Well, I installed Planetside again last week, after beeing away for at least two-and-a-half years, and luckily enough, my good 'ol character was still intact. "theNemon" (Nemon was taken dangit), Br 8 (now Br10), was awakened from his long sleep at the NC Sanctuary. All my certifications were gone, but my cert points were intact, so after a long search for certification consoles, I buffed up my Reaver pilot to old standards.
I've lurked these forums for a few weeks, and it seems like the crowd playing Planetside is diminishing, after all we're talking about a quite old game here... But since there is no similar game on the market right now, I decided to give it a go again, and after a week of casual gaming, I must say I've had some really good fights in these few days!
Ok, since last time I was around, Big Robots has been introduced, and I think they rock the game as well as the ground, so that addition was very nice indeed. The Wasps, however, are a pure pain in my seat, as they surpass the Mosquitos in irritating me with their cheap kills. My good 'ol Reaver can't keep up
(and curse you, Olok(VS), with your three-in-a-row pwnage of me yesterday
All in all, this game is like none other, and I really like beeing back, afterburning away from incoming missiles and suiciding into a tree (stupid branches!) May Planetside live long and prosper!