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Old 2006-04-30, 12:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
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Help Gio's future thread!

Alright it's a longshot but I might as well try it...

I'm so-so in drawing and I'm not so bad at writing, etc. I have a huge imagination too but...

I was thinking of trying to become a video game designer... but I can't find shit to help my quest for a better future.

Thing is, as days go by I'm beginning to doubt going into the army is the right thing for me... I just can't see myself so far away from everyone I know and love, being always on the move.

Since games have always played a big part in my life, I'm thinking of going into the industry but I can't find good and clear ressources to help me. What I'm trying to say, is that if anyone of you could help me I'd really appreciate it.

I kinda didn't sleep in the past few days... so... pardon my rambling.
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Old 2006-04-30, 12:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
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Go for it, and hell, I will help you find a college near home . Algonquin seems to offer a rather robbust Game Deisgn course, I was going to take it, then I decided to go the civil engineering way. By far though, this does seem like the best place to get an education in game design.
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Old 2006-04-30, 01:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Holy fuck Mag I think you made my day... I checked out the list of campus' and I think there's one in freaking Ottawa!
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Old 2006-04-30, 11:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #4

BTW, when you say game designer, exactly what part of the design process would you want to be a part of? It helps to have a focus on what part you want to do because there's an assload of positions on the average team. And then, you want to have some kind of idea about which company you want to work for. (And don't say Blizzard, those guys are probably the highest tier company in the business.)
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Old 2006-04-30, 12:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Nah don't worry I know I can't start at the top. I'll go work for SOE first !

Seriously thought I want to probably focus on the whole concept thing. Like I said I'm so-so with drawing and as much as I'd want to do 3d artist or something like that I doubt I'd be able to do so.
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Old 2006-04-30, 02:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
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Note: You need to submit a portfolio of either 6 pieces of art, or 3 porgram examples. I would suggest signing up for a few week course in maya or something just to put a portfolio together.

When I wanted to do game design, I was looking at Design too, but more of a Gameplay design way, level design, and story stuff, I thought that would be neat, simply because I cannot draw for the life of me.
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Old 2006-04-30, 02:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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Originally Posted by Giovanni
Holy fuck Mag I think you made my day... I checked out the list of campus' and I think there's one in freaking Ottawa!
mm been to that college


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Old 2006-04-30, 04:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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I don't have any trouble drawing as is... I just don't do it enough to actually get anywhere... I've been drawing since I was a kid and I do nice pieces from time to time but I don't get enough free time...

Also, if I'm not mistaken, it states that you need to have physics right? I mean I'm doing my maths now but will I have to also finish chemistry and adv. phys? (aka Phys 536 here) I have physics 436 wich is a stage below it really... (gotta love not having the same grading thing as fucking ontario...)
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Old 2006-04-30, 09:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
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[insert standard slit wrist pic here]
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Old 2006-04-30, 09:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Originally Posted by Giovanni
I don't have any trouble drawing as is... I just don't do it enough to actually get anywhere... I've been drawing since I was a kid and I do nice pieces from time to time but I don't get enough free time...

Also, if I'm not mistaken, it states that you need to have physics right? I mean I'm doing my maths now but will I have to also finish chemistry and adv. phys? (aka Phys 536 here) I have physics 436 wich is a stage below it really... (gotta love not having the same grading thing as fucking ontario...)
Im confused by your grades... Basically, it just recomends the equvelent of a SPH4C Course, but that is recomeneded, not recquired.
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Old 2006-05-01, 02:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
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Yeah eh, don't worry... Quebec is screwed up big time. The class I was speaking of was indeed the equivlent of SPH4C. Since it's recommended I should probably get it, but I'm hesitant. Frankly... staying at home for another 3-4 years (to save up, finish math and science and finish the course itself) is kind of pathetic .

Erggg dillemas!
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Old 2006-05-01, 10:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Good school for gaming and all types of multimedia, its in Orlando, FL though.
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Old 2006-05-02, 08:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #13

According to a thread on CGTalk, Full Sail is a terribly expensive school, I'll see if I can find the thread later.

EDIT: My bad, they didn't say terrible, just really expensive.

Last edited by Setari; 2006-05-02 at 08:18 AM.
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Old 2006-05-02, 04:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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Originally Posted by Setari
According to a thread on CGTalk, Full Sail is a terribly expensive school, I'll see if I can find the thread later.

EDIT: My bad, they didn't say terrible, just really expensive.

Indeed it is, I was looking at it a while back, and it was ridicously expensive, just tuition, then books, residence, and other random things.
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Old 2006-05-02, 05:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #15

Also, according to the thread I found, it's a terrible rush, and you can expect to fail at least one class during your stay there due to the pace. Doesn't sound very appealing to me, maybe if you need a real jump start to your career.
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