EDIT: image links where broken bump
Can you see all 7 images now ?
As a father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate
to PS2 crew i got exclusive rights to post this tweeter interview
Harvestable resources - imagine MINECRAFT style resource harvesting
with physical vehicles doing the mining or the harvesting.
BFR by popular demands is coming back here is some concept art
YEAH !!!
we want to expand our consumer base
by enabling broad range of computer specs
from commodore to HAL 9000
and this is our final mega optimized / opcode result
New class - predator you can see that awesome texture pack YEAH!!!
we are incorporating the latest in Sony technology...
SeXperia TM PS2 Series (aka girl magnet )
We at Sony entertainment are following modern internet
trends that's why we are bringing in new vehicle
I love scythe ITs SOOOO CUTE XD XD...
Ohhh look at that cat.... shiny
(starts chasing a cat )