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Old 2012-06-10, 04:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
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stordito's Avatar
what's wrong with some VG press?

I know it's not strictly related with PS2 as a game, but those few days of E3 revealed some press logics I really don't understand...
let's all agree this E3 sucked bad and most of the games seen (watchdog,1313 etc) where running on PC but advertised as console games (probably even next gen consoles).
plus Epic being stuck with their shiny graphic engine and gears of wars...but that's another story.

let's agree that a gaming website doing press can occasionally forget or ignore one news for another, or is just unaware of a particular topic.
And let's all agree that if you boost yourself as a news resource you should publish everything, good or bad, sticking to the "information at all cost" attitude.

let's...well let's just get to the point...
how is it that some websites are basically avoiding to report any news planetside2 related?
I'm talking about kotaku.com for example, wich whole #planetside2 tag history reports a craziness of 9 entries in 2 years, the last "specific" of wich is from december 2011 (beta registration opens). no alpha footage, no trailers, no interviews...nothing from E3...
I can understand not posting Tray's attempt to park a gal or devs twitter pics, but i cannot understand this akward silence on what is clearly one of the most anticipated shooters of 2012.
the press said so,not me!

This sound much more amazing thinking the majority of kotaku's readers define themselfs "pc gamers" (80% on the poll if i recall correctly).
I sent them newstips and twits from time to time to make them aware of new trailers etc, so did others without any response...
but the full feature article on the latest COD map pack was never late when needed.

let me be clear: they have the right to post whatever they want, as much as RPS is free to ignore brogamer's needs, but seems like something wrong (tense PR relationship between SOE and them?).
and there are other sites completely ignoring some intresting games, or indie games, much more worth the frontpage than others,especially for just an hour a day.
the matter is not with one website or more websites ignoring a game (i can always switch site) but the bad attitude itself.

Many other websites completely ignore some specific games, i find this very unprofessional and bad for the gaming community itself.
I'm not sure why i had to post this...the gaming biz is going to be in trouble because their costumers are ignorant and they get waht they want.
Remember: the last couple of times we had a major gaming industry crisis it came with a prelude of LACK OF INNOVATION.
We are already on the verge of the next one,with the crown moving from eastern devs to western ones.
Those signals where pretty clear this year, with a longer console life spawn,lack of new IP etc. i'm afraid this is going to happen again and leave us with other 4-5 years of storm (Atari crisis anyone?)
maybe a change is for the better, who knows..

it's always incredible when some games just pop on the major news sites because they are actually good and don't rely on a bazilion $ advertising campaign.

Consumers wants what they think they want. fine.
Developers produce (mostly) what people wants. fine.
Press should tell people what they need to know, not what they want to ear.
Maybe i'm pushing it too far but bad press leads to loss of freedom,even if we are talking about stupid videogames...

I really had to complain somewhere, i did it here because it's "home",not because i want to bring troubles or flame the hell out of this topic.

gaming press is ruining gaming.
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Old 2012-06-10, 04:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
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Sabot's Avatar
Re: what's wrong with some VG press?

It's the whole 'social acceptance' thing I guess... like it always is. Gaming press isn't seriosu becuse here in the west people dpn't take it seriosly.. apart from us gamers and developers. The only place in the world where gaming press is considered socialy accepted is South Korea. But believe me.. once the slow thinking, conservative money lickers get wind of how much money there is to made in this, we'll catch up eventually...
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Old 2012-06-10, 04:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Ratstomper's Avatar
Re: what's wrong with some VG press?

I don't know what the status is between certain companies and certain media outlets, but subjective press isn't a new thing. Look at politics; every big news outlet has their own political views that they tend to push. It wouldn't surprise me if gaming news was the exact same way.

Much like presidents, the big titles have the cash to maybe grease the wheels for their terrible, terrible l̶i̶e̶s̶... games, I mean games.
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Old 2012-06-10, 04:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
meiam's Avatar
Re: what's wrong with some VG press?

Well kotaku has been really...lacking lately I know it sounds cliche, but I really suspect there's a lot of money deal going at kotaku and maybe SOE didn't pay there cut (some review are just awful, there review of dragon dogma was full of error).

I think the best way to get good VG press is to go to multiple website (I go to kotaku, siliconera, joystick and all it's different version, escapist, gematsu, rpgfan everyday and lots of stuff aren't covered on all of them), I really miss the more professional monthly/bimonthly magazine, old EGM you are solely missed.
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