The following posts have appeared from our Empire Command Centers:
All of humanity is now empowered with the achievement we call BattleFrames. Like any great exploration though, this one is beset with peril. We urge our forces to continue to brave the fight, even as we endure the consequences of the Peregrine's prototype design. To deny this technology is to deny the human spirit. Like any discovery, there will be heretics and saboteurs to our efforts.
We are aware of the Terran Republic's ongoing efforts to impose a blockade on the BFR acquisition pathways. We are also experiencing a flood of data originating from the Ancient Core databanks, that we can only assume has been launched by the Vanu Sovereignty to bypass our efforts. We may never know why these factions fear the advancement of the human species, but we will not let them suppress us from reaching for the apex of human achievement.
We have watched in horror what the New Conglomerate is willing to subject humanity to in their misguided interpretation of 'freedom.' Is freedom a path that will lead to destruction? It appears that the Conglomerate is comfortable shirking off all accountability for its actions while subjecting its flock to painful and arbitrary death on the battlefield.
It is the Terran Republic's goal to one day reunify the residents of Auraxis, using whatever means necessary, under the nation that has nurtured and provided for us for more than a thousand years. In order to protect these once and future citizens, as well as our own loyal forces, we are implementing a bypass algorithm that will end the mayhem caused by the BattleFrames and restore ethics to this conflict.
The Vanu Sovereignty appears to be working on the BFR pathways as well. We are unaware of their agenda, but it will not impede our efforts to protect ourselves from the anarchy that both of these Empires are responsible for.
As the New Conglomerate and Terran Republic seek to end the phenomena of BattleFrame Robotics, they instead hold to the xenophobic values that will be their undoing.
Our data-miners in the Core have unlocked a heretofore-unseen algorithm in the Core's Instructional Codeset. Our imaging equipment reveals schematics for a modified psionic interface link of Auraxian design. These schematics are already propagating along the Lattice Nodes to each of the original Battle Continents. Meanwhile, sensors reveal localized geological activity along key points in the Lattice infrastructure.
We of the Sovereignty await our deliverance from the mayhem caused by human isolationism. Our faith in the wisdom of the Ancients will not waver.
Remember this all culminates on Friday with a big SOE event. Stay Tuned: We'll bring you developments as they occur. - PSU Headquarters out.
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