Respectfully and Consideration, Please Read...
Please Read the Follow with a open mind and with respect and dignity, Dont wish for this to turn in to a flame thread. Quit your whining all of you, act your age and if you really are a 12, then well I geuss you are acting your age just be a bit more mature.
Just play a game, thats all it is, a game, its trivial not tragidy.
The REAL reason of the recent vanu winning is, if you havent noticed, that the vanu population has been 5-8% greater then the other empires, and the nc have recently lost 2-5% on the server populations. Just play the game and quit bitching (sorry about the language but it is the only way to get some of you to pay attention). I am Vanu and I dislike the Jackhammer (Its just a super fast sweeper, so what) and MCG (supressor on steriods, and the supressor can be a good gun) intensely but I'm not wasting my time whining about it. The only things we should really whine about are bugs and glitches, and if it every really happens, maybe a gross unfairness of a weapon (The lasher and lancer AREN'T grossly over powered, maybe bugged but thats a different matter). My opinion in this matter is just quit your complaining and in a month or two the amount of lashers out there will decrease just like last time. The Lancer, that will eventually fade too, just wait it out. Come on people, if all you do is whine like 5 year olds of course the game will be unfair (you too bussy complaining). The game just needs new things, its pretty balanced in my opinion (then again I am used to getted blasted by hammers and preferated by mcgs and squashed like a pan-cake and blasted my team mates for no reason at all). We need new empire specific gear and vehicles and new areas to fight (I am currently working on a Cityfight idea, big abandoned cities and new weapons and vehicles). This would probably do two things, one shut every one up in expectation of the new things and/or create flame posts about worries and fears.
I am only posting this in the hope that you people see how stupid it is to complain. Life can be unfair, but that's Life. Just find ways to beat it and if you can, good for you. People, we aren't primatives, act reasonable and conduct yourselves with dignity and respect for yourself and others. If you reply to this post, take some time to think and carefully consider all the things said, I am not trying to be hateful, cruel or insultive and if I come across as such then I am sorry but please people be kind to each other (except on the battlefield, its war).
Hoping for your respect,
Last edited by PilotDragon; 2004-02-23 at 05:25 PM.