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Old 2004-05-12, 03:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lieutenant Colonel
What would you change?

If you could cause PS to be remade instantly, how would you change it?

Not just bugs, but you could suggest gameplay changes, for example:

There shouldn't be certs, but there should be EXP. And training things, like America's Army has. But a bit different. You can pick up any weapon and squeeze the trigger and stuff, but you wouldn't be familiar with it's operation, so you'd have to fiddle with it a lot to reload, like 30 seconds the first time. You could go to training for the weapon and you might have to hit some targets or something and you'd increase your reload speed, accuracy, etc. For vehicles it would have lots of different courses where you'd learn to use it better, and when you drove you might be able to turn better, or stuff like that.

Don't worry about system demand, picture that this is 2015, and you could run three PSs at the same time on the average PC.
4 days left 'til 4 more years.
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Old 2004-05-12, 03:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Spee's Avatar

My generator idea, for one.

Under ideal conditions, with no performance issues, and 1M players...

Space-race kinda deal. You launc into orbit and attempt to capture say, a lunar base, before the other guy. Side-mounted energy weaponry on the sides of these spacecrafts, and should a wall be blown out, a vaccumm instantly occurs, sucking those who are not within 1M of a grip to be sucked into orbit and instakilled. After the suction has ceased, the player could hang onto a door grip, and open it, and come back inside, considering rexo is self-contained.

Lunar base - Same deal with the panels. In the fights on the lunar bases, I want each shot to be surgically placed - If a stray shot punctures something like the vacuum wall between the interior and exterior, the base would explode, the pressure from the inside vaulting players and equipment at hundreds of miles an hour to an entirely different locale. nanos, of course, would restructure the base every 10 minutes.

If only one shot pierced the vacuum wall (only AP modes can pierce it/anti-vehicular weaponry/explosives) there would be a timer depending on the size of the hole.

1 ap bullet hole - 5 hours before explosion.

1 rocklet - 1 hour before explosion

1 grenade - 1 hour before explosion (FRAG ONLY)

1 deci - 10 minutes to explosion

1 AV weapnry shot - 30 mins before explosion.

These times dont stack, for purposes of twinks running around and spamming decis into the walls.

IOve got a few others, but im lazy atm.
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Old 2004-05-12, 04:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Brigadier General
Lartnev's Avatar

Hmmm what would I change...

not sure, but I just have this vision of players rushing at a base wall, fire streaming all around, aircraft dogfighting in the air, one takes a hit spiralling into the oncoming stream of soldiers. Several tanks appear from afar and begin tearing into the advancing troops while artillery strikes a nearby guntower, players plummitting to their doom.....
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Old 2004-05-12, 04:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
OfaLoaf's Avatar

-Damagable terrain like in Red Faction2.
-Railway system that goes through the continents.
-More Buildings.
-Space travel.
-No bugs.

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Old 2004-05-12, 04:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Sergeant Major
Eldanesh's Avatar

Personally I would hafta go for geomod, flamethrowers, more detailed lattice and base construction, as well as a more complex vehicle flight system and control setup.
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Old 2004-05-12, 05:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Second Lieutenant

I would make it like Infantry: Eol Crater , a game run by SOE currently, it is 3d isometric view, somewhat like fallout. If it was like PS I would never leave my computer.

You start out seriously gimped but you build up your character by buying stats, I know nobody wants to be a newb, but when you actually have some cool stuff you can feel like you earned it, and then pick on the newbs yourself. There would be a cap on power over others, it would not be like a level 1 sorceress vs a level 99 barbarian in diablo 2, more like a level 10 barb vs a level 15 barb, the level 10 can win if he is packing the proper equipment, and is smarter. For those of you who dont play diablo 2...think a newb out of VR training vs Dreamer in PS, yeah he CAN win, but he probably wont.

The game would take place on a continent with different city and rural areas, as well as wide open country with facilities dotting the landscape, players start out as mercenarys and can hunt NPC pirates, and other low level characters in a special area until a certain level

as they gain experiance combat shifts almost entirely to PvP as a new shop becomes available, players fight to gain money, and buy new equipment and better their stats, they can fight over facilities that give them special things (like new weps, armor) or just simply run around in a squad together raising hell.

