Red vs Blue vs Purple? How machinima has already invaded planetside. - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2012-06-08, 02:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sergeant Major
Marinealver's Avatar
Post Red vs Blue vs Purple? How machinima has already invaded planetside.

Well I am sure many of us has seen Red vs Blue from Rooster Teeth and most of us has played Halo on the XBox (a few of us on PC too). But Iwas watching the remastered and recolection series I I just can't help but noticed we pretty much already have the Cast that plays in the game. Well at least all the Charachters. I'll break it down.

Terran Republic AKA the Red Team

Sarge Cr5 Br19 Favorite Weapon Sweeper shotgun, also has Attack Buggy for the Marauder. Well known for blabing useeless orders across the global spam that is pretty much ignored by all with common sense.

Simmons a Cr2 who is all up on the CUD thinking he can alter the course of battle with reveal friendly scans and sending sitreps to a non existant Cr3.

Grif a Br25 but Cr0, will not use any support equipment on teammates nor would he take squad leader because it will take away BEP and CEP is too hard to work for.

Donut, plays with a girl avatar, always fixing the base.

Lopez, is an engineer who used to play on the werner server. So he speaks a diffrent language and is hard for other players to understand him.

New Conglomerate AKA the Blue team

Church a Cr3 BR24 who has sniper but for some reason the CHUD server with the funny hit detection will never register a shot he makes as a hit. Could switch to a jackhammer but will more likely than not complain about the lack of range.

Tucker, you will actually hav to tell him that those other players are guys playing as a girl avatar.

Caboose, calls the vanguard he drives (as well as guns some how) Shelia. Always seems to be grief-locked

Sis, colorblind reservist so she always mistakes Terran and Vanu as New Conglomerate, dosn't last long

Vanu as those purple guys (along with other guys)

Doc/Omaley A medic all weapon killwhore who outside of planetside would not swear takes getting pushed over and walked over in real life. in planetside he is a blood thirsty kill everything he can see. drives hover vehicles.

Agent Washington a Cr5 Br 40 who pretty much has an Alt in each other empire. Both of the Cr5s Br 40s.

Wyoming basicly that 4th empire guy who has charachters on all Empires but will only fight/play for the empire that is winning.

Tex that OP super soldier known as Black Ops, you know the ones with the 2,000 hit points, stamina and armor. owns everyone.

Meta that hacking -blam-tard who would be seen in a MAX that is warping all over the place dropping, camping spawns, insta gibing players miles away with a scat max. Plays for what empire he has a charachter that hasn't been banned.

Last edited by Marinealver; 2012-06-08 at 02:30 PM.
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