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View Poll Results: What field should I major in?
Linguistics (do what you want to do!) 14 51.85%
English (do what you're good at!) 4 14.81%
Business (do what you can't possibly fail!) 7 25.93%
College? Wtf is that...? 2 7.41%
Voters: 27. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 2003-02-27, 05:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Arshune's Avatar
Question College

College applications are going out now, and I'm starting to think about what I should be doing with my education...anyone care to make a comment?
"There's a lot of things people respect me for. I'm clean, I'm smart, I'm a nice guy...but I think the biggest thing is that I'm always brandishing a razor for no apparent reason."

-Our principal is SO hardcore.
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Old 2003-02-27, 06:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
diluted's Avatar

um how should i/we know?
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Old 2003-02-27, 06:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Arshune's Avatar

Dunno...just thought maybe someone might have some advice.
"There's a lot of things people respect me for. I'm clean, I'm smart, I'm a nice guy...but I think the biggest thing is that I'm always brandishing a razor for no apparent reason."

-Our principal is SO hardcore.
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Old 2003-02-27, 06:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Master Sergeant
SpaceDrake's Avatar

Always do what you WANT to do. You'll live a happier life that way. And you won't exactly starve to death if you get a good job in linguistics.
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Old 2003-02-27, 07:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Bighoss's Avatar

do what u like but do something that can get you a job. For me i like business so thats what I'm interested in.
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Old 2003-02-27, 07:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
I'm with the Vanu
Tobias's Avatar

Do what you like doing or life will suck, even if it pays well, it will suck and you wont be happy no matter how much you make.
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Old 2003-02-27, 07:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Bighoss's Avatar

tobias you gotta do something that will get you a job AND something you like. No point in majoring and ancient Babylonian astrology... don't see many classifieds looking for people that major in that
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Old 2003-02-27, 07:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Arshune's Avatar

Eh, I don't care about money really. From the budget I did in economics I learned that it only takes about 23000 dollars a year to keep me happy. So as long as I don't plan on raising a family, I could keep myself entertained on a fairly low salary.
"There's a lot of things people respect me for. I'm clean, I'm smart, I'm a nice guy...but I think the biggest thing is that I'm always brandishing a razor for no apparent reason."

-Our principal is SO hardcore.
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Old 2003-02-27, 09:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Lieutenant Colonel
Fire_Monkey's Avatar

Arshune, no offense but don't you think it's a bit pathetic asking some nerds on a forum of a game that hasn't even come out yet: whatto do with your life. Ask your real friends, and family.
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Old 2003-02-27, 10:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Arshune's Avatar

Already did that, and yeah, it is kind of pathetic...but I was really just curious/bored. It's not like I'm basing my decisions on what you guys say. Already pretty much decided on linguistics, about the only thing standing in my way is the fear of the whole study-abroad thing, and the fact that I might have to go to a more expensive school because practically nobody offers it.
"There's a lot of things people respect me for. I'm clean, I'm smart, I'm a nice guy...but I think the biggest thing is that I'm always brandishing a razor for no apparent reason."

-Our principal is SO hardcore.
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Old 2003-02-27, 10:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Lieutenant Colonel
Fire_Monkey's Avatar

oh good, just clearing that up.
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Old 2003-02-27, 11:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Lexington_Steele's Avatar

Don't do English unless you really love it. There isn't much you can do with an English degree except teach. Even to get tenured as a professor of english you will probably need to have a PHD in English. You don't want to play the adjunct faculty game.
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~ Vincent van Gogh

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Old 2003-02-28, 03:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
First Sergeant
Ludio's Avatar

Ah March, March means the following things to me:

Planetside (Well I can hope can't I!)
Spring Break


Oh yes, knew I was forgetting something, college acceptance letters...

Now of those three I am most excited about Planetside, college is important, but I'm not too concerned about where I go.

You're only applying now Arshune? I know some don't start until later, but I had to do them in november...lucky bastard.

Do something fun, I'm not sure what I'm going to be majoring in, but try to do something you like. And remember that no matter what you major in, it doesn't make the rest of your life revolve around that, you can always do something else. And most colleges don't care what you put down on your application, just guess, you can always change it later.

Wow, you are almost exactly one month older than me.
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Old 2003-03-01, 12:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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Derv's Avatar

I applied to only one school Early Decision and got accepted a long time ago, so March = FUN for me =).
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Old 2003-03-01, 12:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Arshune's Avatar

I don't have the scratch to pay for four years at a good school, so I'm going to my local community college for the first two years. Eight thousand dollars cheaper and my degree still says it comes from wherever it is I transfer to, go underachieving!
"There's a lot of things people respect me for. I'm clean, I'm smart, I'm a nice guy...but I think the biggest thing is that I'm always brandishing a razor for no apparent reason."

-Our principal is SO hardcore.
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