[Rant] The Greater North East - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2004-12-06, 01:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar
[Rant] The Greater North East

I have lived in the North East all of my life. From the day I got in a car I had to experience stupid people driving. Sure I have made my mistakes but hey, everyone fucks up. But this pales in comparison to the stupidity of some of the people out here.

Enter today, a normal morning at classes in Schenectady. Calculus 2 class is in full swing when I turn and look out the window. Son of a bitch, snow. Lots of snow. Well looks like my flight for the day is out of the question. Class lets out and I drive to the airport. 3/4ths miles visability. Great. I aint movin. Back in my car and I take the normal 40min drive home. Now here is where the vast stupidity begins.

We all live in the North East up here. A vast majority have lived through snow storms and huge blizzards (Ala the blizzard of 86). But its so amazing because its a simple math problem up here. Drivers + Snow = Dumbasses...

How much commen sence does it take to NOT drive 75 mph when there is a slick layer of snow on the ground? I personaly saw 3 roll overs, 1 pile up, 2 headons, and countless rear enders. I also nearly lost it on 3 diffrent occasions but I was going 15mph in 30s. No problems there, just hairy sliding moments.

So, WHY IS THE NORTH EAST SO FULL OF DUMBASSES!? It happens every year. But no one learns.

On a side note, no one from the south can say anything about the North because if YOU get a flurry you all explode in flames. NONE of you have commen sence to slow down down there. Unlike up here were a FEW people can remember.
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Old 2004-12-06, 01:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
I Hate Pants
I Hate Pants's Avatar

Im nervous. This will be my first time driving in the snow.

I woke up at noon today, walked to the kitchen. Poured a glass of Chocolate milk and looked out the window and was like "FUCKEN SHIT! IT SNOWED!".
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Old 2004-12-06, 02:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Major General
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Being a Texan stuck in Maine, I think I am overly qualified to say that Southern drivers might not like snow, we hate driving in it, and you are quite correct, the idiots up here go 35-40 in a rain storm, but snow starts falling.. and people are doing 75.

BTW I don't want to hear it, last summer we had a Tornado WATCH up for the area, and the Tri state assistant Disaster Prepardness Co-ordinator came into the office freaking out. He wanted to know what emergency personell were needed to be on alert, where the greatest risk was... I thought he was ready to evacuate the county...

When I pointed out it was just a warning he says "You don't know what you are talking about, Tornadoes are very dangerous and we have to be prepared!"

"Sorry, I grew up in Tornado alley sir, we chase em where I come from for fun." and walked out.

amazingly he canceled his plans for an all out state wide alert call it would seem.
Back from the internet!
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Old 2004-12-06, 02:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
SecondRaven's Avatar

I lived in the North East most of my life (well 13 years) so some of it. But nevertheless i lvoe driving in the snowI lived in the North East most of my life (well 13 years) so some of it. But nevertheless i love driving in the snow, I mean I had to take my dam drivers test in snow which imo is a lot more easy because they cant really see the curve for when you parallel park. Also you can�t beat flooring it in your local grocery store parking lot at 2am trying to do 360�s. But ohwell that�s just me
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Old 2004-12-06, 02:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Lieutenant General
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If weather conditions are bad, its actually against the law to drive the posted speed limit. The speed limit is whatever speed is safest for pedestrians and fellow drivers.

I know what you mean Peace. I had to drive through Providence everyday after school, and whenever it snowed there were like 5+ accidents on the same 4 mile stretch of highway.
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Old 2004-12-06, 03:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #6

yeah its snowing in plattsburgh right now.... i love the snow, and i like driving in it. to me its fun.. especially with my rear wheel drive on my pickup...i need to find some sandbags :-/

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Old 2004-12-06, 03:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Lieutenant General
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Heh... normally in Philly if it snows most cars can't move...
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Old 2004-12-06, 03:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Spee's Avatar

Eh. I usually do 30 in snowstorms.

Hasn't snowed that badly up here lately, so I dont go to "10 mph oh my fuck, jesus hates michigan" driving.
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Old 2004-12-06, 03:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
OfaLoaf's Avatar

All the snow's melted here in Chelsea... but there's this bizarre fog outside.
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Old 2004-12-06, 03:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #10

fog is awesome....i remember driving in this horrific fog once. i couldn't see 10 feet in front of me. the only reason i knew where i was going, was because i know my area very well, so i know when to turn and stuff...that was some crazy shit.

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Old 2004-12-06, 04:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Sputty's Avatar

I think it's psychological, we all hate the snow so we block it out of our minds, or act like it doesn't exist
Or people are just stupid
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Old 2004-12-06, 05:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Hezzy's Avatar

What the fuck? Are they stupid?

Jesus christ.
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Old 2004-12-06, 05:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Lieutenant Colonel

There are always dumb drivers. Here in Las Vegas people don't see much rain, so they drive like normal conditions when it is slick out. You can guess what happens to them.
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Old 2004-12-06, 06:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Second Lieutenant

I used to live in 10 feet of snow for a good half the year, for around 15 years. I like the snow, and driving in the snow is second nature once you have done it for a few years...but then you add dumbshits from Los Angeles coming to go ski...and then it gets messy, the blood spattered icy pavement where I bash their heads in with their own snowboards after they rear end me because they are going fucking 80 and hit a patch of black ice, that kind of messy.

at least my neighbors used to drive with some semblance of care, and neccessary skill when in the snow *sigh*

+++++DATE: - Jungfrost polar base (Bernheart), 128.M41
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Old 2004-12-06, 06:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Lightbulb Collector
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If three raindrops fall on the expressway here, everyone slows down from 80 to 50.

So if the retards go north and do 75, well, they are retards.
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