Alternativley we could all be mercenaries in a war zone, and choose alligence after a certain time, this would provide for people who want an objective, but a free play area would still be available.

Game Mechanics

Stats-every weapon has certain statistical requirements to use this, in this world a new just cant pick up a laser cannon and go hunting, he has to earn the proper stats to use a weapon that he wants, a laser cannon would require a high technology proficiency to run it say 6 tech, an assualt rifle is fairly simple, but requires a level of knowledge to use effectivley 1 tech, pistols and revolvers are simple, no requirements.
thats just a basic example, armor can be used by anyone, but the better ones weigh more and cost more, and impart -% to your turning speed and running speed, like rexo vs agile.

Eol doesnt have tanks and planes right now, but if it were to have them, a character would have to put LOTS of stat points into vehicle and tech, thus, people who are pilots cannot also be a heavy weapons killing machine once they hop out.

Deftness-Turning speed, Running speed, Weapon requirements
Strength-Carrying capacity, Weapon requirements
Vitality-Extra hitpoints
Tech-Weapon requirements
Vehicle-Vehicle requirements

set classes

Infantry-Think re-exo, capable of using all but the heaviest weapons, has best armor

Jump Trooper-Think agile, less armor, more mobile, can use veh, less wepon selection

Heavy Weapons-Slow, high carry capacity, can use heavy weapons (mgs, rockets, etc

Infiltrator-Just like our guys today, except can get a massive sniper weapon, all energy weapons, very little to no armor.

Sci-Ops: High tech weaponry and sheilding, light armor, fairly mobile, special melee wepons (powered weapons)

Medic/Tech-Starting engineer, can repair armor and heal, mobile, light armor, light wep

Engineer-Can build structures (turrets,mines,barricades) repair armor, mobile, light wep

Bio-Trooper-Like JT, except less armor, uses bio wepons, unique play style

Class progression

Tech/Medic in support->Engineer or Bio

Much like CR in normal PS, except with higher CR you gain access to different classes

Squad Leader-Medium armor, Medium weapons, can summon troops with special tech

Sarge-Heavy armor, medium weapons, can summon troops, melee

Captain-special armor, special weapons, can summon troops, power melee

As for weapon and armor selection it would have to be huge, with many different combos available so players can pick their playstyle, and feel like they can actually earn something, different damage types and armor resistance factors (ie one armor is better against plasma than another, but another can absorb more kinetic damage than the other)

New Vehicles
wepons restricted to pistol only on flightpack, jump pack, hover board

Flight Pack-basic flightpack (slow, medium armor)

Jump Pack-basic flightpack buyable by jump troopers (medium speed, horrible armor)

Drop Pack-upgraded flight pack with built in weponry (medium speed, light armor, rifles and shotguns)

Hover Board-a skateboard like vehicle, allows troops to carry more than normal and adds a degree of mobility for support classes with lots of equipment (fast, no armor, wepons restricted to pistol)

Death Board-hoverboard for Jump Troopers, fitted with blades (very fast, no armor, rifles and shotguns usable on it)

thats all I can think of for now...

Like any of you read that all...

+++++DATE: - Jungfrost polar base (Bernheart), 128.M41
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Old 2004-05-12, 05:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Sputty's Avatar

Slightly more realistic damage, for example, it shouldn't take 25 bullets to kill someone.
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Old 2004-05-12, 05:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Brigadier General
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I would unnerf surge.
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Old 2004-05-12, 06:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Major General
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ya ok, I'd change the day and night cycles. Flashlights, infared(implant, behaves like darklight, just no fog and runs on more stnima (if moving); or take away darklight if have infared), car headlights can be turned off/on.

Wind that effects gun accuracy and mobility (if it was a drastic storm your vehicle could slid around and posisbly flip if it was too small).

Hand hand combat, break neck, something like from enter the matrix where you can break ppls necks from behind (very inful friendly).

