Originally Posted by Gore
What does continent based XP mean exactly? If I lvl up on Indar I won't have that lvl on Esamir or what?
I assume they were refering to the following issue:
When your empire has a low population, you get an XP bonus. This bonus XP is server-wide though; so if populations are even server (33% VS/33% TR/33% NC), the reality on a continent might be entirely different (22% VS/22% TR/66% NC).
If you were playing VS or NC, along with getting little to no resources from not dominating the map, you would have to fight against the odds of enemies outnumbering you. Outnumbered, under-equiped and no recognition for fighting the hard fight, would you really choose to go on that continent ?
Making the XP bonus continent based will help to promote even populations on continents until cross-continent warfare is implemented.