Dallas Dickinson
Dallas was not born in Texas, though his parents moved him there soon after his birth, in order to get full comic potential out of his name. He spent about 14 years of his life in Fort Worth, before leaving the state for good when college came around. Dallas graduated from Princeton University with an AB (like a BA, only reversed in order to be Latin and pretentious) in English. After spending a few years acting in, writing and directing theatre around the country, Dallas moved to LA and got pulled into the game industry. Dallas is a lifelong gamer, from geeky pen-and-paper stuff (Car Wars rocks!) to them new-fangledy interweb games you've all heard so much about. He currently plays PlanetSide mostly, but has a real penchant for Civ, as well as single player RPGs. He also wishes that Infocom was still around. When he isn't playing computer games, Dallas plays Disc Golf and reads novels by people like Thomas Pynchon and Richard Powers.