Missions areas. Move the lockers from the hart veiwing area and make it a command center. You choose computer generated missions from terminals. If seccessful, you get major bep/cep; failed-loose some. If your mission capture continues to help your empire on that continent by the time 5 bases are owned by a different empire on that continent you get all the bep the average person gets while fighting at one of the bases on that cont. If your seccesful mission leads to loosing bases and/or the other empire seccesfully defends one of their bases, the bep they get is decreased on your advatar by the time 5 changes are made.
Ex: You capture 3 bases for a total of 10,000bep. You loose one base and the other empire gets 2,000bep and the other empire stops one of your hacks for 400bep. The points you end up for the battle on that continent is 7,600bep.

^i just thought that up^

mines can flip vehicles if they dont get destroyed. Air vehicles dont always explode whenever they're shot down in the air, you will die but the husk will fall and hit the ground.

A offline single player

Two new (and only those) expansions when the time comes. A water one, where water gates come out of the rivers/oceans like warpgates and you travel to small islands and find ancient structures up on the land. You have a scuba armor that allows you to move freely throughout the water, though no weapons would work, the expansion would inclue new weapons. All the land vehicles (even the deliverer) have water variants. ex: a balisik would be a jetski, a heavy tank would be a gunboat, deliverer a hovercraft (since they can go on land or water). But not in the shape of their vehicle brothers, only charicteristics like one.

And a space one. One where it involves the orbital station. You take a hart up there, choose whether you want to droppod onto the world, or you go to another part of the station where a ship(2 separate ones) that went through the worm hole takes you to and from the moons up in the sky (both of them you can go to, but only 1 crater on each). You have a different armor type that allows you to breath in space, but its ntu powered so you have to charge up every now and then at your own space ship dock (where the ship from the orbital station and the crater meets). Without one you'll loose health and float into space and sooner or later die. Vehicles AND weapons have variants that go with space. Since bullets would travel forever in space (barely no gravity), the ewapons would have a space enviormently flow to them. Only cavern weapons would work. Vehicles would be like armor: ntu charged, has to refill after so and so time. Different variations for every vehicle, along with brand new vehicles. The story line either ends here with the wormhole opening up and there would be a PS2 when we find out which planet the ancients are on. And so on so forth.

PS Storys:
The Eraser
The New World (5Chap.)


Living is easy with eyes closed.
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Old 2004-05-12, 06:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Originally Posted by 321
I would unnerf surge cuz im a surge mnokey.
same as 321

Last edited by HawkEye; 2004-05-12 at 06:50 PM.
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Old 2004-05-12, 07:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #11

Originally Posted by HawkEye
same as 321
I've never understood why people are proud of being Surgiles...
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Old 2004-05-12, 07:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
scarpas's Avatar

Originally Posted by Sputty
Slightly more realistic damage, for example, it shouldn't take 25 bullets to kill someone.

what i would want most right now is a more realistic flight model, right now everything is like a easy to fly helicopter, i want planes ya hear. Sure the wouldnt be n00b friendly, but it only took me 3 hours to learn how to fly well in bf 1942. (more time for the copters in dc, but that wasnt too hard)

and about the sea expansion, under water citys would be cool, kind of like the gungan citys in star wars...

Last edited by scarpas; 2004-05-12 at 07:36 PM.
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Old 2004-05-12, 07:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
MrCovertMan's Avatar

I'd let infils use people as shields or let them knock people out (respawn timer with no respawning but waking up where they were with 0 stamina)
"Take this darklight monkey!"
*swings elbow*
"Nighty night..."
"You can have my gun...when you pry it from my cold dead hands!"
"It isn't survival of the fittest. It's survivial of those who take advantage of those who are fit."
"Your fate will never change...I'm erasing you!"
"Speak not of power until you have beheld it's truest form"
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Old 2004-05-12, 08:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Lieutenant Colonel
SilverLord's Avatar

i'd optimize the game by 100 times. you guys say it already is but i say no and would find a way.
DARK, VS, old sig ^_^

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Old 2004-05-12, 09:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
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Originally Posted by TheN00b
I've never understood why people are proud of being Surgiles...

whats more satisfying than owning a guy and then getting a hate tell saying shit about how surge is for teh n00bs and how u need to die. Nothing IMO.
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