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Old 2006-06-25, 06:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Raithah's Avatar
Lightbulb A little idea on lockers ...

As is, the lockers get (as far as I can tell) absolutely no use. The general idea is to store things in them for future use, right ? So how about giving each character a mini-locker (e.g. one third to one half of the normal size) that they could access from anywhere ?

It would be a personal locker (as in you can store stolen weapons without team mates taking them) while also gaining the ability to keep ATVs. This should be an option to give the drop-podders something to move around with, along with the exception that carrying an ATV uses most, if not all, of the space alloted.

The locker can only be accessed while crouching and using a device similar to the CUD (if you don't have that device, you can't get to your locker). As soon as you start the devince, there's a fifteen second delay to accessing it.

One last little point to mention is that you could get to your personal locker without delay by using the supplied ones near spawn points. In addition to that, you can also put items into the old storage system (the public one).

Thanks for taking the long read, it would be great if anyone could give a probability of this being implemented.
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Old 2006-06-26, 01:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Ait'al's Avatar

The locker is not public. It is a private locker. If you put stuff in it only you can take it out. Though it would be interesting if they were public. Not to mention if the extra REK/Fire extinguishers on the walls were accessible.
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Old 2006-06-26, 01:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
Raithah's Avatar

Whoops, kind of missed a paragraph there. What I was going to say, is that you would have access to a squad/platoon/outfit locker "area". This would be a larger locker than normal by spanning out with one page per two players. You would be able to then scroll through the pages (e.g. an outfit of twenty people gets a locker with ten pages). The main idea here is to give people out in the middle of a battle, or trapped in a base, the means to fight back. Plus it's friggn' cool to pull a Basilisk out of your backpack.
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Old 2006-06-26, 06:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
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Sounds like a cool idea, I just wonder about 1 thing... I mean, I think vehicles can't enter base interiors... or at least not anymore... at least I haven't seen it recently... so if you can pack a Basilisk or even a Fury in your mobile locker, and the fixed (current) locker contents be the same as the mobile locker, then one should be able to pull out a Fury right inside a base... and that I don't know if it would be tolerated... would be nice though...
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Old 2006-06-26, 02:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Raithah's Avatar

We already know for a fact that the game can distinguish outdoors from indoors (that's how the map changes when you go outside), so it wouldn't seem like a great leap to make it check whether or not you're inside when you do it. It would be hard to fit into the story (e.g. why can't I bring a car that fits indoors ?), but hey. I could drive a Mossy into a Bio Lab, but I can't, and there's absolutely no reason why I shouldn't.
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Old 2006-06-27, 07:50 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
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Originally Posted by Raithah
I could drive a Mossy
I thought Mossies were flown, not driven...
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Old 2006-06-29, 02:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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Flying implies that I'll be able to get off the ground. If I even had the ability to go into a bio lab with a Mossy, it would be driving (e.g. Scraping the ground). Good point though.
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Old 2006-07-01, 01:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #8

have you ever tried to carry an ATV in real life??

its not going to fit in a backpack, and your certainly not going ot be doing any fighting with it on your back

getting the REK thats on the wall would be cool, but what would we do with a fire extinguisher? bash the TR's brains in?
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Old 2006-07-02, 04:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
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Originally Posted by DarkSoul
have you ever tried to carry an ATV in real life??

its not going to fit in a backpack, and your certainly not going ot be doing any fighting with it on your back

getting the REK thats on the wall would be cool, but what would we do with a fire extinguisher? bash the TR's brains in?
Freezing them in their tracks would be cool...
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Old 2006-07-02, 12:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Ait'al's Avatar

you could require a fire extinquisher or something be used on any EQ terminal before it can be repaired. Say it's not a real fire Extinguisher but something advanced that deals with some plasma energy laying on and in the terminals that needs to be dealth with before it can be repaired. So new engineering stuff. And make them only available from those things on the wall. It would add a whole new lv of base defense and interaction for engineers. And a new importance to the engineers and EQ terminals. If it's too much to have it need it untill any time after any terminal blow you could add a 5-15 minute timer for the plasma to disapate naturally but not give a timer. That way it would feel more organic. Then if you needed to repair it you would just receive some ICed msg about it needing to be removed still while you try to repair it with a glue gun and possibly a small ammount of damage from it that would, of course, affect friendly and enemy units.

There you go. Two new partial ideas for spawn rooms.

Last edited by Ait'al; 2006-07-02 at 12:36 PM.
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Old 2006-07-03, 07:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
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I think it's bad enough that enemy forces are able to spawn-camp, in spite of the existence of the painfields... messing with equipment terminals any further is a bad idea IMHO, that would only make the job of occupying forces easier, giving less chances to the defense, which, coming to that situation, should be given every opportunity to resist...
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Old 2006-07-13, 03:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Ait'al's Avatar
Re: A little idea on lockers ...

Yea, I may not have thought that out well enough.


We should back to his topic on the locker idea. I'm derailing his thread.

Last edited by Ait'al; 2006-07-13 at 05:14 PM.
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Old 2006-07-14, 12:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
Atra's Avatar
Re: A little idea on lockers ...

Your idea is, in concept, a good one. However, some of us regularly use our lockers as they currently stand. I'm a black ops and support infiltrator and I have filled my locker with useful things that I'm always using, including enemy weapons, extra REKS, nano kits, glue, CE, health kits, grenades, and on and on. I do like the idea of a small personal locker though.
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Old 2006-07-14, 05:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
xMars's Avatar
Re: A little idea on lockers ...

Originally Posted by Raithah View Post
As is, the lockers get (as far as I can tell) absolutely no use.

THAT is absolutly not true. EVERY experienced player has enemy weapons (MA+HA,cloakers rather enemy pistols), glue (gun) and much more inside the locker. i take it that you are somewhat new to the game. just look what happens if all spawnroom terminals are down. someone will go to the locker and pull out a gluegun

The general idea is to store things in them for future use, right ? So how about giving each character a mini-locker (e.g. one third to one half of the normal size) that they could access from anywhere ?

WHY? wouldnt that be redicilous?

It would be a personal locker (as in you can store stolen weapons without team mates taking them)

the current locker IS A PERSONAL LOCKER NEWBIE

i think i better stop right here. if you dont even understand how the lockers in game work,i�m sorry for you

while also gaining the ability to keep ATVs. This should be an option to give the drop-podders something to move around with, along with the exception that carrying an ATV uses most, if not all, of the space alloted.

The locker can only be accessed while crouching and using a device similar to the CUD (if you don't have that device, you can't get to your locker). As soon as you start the devince, there's a fifteen second delay to accessing it.

One last little point to mention is that you could get to your personal locker without delay by using the supplied ones near spawn points. In addition to that, you can also put items into the old storage system (the public one).

Thanks for taking the long read, it would be great if anyone could give a probability of this being implemented.

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Old 2006-07-21, 03:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
Re: A little idea on lockers ...

I think the whole idea of having a "locker" you could access from anywhere is totally against the carry-capacity palanned for different armour, for starters.

Having a vehicle in some strange parallel universe space ? What kind of an idea is that ? Vehicles are ment to be acquired from the platforms provided !

Drop-podders are not ment to have any vehicle to move around with ! Get one from the sactuary and warp/drive to the place you want !

Oh, I seem to be using so many exlamationpoints here I'd better stop writing. Sure, once you play this game a bit more I'm sure you'll get the drift ...
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