiple targets and drilling through people. And the VS is supposed to be more versitle, they're using strong alien technology, they're supposed to have some sort of advantage. All three should be good at something and each have different strong parts to them.

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Old 2003-07-29, 06:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Master Sergeant
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but NC arent good at anything accept hiding now...

Vanu can kill anything, from infantry with mags to infantry with lasher to infantry with lancer to tanks and MAXs with Lancer to Tanks and MAXs with Lasher

SO, Vanu have the strongest


TR on the other hand, has MAXs and Strikers, they have the best
AA MAX-Pounder
AT MAX-Duel Cycler

NC have the AA MAX, good for us, we can use JH IF ITS EVEN POSSIBLE TO GET THAT CLOSE, and we have vanguards, which get ripped apart by strikers, mags, lashers, lancers, and Duel Cyclers.

Pheonix is too slow to kill anything, and not that powerful, JH is only effective from point blank, and now NC loses those battles all the time because Lasher and MCG are better, and our MAXs suck.
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Old 2003-07-29, 06:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Lieutenant Colonel
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Originally posted by MJBuddy
Pheonix is too slow to kill anything, and not that powerful, JH is only effective from point blank, and now NC loses those battles all the time because Lasher and MCG are better, and our MAXs suck.
The Phoenix hits harder than the Striker does on a missile per missile basis, a good amount harder if memory serves. I don't know about reload times, haven't really tested that. I was messing around with my Vanu alt last night to truly give the Lasher a test from the good side of the gun and NC was rolling Vanguards out right and left, and destroying us. It owns Magriders, and the drivers were pulling the tanks out of Lasher range and absolutely shelling any infantry or MAXs it saw from a nice distance away. Using that tactic pretty well insures that the Vanguards can run roughshod over the VS assuming NC can hold air superiority to keep Liberators/Reavers from taking out the Vanguards. A good gunner in the Vanguard can rack up kills because the shells don't even have to land that close to have the splash damage destroy infantry.
You have the best AA Max in the game which is actually fairly effective against infantry and ground vehicles as well. The AV Max is decent, as effective as the dual cycler against vehicles and a little less effective against infantry (but still not that bad there). I think the Scattercannon Max could use a buff, but your MAXs aren't in bad shape.
JH is effective out to about 30 meters, still further in my mind than it probably ever should have been. It still owns indoors in many situations, just not in every situation like it used to. You'll have a hard time finding anybody from the other two factions crying with you over that change.
Adjust or get run over. NC had the run of things for a while with the best weapon in the game, the Vanu are going to get hit with the nerf stick before they even get their feet wet with their new gun and in the meantime your gun still didn't get nerfed.
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Old 2003-07-29, 10:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Master Sergeant

the Vanu are going to get hit with the nerf stick before they even get their feet wet with their new gun and in the meantime your gun still didn't get nerfed.
A theory of mine is that the developers hate the vanu team, even though they created it...why else would they make us wear purple?
Lasher is too multi-versatile tho
But the vanu are supposed to be versatile...where the TR have super rate of fire, the NC have super damage per shot, we're supposed to be able to do damage against infantry and max (without changing ammo types), though not at the same time...i believe they should add an AP alternate fire mode onto the lasher, with a slower rate of fire, that does crap damage against infantry.
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