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View Poll Results: What aspect of PS do you hate most?
MagRider 9 13.85%
Pounder or Striker 4 6.15%
Jackhammer 4 6.15%
Decimator's alt-fire rate 0 0%
Cheaters/Griefers/Exploiters/TKs 13 20.00%
"Lack of Content" 5 7.69%
Spies 1 1.54%
Bugs or Lag 29 44.62%
Voters: 65. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 2003-09-08, 02:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lieutenant Colonel
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Give in to your hatred

What aspect of PlanetSide do you really get heated over? I mean the kind of hatred that raises your blood pressure or makes your head do a 360. Most people with a working knowledge of PC games and a decent computer realize that PS is pretty good, but there's nothing that says you can't love and hate the same thing.
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Old 2003-09-08, 03:50 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Staff Sergeant


No. Hate is a too strong word. But I�ve gotta admit that Pounders bugs me� a lot! Here�s a unit with twice as good TTK - or even up to four times as good when it�s anchored - as its counterparts. On top of that it�s AOE, where as the other factions AV MAXs are LOS. And strangely enough, its AV properties are still pretty much intact (it used to be the TR AV MAX). It kills an AMS faster than any other MAX in the game�

The pounder�s beyond unbalanced and brings a whole new meaning to the word overpowered. I don�t even get mad anymore when I round charge a tower only to find it has 3 Pounder MAXes planted at the first set of stairs. I just get tired. It doesn�t matter what forces we bring � we will spend the next 15 to 45 minutes trying to evict those Pounders. These days we tend to joke about it. �Wow.. It must take some skill to play a pounder.� �Guys � You have NO idea what I found in the spawn room.� And so on�

Something�s gotta give.

Is the Striker overpowered or unbalanced? Hard to say. I think we can all agree on that it�s head and shoulders above the rest of the bunch, when it comes to doing what it�s designed for � taking out vehicles. Sure, the Lancer�s pretty nifty as it can double as a sniper rifle, and the Phoenix can still hit that AMS of Yours, which You thought was safely tucked away under that bridge in the court yard� The Striker, with it�s missile lock and it�s high ROF, is the best AV unit in the game. It�s the sole reason I gave up on playing MAX units.

One guy to operate it. Can get it anywhere, and it hits everything � vehicles, MAXes and air planes (and it�s doing a damn good job at it).

I guess You know by now what I answered above�

But do I hate?
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Old 2003-09-08, 05:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
CraZy's Avatar

also i think that Jackhammer and Chaingun gotta be in common pool and for TR and NC gotta be new weapons that will be balanced with Lasher. or increase Lasher abilites to fire at running target.
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Old 2003-09-08, 05:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Staff Sergeant

Originally posted by CraZy
also i think that Jackhammer and Chaingun gotta be in common pool and for TR and NC gotta be new weapons that will be balanced with Lasher. or increase Lasher abilites to fire at running target.
Oh my god, are you kidding me ????!!!

The lasher may have problems hitting moving targets, but it more that makes up for it by not having to hit the target to cause damage, and the jackhammer has the same problem, anything at distance is unkillable with it!!!.

Stop whineing about the lasher, ive looted it and used it a bit. Its devistating in doors, and not that bad outside. I would rather use that than the jackhammer or chaingun!.

Its getting really annoying to hear all these VS players who have had it so easy wingeing about the Lasher being Nerf'ed. Now you have to use some skill instead of just spray-and-pray!.

Last edited by shadowseed; 2003-09-08 at 05:21 AM.
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Old 2003-09-08, 07:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Lieutenant Colonel
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The way Knuckles feels about the Pounder is the way I feel about the MagRider (I've made this pretty clear probably). Yesterday, I spotted a Mag and unloaded some missiles into it, at which point it noticed me and started to move. I immediately turned and ran up the stairs on the courtyard wall. Halfway up the stairs I figure I'm safe, so I stop and reload, and then the MagRider runs me over! It's funny in retrospect, but I was pissed, even though that sort of thing has happened over and over.

On the same note, I've heard plenty of TR joke about the Jackhammer's questionable lack of need for skill.

As for the Decimator's alt-fire, it owns Pounders the way Pounders own soft targets. I'm still trying to figure out if the Rate of Fire on Deci's alt-fire is a bug, but one thing's for sure: no weapon in the AV category can dish out as much damage as fast. Makes me wonder why it isn't common-pool AV. I hate getting knocked out of my MAX by one second worth of Deci fire that doesn't even have to hit to kill. This weapon definitely makes any MAX require more skill to play.

