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PSU: when in doubt, shoot the Barney.
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2003-09-04, 02:19 AM | [Ignore Me] #1 | ||
Lieutenant Colonel
I'm typing this up, because I have ample time, and because I don't think enough people KNOW about these commands. I know they are posted in the main PSU site, but I'm not sure people actually look. And besides, As I said, I have ample time at work.....
= Slash Commands = Communications - Slash commands to communicate to others ( Command ) < Performs: > Ignore () or <>, as they are only seperators. ( /L or /Local [text] ) < Local Chat. This is text that will sent to all players within 100 meter range of you. I believe it's 100 meters. Might be 200 meters, might be 50 meters. > ( /B or /Broadcast [text] ) < Broadcast Chat. This text will be bradcasted to any friendlies within a SOI, or throughout the whole sanctuary. Can not be used in enemy or neutral SOI. > ( /S or /Squad [text] ) < Squad Chat. This text will be broadcasted to all your squad members, REGARDLESS of where they are. > ( /O or /Outfit [text] ) < Outfit Chat. This text will be broadcasted to all members of your outfit online, REGARDLESS of where they are. > ( /T [playername] [text] or /Tell [playername] [text] ) < Tell (Private Message.) This text will be sent to the specific player, REGARDLESS of what side they are on, or where they are. > ( \#1-9,0 ) < This is used to change the color of the text in your messages. It's use is, for example, /Local Hey, I need an \#5 ANT here. The rendering is (IN WHITE) Hey, I need an (IN color of 5{Not sure the colors of each number.}) ANT here. THIS slash command can be used as many times as you want, to change colors as many times as you want. Works for numbers 1-9 and 0. no spaces between characters. > (This one is not confirmed by me, but by second hand knowledge) ( /#1-9,0 ) < Changes the color of your text perminantely(sp) until you change it again. Again, this is second hand knowledge. > Commanders - Text messages ONLY permitted to be used if you have a certain CR or Higher. ( /C or /Command [text] ) < Command Chat. This sends text chat to all other commanders near you. Range unverified. Must be CR 2 or Higher. > ( /Report [text] ) < Sends text messages to commanders that are 1 CR above you. Must be CR 1 or Higher. > ( /Comam [text] ) < Sends text to all friendlies on Amerish. Must be CR 4 or Higher. > ( /Comcy [text] ) < Same as above, except to Cyssor. > ( /Comce [text] ) < Same as above, except to Ceryshen. > ( /Comes [text] ) < Same as above, except to Esamir. > ( /Comfo [text] ) < Same as above, except to Forseral. > ( /Comho [text] ) < Same as above, except to Hossin. > ( /Comis [text] ) < Same as above, except to Ishundar. > ( /Comos [text] ) < Same as above, except to Oshur. > ( /Comse [text] ) < Same as above, except to Searhus. > ( /Comso [text] ) < Same as above, except to Solsar. > ( /Comsan [text] ) < Sends text to all friendlies in your Sanctuary. Must be CR 5. > ( /Comall [text] ) < Global Chat. Sends message to All friendlies on the server. Must be CR 5. > Squads - Slash commands useable for squading only. ( /Invite [playername] ) < Invites player to your squad. Must be Squad Leader. > ( /Cancel ) < Cancels the Last invite that was sent. Must be Squad Leader. > ( /Kick [playername] ) < Kicks player from your squad. Must be Squad Leader. > ( /Promote [playername] ) < Promotes said player to Squad Leader. Must be Squad Leader. > ( /Leave ) < Leaves your current squad. > ( /Disband ) < Disbands your current squad. Must be Squad Leader. > ( /Accept ) < Accepts and invitation to join a Squad or Outfit. > ( /Decline ) < Declines an invitation to join a Squad or Outfit. > Other - Other Slash commands. ( /Macro [macroname] [macrocommand] [text] ) < This will create a text macro that can be placed into your quick F1 - F8 bar. Macro name CANNOT exceed three characters. ( EXAMPLE - /Macro Hlp /Local HELP! would produce : YourName HELP! ) FOR ADDED HELP. Right clicking on a F quick slot will remove the quick key. This works for Macros, Implants, and for Med Kits. > ( /Ignore [playername] ) < Adds said player to your ignore list. You will not see messages from this player. Use the same command to REMOVE players from Ignore list. > ( /who [text] ) < Uses text provided to search for a player name that contains your text. Returns first 25 people. > ( /Who [playername] ) < Returns player's Empire and the Continent they are on. I think this also returns the server thay are on as well, although I'm not positive on this. > ( /Who teams ) < Shows the percentages of players online for each empire. Does not show amount, just percent of the total players. > ( /Loc ) < Returns your current location in X, Y, Z coordinates format. > ( /stats ) < Brings up a small HUD that shows your Ping, Packet loss, and FPS. Type same to remove HUD. > ( /Time ) < Returns, in the upper text area, Auraxis time, and Your current local time. > ( /Alarm ) < Allows you to set an alarm that will alert you when the time is up. > ( /bug ) < Brings up a window that makes it easy to report a bug in-game. > ( /Appeal ) < Brings up a window thatallows you to report things to Customer Service. ( EXAMPLE : Report a serious griefer, account problem, character problem. ) > ( /Recall ) < Recalls you to Sanctuary. > ( /Quit ) < Quits the game. > These are all the Slash Commands I am aware of. |
2003-09-04, 08:19 AM | [Ignore Me] #6 | ||
Sergeant Major
a few corrections to your post, flammey.
1) all cont-all/global are for cr5 only (dont know why, bug?) 2)/who is only for the server you're on 3)/report is only sent to the ppl of the next highest cr (ie; cr2 -> cr3, cr3 -> cr4 etc), must be cr2 to use. hope that helps |
2003-09-04, 10:10 AM | [Ignore Me] #8 | ||
Here are some more...
/loc [player name] - Shows you the coordinates of another player (currently disabled) /filter - Turns profanity filter off and on /suicide - Kills Avatar (currently disabled) /warp - Transfer yourself or other players anywhere in the world based on locational coordinates. (disabled, invalid permissions) /spawn - Create any object in the game. (disabled, invalid permissions) |
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