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Old 2003-08-19, 02:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Arrow bummer.....

stupid other name aint working......so BUGGER is merly a ghost till it does start to work. just a fyi.....

so uhh, i just got bak from vacation, did any of ya miss me?

/edit/ i posted my problem in the tech forum, i need help plz.

Last edited by BUGGER�GHO�T; 2003-08-19 at 03:18 AM.
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Old 2003-08-19, 04:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
The Mensa Troll
Mtx's Avatar

I remember you. Does that count?

So.. how was your vacation?

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Old 2003-08-19, 04:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #3

close enough.

it was fun, i went to my vacation home/trailer.....or my parents vacation home/trailer lik up north from wher i live (its around Clear Lake if any of you californians know it, and its PineGrove if u drove by it). i had fun, busted my arm getting pushed into the pool (i hit the wall), which kinda suxed but the pool is like hella cold since its pure creekwater thats cleaned/drained out every tuesday and refilled overnight, so i didn't even notic how cold the pool was when i hit the wall. i also got to drive my friends hella fast golfcart (it goes 40mph) and almost flipped it when i hit this bigass rock. also this is the first offical time i've goten drunk off of wine, or atleast couldn't see straight. man i mean ther was wine bottles in this box the gu left, so me and 2 friends got em and stored em in a cabin overnight which got locked the next day, so me an my friend had to climb thru an unlocked window which was ofcourse the kitchen window. yes i kno, me bad boy and shit, but hey ya gota have wine in between budlights... man i'm soooo glad my mom didn't smell my breath. also i met this girl that just moved in in a house just down the road, i kinda like her and she would be the first that i really liked cause all the girls ive been out with cam to me......an when i left she was the only one i said goodbye to since she was at the gas station when we went to get gas.....man i wish she didn't hav a b/f.....but all and all, it was a kickass time. kinda depressed tho cause we might move the trailer down the road becuase the new owner jacked up the prices for rent, and we al lthink he wants to replace everysingle trailer with some kinda of cabins.....what a fucktard. well heres the website , notice how high prices are for renting cabins and for just staying in trailers or mobil homes as he says...i think...
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