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Old 2004-04-15, 07:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Spee's Avatar
You archaically-minded fucksticks...

My names Alex. My brother is Pete. Dad...Is dad.

Alex: I wanna buy a book.
Pete: Which one?
A: The PHB or DMG.
P: Whassat?
A: Dungeons and Dragons.
P: Why ya wanna play that *** game?
A: 'Cause everyone in my school does...
P: Bullshit. Maybe .0005% of your school plays That Game.
A: Actually-
P: No. Walk around this city. any city, and ask all the kids if they play D&D. Only one or two will say yes. Only psychos and druggies play that game anyhow. Anyone whos EVER played that game has died from drugs, or died from a bullet in thier head. Or they work at McDonalds.
A: Youre really wrong, pete.
P: No im not. Dad, how many people played D&D in your highschool?
Dad: They didnt have computer back then, fuckstick.
P: Its not a computer game.
D: Oh, that queer thing. Youre not playing it, Alex. The people who play that commit suicide and shit. There was this big ass investigation on it and shit. Do something important with your free time (Dad turns out ESPN) go out and do something constructive.
A: *seethes in the blatant hypocrisy*
P: So yeah. Youre not getting the book. Now, lets watch Saving Private Ryan. Dad likes the opening sequence.

A simple "no" would have sufficed
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Old 2004-04-15, 07:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
FlakMan's Avatar

f your dad. Go out and buy the book.

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Old 2004-04-15, 07:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Spee's Avatar

Originally Posted by FlakMan
f your dad. Go out and buy the book.

No $$$$. Which is why I asked.
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Old 2004-04-15, 07:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Lieutenant General
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Old 2004-04-15, 07:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Mango's Avatar

Hey guess what? I wrote any annotaed bibliography for my college english that proves them wrong. Maybe you can show it to them?

Want me to post it?
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Old 2004-04-15, 07:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
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Hot damn! So, how will I commit suicide? Pill, knife, gun, rope, train, bridge, water, shark, land mine, sexual exhaustion, or walking into a PETA meeting with a fur coat, aligator shoes and briefcase, elephant wastebasket, and a little button on my ape hair shirt that says "Cows Are Yummy."
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Old 2004-04-15, 07:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Spee's Avatar

Ill go and buy it when I get home, which is in what...2, or 3 days?

Its the principle of the thing. And the pure IDIOCY in the statements shown. I even asked for evidence, and he fed more more bullshit.
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Old 2004-04-15, 07:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Originally Posted by Rayder
Hot damn! So, how will I commit suicide? Pill, knife, gun, rope, train, bridge, water, shark, land mine, sexual exhaustion, or walking into a PETA meeting with a fur coat, aligator shoes and briefcase, elephant wastebasket, and a little button on my ape hair shirt that says "Cows Are Yummy."
I vote for sexual exhaustion
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Old 2004-04-15, 08:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Lieutenant General
Infernus's Avatar

tell him that you've found a new hoobie... the Kama Sutra... and you need money to buy the most recent guide... if he inquires as to what the kama Sutra is say that its a sport that involves killing ****...
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Old 2004-04-15, 08:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Hezzy's Avatar

Originally Posted by Infernus1080
tell him that you've found a new hoobie... the Kama Sutra... and you need money to buy the most recent guide... if he inquires as to what the kama Sutra is say that its a sport that involves killing ****...
I would think nearly everyone knows what the Karma Sutra is. I even asked a random toddler and they explained what it was to me
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Old 2004-04-15, 08:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
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Infernus's Avatar

... ... maybe your right but from the sounds of it his dad and brother might not... er no offense...
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Old 2004-04-15, 08:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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I need a new hoobie.
[Sig removed by forums changing color. Ph34r the design change.]

+200 Cool Pts
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Old 2004-04-15, 11:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Happy lil Elf
Happy lil Elf's Avatar

Spee. Your dad is a fucking moron. Your brother is a fucking moron. Please tell them I said this. Then hit them with a bat. A large bat.
Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

Its eating it's food. (Incorrect use of apostrophes specifically for UV)
"Oni wont get banned, unless you get banned. Its a 2 man ticket."-Hamma to TekDragon re: his request to ban Oni. Life is good.
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Old 2004-04-15, 11:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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AztecWarrior's Avatar

A failure in judgement. I'm sure your dad is a good person outside of this. However, he is in grave error. These are the same people who see skateboarders/hackers/computer gamers as antisocial, sucidial, depressive anarchists.
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2004-04-15, 11:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
I Hate Pants
I Hate Pants's Avatar

Why would you waste time playing D&D when you can play Baulder's Gate with 5 of your friends?

Much easier to play

Lots more fun

No ****** Dungeon Master being a stupid fuck.
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