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Old 2012-02-08, 11:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
First Sergeant
Odd Dreams

So, I had this dream the other night where I woke up one morning, logged on PSU, and Hamma made me a mod. I was like wtf? He also made my name blue and gave me some really long weird ass forum title. He apparently decided to give a bunch of people mod access as well, so the forums became bat shit crazy. Hamma was basically loling at everyone in every thread, and I tried to clean up the forums but gave up.

Not a very amusing dream, but I'm now apparently dreaming about PSU...and no, I'm not asking to be a mod.

What are some of your odd dreams?
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Old 2012-02-08, 11:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Mordicant's Avatar

Maybe why I shouldn't look at PSU or play PS1 before bed but..

Last night, Higby showed me the new Vanu light pistol that could secondary fire to lift objects a la gravity gun and fling them at enemies. We tried it out on cows.
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Old 2012-02-08, 12:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Re: Odd Dreams


This thread is awesome

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Old 2012-02-08, 12:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Lieutenant Colonel
DviddLeff's Avatar
Re: Odd Dreams

Last night I dreamt I was a survivor of the zombie apocalypse in a big city, and had to get a kid towards the North West as he was immune. Had to cave in some none zombie skulls with some 2x4 as they tried to rob/kill us.

Very vivid, and the fact that I can still remember it at all is unusual.
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Old 2012-02-09, 12:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
First Sergeant
Re: Odd Dreams

I've also had the whole "omg my teeth are falling out dreams" from time to time. I think those are related to stress or something. Everytime I wake up from those dreams, I have to make sure that my teeth are still there.
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Old 2012-02-09, 03:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
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Re: Odd Dreams

i can rarely remember dreams, only the ones that i wake myself up from...like for instance when the moon is falling towards earth and i'm like oh shit this is little bit to hectic to be RL and for some reason this is all happening in a house i lived in 10 years ago....something must be wrong.

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Old 2012-02-09, 10:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Mordicant's Avatar

Gah I hate fall arresters. But that being said falling to my death is not pleasant either.

I assume my ps dreams is because I am craving all things PS2 right now.
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Old 2012-02-09, 01:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Ailos's Avatar
Re: Odd Dreams

Dreamt that I woke up in the morning, checked my e-mail and saw a beta key. Got to work, but didn't give a shit about my job, and isntalled the game on my work PC and started playing, and my boss was like "I want it." But then I logged in, and it didn't look too different from PlanetSide and I'm sitting there going WTF?
Doctors kill people one at a time. Engineers do it in batches.

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Old 2012-02-11, 06:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
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Re: Odd Dreams

I once had a dream that I was watching a football game and it cut to a reporter in the field talking about a player or whatever. In the backround I remember seeing like one of those big industrial lawnmowers in the backround prepping the field for play.

Then out of nowhere when it gets close enough to him he flips the lawn mower over and tries putting his head in the lawnmower to kill himself but his head bounces off the blades. People start rushing over trying to stop him but he keeps trying as hard as he can. Eventually his entire body is enveloped in the lawnmower and he's being ripped to shreds. There's people surrounding the lawnmower trying to pull him out but there's nothing they can do. There's blood everywhere and the commentators are all screaming to take the camera off that.

Then it pulls to people's reactions and there's a guy vomiting but it's like there's something stuck in his mouth and he can't puke. Vomit is seeping out the sides of his mouth and he's choking to death on his vomit. Moments later a turtle comes out of his mouth.

Then I woke up.

That was the craziest dream I've ever had in my entire life.

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Old 2012-02-12, 12:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
Vancha's Avatar
Re: Odd Dreams

I dreamed of PSU last night. I was replying to threads about PS2 that made a remarkable amount of sense considering it was a dream...

Originally Posted by Crazyduckling View Post
I've also had the whole "omg my teeth are falling out dreams" from time to time. I think those are related to stress or something. Everytime I wake up from those dreams, I have to make sure that my teeth are still there.
Other people have these dreams?! I never knew.

Last edited by Vancha; 2012-02-19 at 12:09 PM.
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Old 2012-02-19, 11:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
DayOne's Avatar
Re: Odd Dreams

I once had a dream a baboon was going to eat me.
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Old 2012-02-19, 02:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Graywolves's Avatar
Re: Odd Dreams

I once had this dream where we were some time after the Zombie Apocalypse. We already knew how to be immune to it but it was like, you had to take the vaccine, get bit, and then be in the hospital for a while or something, so it was risky.

There were safe zones where people lived their everyday lives like normal, but if you got far enough out or into the old cities, there were many zombies. So there was like a volunteer zombie-police force or something and I was going through in-processing. Did the normal stuff like give blood, paperwork, get vaccinated. And then we got to this area where they had some zombies chained up and you had to go in and get bit or something. Had to be careful because getting bit in a bad spot might make you suffer too heavy blood loss. So I went in and let it bite my arm but then I couldn't get it off and I punched it in the teeth (which led to a nice laceration down my hand and a flap of skin peeling off because apparently rotting dead things have razor sharp teeth). And then I blacked out and woke up in the hospital and some of the guys in my squad and I joked and stuff, I got checked out and we went to the mess hall and joked some more.

And then I woke up.


Just remembered one from High School. Where I dreamed my history class had a WWII veteran speaking with us and we all had stuff on our desks, a drink or a hooka or something. I think it was a hooka. And I used it or something and felt like my mind got drained into it, suddenly felt sick and had no strength. So I tried to tell everyone that it was bad for them or something. And they were all like "..."


Disturbing Dream

I just remembered this other dream I had where US forces were surrounding this block (like an entire city block) somewhere in the middle east or something (maybe south america). But there was orders to not fire into or go into the area for some reason. It almost looked like a war was fought their and brought to some kind of a stale mate. I could see everything from a helicopter circling around above. Mutilated corpses were everywhere. In my dream I remember having the logic that I was looking at a literal hell as this entire section that one was to step foot into had bodies torn apart, skinned, stretched, etc. I can't remember what the..inhabitants of this block looked like. But I think I remember them parading around and dancing as though it was a joyous occasion.

Last edited by Graywolves; 2012-02-21 at 07:26 PM.
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Old 2012-02-23, 12:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
Re: Odd Dreams

I had my first PS dream last night (this is not a good thing...). I was in a mall for some reason with a swat team trying to take out some terrorists. I had a jumppack and a gauss rifle, the thing felt like cheap plastic (wtf I'm supposed to be an NC fan) and I just remember us all standing around not being able to reload. I kept telling them "just go get killed, you'll respawn with ammo!".
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Old 2012-03-19, 04:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
First Sergeant
TheBladeRoden's Avatar
Re: Odd Dreams

I had a dream that PS2 had a surprise release and I was already playing it. Except it looked a little more like Timesplitters than Planetside. Plus there was a pop-up in the corner of the screen whenever Higby tweeted. And he was like "Glad you guys are enjoying the beta". But there was a bug in the single player mode cut scene where you can see the female's boobs, and I was like "why did they even texture that?"
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