I'd like to outline this post with the fact I barely played Planetside 1. I was busy with school and couldn't afford to shell out $15 a month as I was subsisting on a Ramen diet. I subsequently forgot about it until I saw news about PS2. I remembered the general feeling some moments of the game captured and I decided to write something up about it. Since I didn't remember much, I used terms from PS2 as they are fresh in my mind and I wanted to (hopefully) capture the feeling PS2 delivers. I also didn't want to use too many in universe nods, because I'm trying to convey something in particular and I didn't want it bogged down with too much "name dropping" so-to-speak. I'm also showing it to my friends to try and get them excited about it as well.
P.S. Maybe it's a commercial for the Liberator.
Feel free to be as critical as you need to be. I thrive on criticism.