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Old 2006-08-20, 03:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Giovanni's Avatar
Smoker vs. Non Smoker

I was at the restaurant this morning and for those who don't know, smoking has been banned around here in restaurants, bars... pretty much any indoor public spaces really.

Well here I am eating my pancakes when some dumb son of a bitch behind me lights up... see... I don't hate smokers themselves and I know there is no serious scientific facts that support the whole "Second hand smoke causes cancer" thing. Thing is, I just don't like cigarettes... it smells horrible and to be quite honest... who's the dumbass that thinks that somehow hot smoke going down to your lungs isn't harmfull in one way or another?

Now me and Claudia are eating peacefully and he lights up... minutes later lights up another one... the waitress didn't do shit and nobody was saying anything. So I turn around and ask him to put it out.

He awnsers with the evil eye saying (in french): "Look kid, I've been smoking all my life and it's my fucking right to smoke where I damn please!"

Let's just say I wasn't please with it so I called the manager after talking to the waitress and they kicked him out after he made a big scene about it (he should consider himself lucky he would have payed I think... 400$ ish bucks for breaking this new law...).

It bothers me thought, isn't it my right to not inhale crap like that? I'm quite happy about this new law to be honest but everywhere I go, there's smokers complaining about it saying we're taking away their freedom and their rights. Since it's my right not to inhale that shit... aren't they in fact fucking with my rights by smoking in my face?

What's your opinion on the whole thing? What should prevail? The rights of a minority to pollute a majority's air? Or the rights to breathe clean air when you go out?

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Old 2006-08-20, 04:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
PSU Code Monkey
Ghryphen's Avatar
Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

I hate it, smells like shit. My neighbors smoke and it fills my house with that shit, one day I had to go for a drive to get some fresh air because I couldn't get any in my own home for hours. What a stupid habit, what possible upside is there to smoking? It looks cool? Yeah, right. It makes you smell like crap, burn money, crappy teeth, no matter how private of a habit you think it is it is always in somebody else's face. I just don't see what possible appeal there can be. I am happy with the new law. My brother smokes, I hope he can kick it eventually. He started because it was the "in" thing to do while hanging with the stoners in high school.

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Last edited by Ghryphen; 2006-08-20 at 04:11 PM.
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Old 2006-08-20, 04:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
xmodum's Avatar
Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

My parents have smoked since I was a kid. We've lived in the same house. I can't even smell it anymore, I'm so used to it. I'm never gonna smoke though (Already got enough from them...), and I do hate when it's blown in my face, but usually my parents just smoke in their room because they don't want that shit around us.

But meh, it is a stupid habbit, Not sure if it's banned in Florida, but I wish it was.
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Old 2006-08-20, 04:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Giovanni's Avatar
Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

If I remember correctly it's banned in Ontario, Quebec and New York (That's those I know of).
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Old 2006-08-20, 04:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Kikinchikin's Avatar
Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

Totally agree. I wish Virginia wasn't the fucking tobacco capital of the world. We'll never get a no smoking in restaurants law passed. And for the record, "non smoking" sections don't do a damn thing. In my opinion they need to just ban it from public indoor establishments all together.
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Old 2006-08-20, 04:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
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LimpBIT's Avatar
Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

I cant stand cigerrets. I smoke a cigar maybe once a month tops and thats it. I think they need to remain banned from public places because when I go out, I dont wanna be dealing with the same shit that goes on in the streets. Whats so hard about going outside to smoke anyway?

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Old 2006-08-20, 05:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
MattxMosh's Avatar
Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

This debate is pointless, smokers are a huge minority.

If you dont like it, go somewhere else.

And that goes for both sides. You cant smoke somewhere, don't cry about it. Go somewhere else. You dont like smoke and smokings allowed, don't cry about it, go somewhere else.

It shouldnt be government controlled, there NO proof it (being second hand smoke) causes cancer. Up to the businesses.

And jesus christ, everyone is such a whiney bitch.
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Old 2006-08-20, 05:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Kikinchikin's Avatar
Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

Disregarding cancer, it is obviously proven that smoke can aggravate allergies and asthma in some people, as well as other respiratory illnesses. And even if you put the potential health risks aside, most people don't enjoy inhaling someone else's smoke. It's a simple matter of catering to the majority and the majority does not smoke.
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Old 2006-08-20, 06:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
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Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

If second hand smoke makes people cough, it's probably not good for them. In BC, where I live, smoking is banned in the indoor areas of restaurants, people are still allowed to smoke outside however. Funny though, basically everyone smokes at my job, I work at a restaurant on the beach washing dishes.
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Old 2006-08-20, 06:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
MattxMosh's Avatar
Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

Originally Posted by Kikinchikin View Post
Disregarding cancer, it is obviously proven that smoke can aggravate allergies and asthma in some people, as well as other respiratory illnesses. And even if you put the potential health risks aside, most people don't enjoy inhaling someone else's smoke. It's a simple matter of catering to the majority and the majority does not smoke.
Catering to the majority on an issue that has to do with an individual is wrong. Can you not see that?

Someone lock this thread.
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Old 2006-08-20, 08:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
ViperGTS's Avatar
Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

I smoke.
Fight me?

Lol, I just killed it.
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Old 2006-08-20, 08:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Kikinchikin's Avatar
Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

No my point was that a larger group is affected by a single person, and it seems rather stupid and inconsiderate for multiple people to be uncomfortable because of one guy. Smoking isn't something you have to do, unlike breathing.
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Old 2006-08-20, 09:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Mag-Mower's Avatar
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Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

Originally Posted by ViperGTS View Post
I smoke.
Fight me?

Lol, I just killed it.
Tommorow at the flag pole, 3PM.
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Old 2006-08-20, 09:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

I'm happy that it is banned in New York. They also complain about it, that they are losing their freedom to smoke. They have the freedom to smoke, they just don't give a shit enough to respect other people who don't want it. If they want to smoke, let them take it outside, where it'll atleast rise to a point where other people can't inhale it. when you smoke indoors, it never leaves that room. Even 10 minutes after the person is done smoking, someone else can still inhale that shit.

I've watched my grandmother die from it, and my grandfather died from it as well. I will never do it. I don't allow my friends to smoke in my car, nor my place.

It is also annoying when students on my campus complain that they can't smoke in their room. so instead they stand right in front of the main door and let everyone, who walks through the door, take a nice whiff of it. then, in the winter time, instead of actually going outside, they like to smoke on the first floor, so I rat them out. those fucks want to make other people's lives hard, i'll make theirs hard. they can hate me all they want.

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Old 2006-08-20, 11:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
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Infernus's Avatar
Re: Smoker vs. Non Smoker

I smoke socially.

And the wacky tobaccy is one of my best friends.
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