Originally Posted by Neoseeker
how is
3.0 ghz
What kind of CPU there are atleast 3 or 4 that go this fast, P4c, P4e, Cellron d, P4e(775socket)
Originally Posted by Neoseeker
1 meg sddr ram
that is next to no memory so i don't understand how you can even boot windows, assuming it was a mistake, and you have one Gig, what speed is it? Is it DDR, or DDR2? How many sticks 1, 2, 4?
Originally Posted by Neoseeker
128 ati xt 800
as we have said before, there is no such thing as a xt800, there are x800pro's, x800's, x800XT's, 9800XT's, 9600XT
Originally Posted by Neoseeker
comcast broand band, 56 meg conetion
so hard to understand
again you messed up, have NO clue what kind of connection you have because 56meg connection is not something comcast does, except for alot of cash (assuming a 56meg connection even exists). Are you talking about a 56k dial up connection? Makes less scence that way because you said "broand band". Cable only comes in somewere <10mbps(mine is getting a bump up to 6mbps, up from 3, this spring) thats Megabits, not Megabytes.
Now don't be a whiny bitch and find out some better specifics, so we might be able to help you, just saying it doesn't work, well doesn't work for us.
Its makes you sound stupid, and makes me angry especialy when you make no attempt at remedying the situation, we can't magicaly know whats wrong with your computer, so help us help you, and describe stuff.