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Old 2012-10-09, 06:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Would like to hear from the verterans / people who played ps1. Is it better,worse, much of the same?
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Old 2012-10-10, 01:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
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Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

It's like comparing a 2003 Mustang to a 2012 Prius...

The Mustang is better in pretty much every way except the amount of miles it gets in one tank.
ZulthusVS, 34/5 DARK
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Old 2012-10-10, 05:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

compared to the original its nowhere near,if you have a look at the masses of videos on youtube you can get an idea of the depth ingame compared to ps2.

now its a very cut down,simple version of the original grafted onto battlefield by the feel of it.
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Old 2012-10-10, 05:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

The hit detection feels a little better.
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Old 2012-10-12, 06:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Worse. Alot worse.

But then again, PS1 was one of the best games ever made. PS2 is not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but boy oh boy does it need some work.

I've been thinking about PS2's balance, lifespan and gameplay problems recently and almost every problem can be traced back to things that a PS1 approach (if not copy) would have fixed. What is done is done I guess.
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Old 2012-10-13, 10:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

As guys have said PS1 was one of the greats.

PS2 is good and will get better with changes as this is only beta, some of the battles have been massive and fantastic but they need to address things which in fairness if you read the forums they are doing .

I would definetly say try it , its a lot more confusing at first than PS1 the bases are a very big.

Theres a very good guide here that helps.

some things i like better than PS1 some I dont , I think guys are telling them constantly what they dont like which is a good thing.
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Old 2012-10-15, 02:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

PS2 is missing everything that made PS1 unique. People claim the shooting has been improved. I disagree. Just because the shooter mechanics have been improved doesn't mean the game has. The game has been engineered the generate cash and is missing all the features from the original. This new model will probably last 2 years until a rival devoloper realises what a gem SOE have skipped. Be under no illusion the sequel we have all been waiting for is just around the corner. It just won't come from SOE.
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Old 2012-10-15, 04:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

PS2 hasn't been in development for 9+ years.

PS2 isn't a methodically slow-paced mess where you have to wait for absolutely everything.

PS2 doesn't require that you turn off flora options in order to get a tactical advantage (seeing mines.)

PS2 is missing over half of it's intended features because it is too early in development for all the previous posters to even comment on simplification.

Take it from someone who even played PS1 at launch who is honest and has an open mind, who has a machine that can't seem to slow down even at PS2's highest current settings.
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Old 2012-10-15, 08:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Both games are fun and both games feature huge battles.
But unlike PS1, PS2 can run without lag and with high FPS, while PS1 often turned into a lagfest when the real fun started.

Some things in PS2 are different and maybe even worse than in PS1, but they feel very similar and are both good (and with the current bugs in the beta fixed even great) games.

As i always felt that Planetside was like Tribes 2 without jetpacks (reason: Qix), the same comparison can still be used, because now we have Tribes Ascend and PS2^^

And we can compare T2 to TA.

TA is different but feels very similar in comparison to Tribes 2.
Some things feel improved, some elements feel worse bit still - great game.
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Old 2012-10-16, 09:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Larger focus on vehicle combat in PS2 it feels like to me.

My Stream -
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Old 2012-10-16, 12:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

*Both games are fun and both games feature huge battles.
But unlike PS1, PS2 can run without lag and with high FPS, while PS1 often turned into a lagfest when the real fun started.*

ps2's large battles are nothing compared to ps1.. be honest now,and it is an utter "lagfest" as you put it... we had NC and TR mutually yelling the other night.

oh,and check the numerous other posts about ps2 lag.

or are you another shill?
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Old 2012-10-18, 10:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

PS is like playing on Desolation, Oshur. But less fun and holds your attention for 30 mins and then it gets really old.
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Old 2012-10-18, 06:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1


I had 2 situations in which the game was horrible laggy and had horrible fps, below 6fps....

As it later turned out, after reducing the rendering quality (the slider on the left of the graphics panel), the fps went up to about 50fps.
What was even more interesting - after resetting the rendering quality a while later to the normal level - the fps stayed the same.

The battle had become smaller during that span of time, but was still raging...

I'd guess, that the low fps could have been caused by a bug from the beginning, being fixed by "resetting" the rendering part of the engine by reducing and resetting the rendering quality.

Apart from that, the game runs absolute great, even in very large battles or the warpgate, with 40+ characters in view.

All with a resolution of 1920x1200 (11% higher than FullHD).

Of course I'm running a system with an Intel Core i5 2500, Radeon 6950 (2GB) and 8 gigs of RAM, but a system in that range is also necessary to run for example Battlefield 3, which has a bit more detailed graphics but less players/smaller maps.

Running PS2 with a system that was sufficient for PS1 won't work.

But while PS1 had low fps and lag in larger battles with an at that time quite good system and standard internet connection, Planetside 2 runs great with a "quite good" system.
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Old 2012-10-19, 03:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Planetside 2 is a pale shadow of the original. It will hold your attention for a while and then you ask your self "Ok so how much is missing?" The whole game is missing to be fair. It is so diluted it has become an insult. SOE are going for the micro transactions, which is fine for a non MMO. But they could have avoided that by asking for subscription and offering PS1 and some. What we have is crap atm, a total regression. It's like playing the shell of Planetside ans upon looking inside there is nothing. Really, really dissapointing.
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Old 2012-10-20, 08:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Everyone needs to give the game a chance. It's beta and while most of it's major features have been revealed at this given point of time, the largest portion of the game (the content we all want to have) has still yet to come.

Be patient everyone.

Find an outfit. Do what you love.
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