Pounder is pretty cheap, I agree, but it's not alone.
"Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons and Daughters of God." - Jesus Christ

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Old 2003-09-08, 07:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
CraZy's Avatar

with jackhammer you can kill anyone in CQB cause of spread of bullets but if you will miss with Lasher target will not be even slightly hit
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Old 2003-09-08, 07:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Staff Sergeant


I play Vanu and I must admit I love piloting the Mag. It�s an awesome vehicle � BUT there�s been a lot of posts on the Mag and its ability to mow people down. I�m not copping out and calling other people whiners, noobs or whatever. Neither do I resort to the all encompassing �get some skills� or �learn some tactics� (I actually found those retorts even more offensive than the prior ones). I want each and everyone to have a good gaming experience (yep � even the bastard in his Pounder suit ).

I think that the mowing problem with the Mag depends largely on three things:

1) The Mag being more manouverable than the other tanks/vehicles
2) Lag/Netcode
3) All tanks have the same hit box

Nerfing number one would take away what the Mag is. A highly manouverable hover vehicle. Its top sped, straight ahead, is already 5 km/h slower than the other tanks (65 km/h). You can however reach 67 km/h strafing (going �sideways�), but it�s not always You can use this feature.

I think number 2 is going to a hard nut to crack. That one is more or less built into the system. Perhaps they could rework parts of the coding, but in any case � that won�t happen any time soon.

That leaves us with number 3 � the hit box. The Magrider has the narrowest profile. Why not let all vehicles have exactly the hit box of the �outline� of said vehicle? The Mag would have the slimmest hit box of all tanks. It wouldn�t take away the mowing problem entirely, but it would lessen it.

Would that help the problem, You think?
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Old 2003-09-08, 08:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
Lieutenant Colonel
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Narrowing or shortening the hitbox seems like it would work without making it impossible to run someone over, but it might have side-effects that would make other problems. I would think that tanks are specifically designed to require teamwork, but the Mag is lethal with only a driver, which seems wrong. Mag might not consistently kill other tanks, but it consistently outperforms them in AI and AA.

Perhaps Pounder and Jackhammer are overpowered to balance the unfixable problems with MagRider - just a theory.
"Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons and Daughters of God." - Jesus Christ

"Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." - Jesus Christ

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Old 2003-09-08, 08:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Staff Sergeant

Originally posted by CraZy
with jackhammer you can kill anyone in CQB cause of spread of bullets but if you will miss with Lasher target will not be even slightly hit
You have obviously never been on the receiving end of a lasher then. You dont have to hit your target with the lasher as it does area-of-effect damage. You only have to hit the ground or wall around your target to do you target damage. With the JH you have to at least have the target in your sights and keep them there while unloading your clip. The Laster you can unload your clip down a corridoor at your target and hide while the projectiles do all the damage....

Like i said, ive used both, and i found it remarkable easy to kill people with the Lasher...

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Old 2003-09-08, 08:50 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Blah. I love all the weapons and vehicles!
I hate lag though. Thats my biggest source of death and frustration.
*signature eaten by feral snails*
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Old 2003-09-08, 09:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
CraZy's Avatar

but why when that Lasher ball didint hit my enemy directly im not having that blink on my sight that i hit target
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Old 2003-09-08, 09:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
Staff Sergeant

Originally posted by CraZy
but why when that Lasher ball didint hit my enemy directly im not having that blink on my sight that i hit target
Bug or perhaps only direct hits do that ?
The "Lash" causes damage.

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Old 2003-09-08, 10:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #13

Magriders, and Jackhammers are what i hate but i gave it to the jackhammer, it seems like everybody has it, and its just so unbalanced and unfair. the only time it has a weakness is outside. i don't mind the Magrider too much because it looks all cool floating in air with its energy beams firing and me lobbing grenades at it from a walk way.
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Old 2003-09-08, 10:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #14

Being on 56k, lag is my most feared enemy. 350 ping minimum, 3000 ping in big fights? Only thing this means is i dont zerg, hell, i cant zerg, even if i tried i'd lag like hell.

Man i need b band, getting it soon, i hope.............still hoping.....
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Old 2003-09-08, 11:49 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
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Indecisive's Avatar

Fuckx0ring cheaters
Then lag
then pounder/jackhammer
then striker
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