I may just need practice with it, but sofar the Wasp seems to be worse AA than a Reaver. While the lock on is handy, its a headache with how fragile the actual lock is. After about 30 minutes of play I was 3/6 in it, and one of those kills was a stupid cloaker .
You really do suck at flying.
If you're dogfighting... you don't belong in a wasp unless you're an ace.
You shitting me right? Oh wait, I get it! Its a ploy to get all the retards out of wasps because they are too easy to use!
kk, continue.
Stick to mossies for the dogfighting. And if you want to learn how to dogfight, go up against Neptuium-K of the VS. Nep and I have a love/hate thing going on, but he's d4mn good and fighting him will make you better.
uhh, sure! Yes, mossies are MUCH BETTER at dogfighting at than wasps. believe me, with my ACA--Plat.
Yeah, nept is an effing noob man, you can beat that 3 year vet anytime. he WONT powerslide circles around you, ripping you apart while you spin helplessly around until you explode, I swear.
For the second guy's comments, yes you can escape a wasp - easily... and it has little to do with afterburner. There are some (non-bug) tricks a mossie can do that not only will lose a lock but can befuddle all but an ace wasp pilot (and no, keeping a lock-on does not an ace make). Practice makes uber.
The wasp pilot has to suck anally for you to be able to escape at any missile friendly range. (which is twice as much range as the skillfire VS AA Max).
Your best bet is to either sky or ground ASAP when you know a wasp has locked you, and to AB towards the wasp in an attempt to break his lock. I've won many times doing something like this, and lost only to the half-assed players who know how to turret properly.
It's as easy as you make it sound at high altitude, sure. but not hugging the ground when weaving through trees. The lock delay pretty much nullifies any skill you could have in painting the target for two seconds between obstacles.
I have a good idea for you.
To sum it up, the WASP is unbeatable 1v1 in the air in the hands of a good pilot. With 2x the afterburner and 10x the firepower of the mossy and reaver combined, the effin thing can blow away almost any vehicle in the game, air or ground.
When I am in one, I am never shot down unless by other wasps, and usually I end up running out of ammo and just bombing the nearest enemy vehicle pad with it.
If you cant kill anything with the wasp, you obviously cant kill anything at all. The thing takes no skill WHAT SO EVER to use. Period. End of story.
I mastered it in 5 minutes. My friend who just got the game has mastered it already, and is already known widely as a wasp whore.
One obvious indication of this, is the fact that Wasp kills DONT GO TOWARDS AIR COMBAT ACE KILLs. The devs probably realized how easy it is to kill with it.
Just keep flying if you really want to be another air whore. this game is watered down anyway, why not contribute to the problem like everyone else?
<3 Boomer