is this a true sequel to planetside
I think that this game is awesome , I like it for what it does and i can see a good future for this game , How ever , I feel that this is more like bf3 than the original planetside , there is far to much that implement the same as bf3 , for instance the way in that you capture bases and different check points , the whole class system , the way that the guns feel and gunning your own tanks , all i'm saying is that this does not feel like planetside , the voice macros are awful , i think it is a insult to the game as the original voice macro and chants we're great and worked really well , and whats going to happen with the squad/platoon , i would like to see my squad and full platoon members on my screen like how it was originally , rather than just seeing my squad members and i also liked seeing under a players name his/her health and armor bar so you could see how much health/armor your opponent had left when fighting them , this game has lost the charm and character the original planetside had , mind you it is still early beta and this game has a lot of potential and i just hope within time it will start to feel like the original planetside . It would also be interesting to see how many continents are in the pipeline . The loadster needs to be added in soon .