Do you think we could plan another community PlanetSide Day (May 20th)? - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2013-01-01, 08:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sergeant Major
MasterChief096's Avatar
Do you think we could plan another community PlanetSide Day (May 20th)?

It is what the title says it is people. Do you think we could get the word out that we want people to show SOE there is still a vested interest in PlanetSide 1 by planning another PlanetSide Day to take place on its 10th Anniversary (May 20th, 2013), even with the subscription cost in place?

Here's what I'm thinking.

I create a free website/petition similar to the one I've already made.

We set a goal of, say, 400 people that would definitely subscribe for a month (we could set the sub-date to like, May 18th, or something).

If we get 400 signatures, we declare the petition a success, and then everyone knows that there will be at least 400 people online for PlanetSide Day and will subscribe to the game.

If we fall short, I declare the petition a failure and everyone knows not to subscribe because it might be a waste of time. This is the fail-safe so that people don't end up wasting money.

I would need help spreading the word. And that help would come primarily from you people.

All of the parameters would be neatly typed and summarized in the petition, so that people know that the goal is 400 signatures and what happens if we fall short.

If you think this is a good idea, tell me what you think a good target number is. 300 signatures? 400? 250?

We have five months to accumulate them people. I have accumulated 147 signatures for the PS1 free-to-play petition within eleven days of it being posted online, with limited advertising and community involvement.

This stunt would provide us with a really cool 10 year anniversary for a truly stunning game, would maybe demonstrate to SOE that they really do need to take our pleas for free-to-play seriously, would give them money in the process, is a peaceful way of showing our interest, and would possibly give us a month's worth of good fights that should sate our PlanetSide thirst until SOE implements its plans to make PS1 free-to-play (since it is more or less confirmed by Smedley that they will do it, they just don't really care about it right now).

Another possibility is that we get the signatures, I send this to Smedley to show him the interest, and he gives us all a free month to support the community. We'll most likely not get that much, but it would be worth a try, even if we succeed!

I'm willing to put the time and effort in to try and make the most out of this, five months is a long time, and I am more than confident we can pull together to make this succeed. I will scour game forums far and wide letting people know about this plan. I would need you to scour your friends lists, gaming groups, steam groups, forum buddies, inbox contacts, email contacts, YouTube video, everything you can to get the word out. It's relatively easy when you think about it. Fifteen minutes of your time helping this go through could mean a future for PlanetSide 1.

Let me hear your thoughts everyone. I think 400 should be the goal, because that means that the 133v133v133 pop-lock system of PlanetSide would fill up + 1 guy lol. The event would probably start the Sunday prior (May 19th) since there is more free-time that day, and then the event would continue until Midnight on Monday.

Last edited by MasterChief096; 2013-01-01 at 08:13 PM.
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Old 2013-01-01, 08:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Lieutenant General
Re: Do you think we could plan another community PlanetSide Day (May 20th)?

It is possible, but you'll have to find and contact the outfits about it largely manually.

I would suggest poking TotalBiscuit for some exposure.
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Old 2013-01-01, 09:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Staff Sergeant
Re: Do you think we could plan another community PlanetSide Day (May 20th)?

I support this. I mean it's PlanetSide Day! It's not like you picked an arbitrary day to get everyone to subscribe. Just need to make sure someone gets in contact with all the major outfits from back in the day.

Edit: I just did some Googling and apparently Sony did something on PlanetSide Day last year:

I wouldn't be surprised if PlanetSide goes F2P on or before that day. At the very least we should definitely hear news by then.

Last edited by CrazEpharmacist; 2013-01-01 at 09:05 PM.
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Old 2013-01-01, 09:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Sergeant Major
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Re: Do you think we could plan another community PlanetSide Day (May 20th)?

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
It is possible, but you'll have to find and contact the outfits about it largely manually.

I would suggest poking TotalBiscuit for some exposure.
Great idea, I just need to figure out a way to contact him. I doubt he sifts through the hundreds of inbox messages on YouTube that he gets from fans.
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Old 2013-01-01, 10:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Re: Do you think we could plan another community PlanetSide Day (May 20th)?

I'll be there, and I'll go prod the old IoS gang
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Old 2013-01-01, 10:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Gunuko's Avatar
Re: Do you think we could plan another community PlanetSide Day (May 20th)?

Originally Posted by MasterChief096 View Post
It is what the title says it is people. Do you think we could get the word out that we want people to show SOE there is still a vested interest in PlanetSide 1 by planning another PlanetSide Day to take place on its 10th Anniversary (May 20th, 2013), even with the subscription cost in place?

Here's what I'm thinking.

I create a free website/petition similar to the one I've already made.

We set a goal of, say, 400 people that would definitely subscribe for a month (we could set the sub-date to like, May 18th, or something).

If we get 400 signatures, we declare the petition a success, and then everyone knows that there will be at least 400 people online for PlanetSide Day and will subscribe to the game.

If we fall short, I declare the petition a failure and everyone knows not to subscribe because it might be a waste of time. This is the fail-safe so that people don't end up wasting money.

I would need help spreading the word. And that help would come primarily from you people.

All of the parameters would be neatly typed and summarized in the petition, so that people know that the goal is 400 signatures and what happens if we fall short.

If you think this is a good idea, tell me what you think a good target number is. 300 signatures? 400? 250?

We have five months to accumulate them people. I have accumulated 147 signatures for the PS1 free-to-play petition within eleven days of it being posted online, with limited advertising and community involvement.

This stunt would provide us with a really cool 10 year anniversary for a truly stunning game, would maybe demonstrate to SOE that they really do need to take our pleas for free-to-play seriously, would give them money in the process, is a peaceful way of showing our interest, and would possibly give us a month's worth of good fights that should sate our PlanetSide thirst until SOE implements its plans to make PS1 free-to-play (since it is more or less confirmed by Smedley that they will do it, they just don't really care about it right now).

Another possibility is that we get the signatures, I send this to Smedley to show him the interest, and he gives us all a free month to support the community. We'll most likely not get that much, but it would be worth a try, even if we succeed!

I'm willing to put the time and effort in to try and make the most out of this, five months is a long time, and I am more than confident we can pull together to make this succeed. I will scour game forums far and wide letting people know about this plan. I would need you to scour your friends lists, gaming groups, steam groups, forum buddies, inbox contacts, email contacts, YouTube video, everything you can to get the word out. It's relatively easy when you think about it. Fifteen minutes of your time helping this go through could mean a future for PlanetSide 1.

Let me hear your thoughts everyone. I think 400 should be the goal, because that means that the 133v133v133 pop-lock system of PlanetSide would fill up + 1 guy lol. The event would probably start the Sunday prior (May 19th) since there is more free-time that day, and then the event would continue until Midnight on Monday.
You have to be patient man Smedley said "He will" make Planetside 1 free to play. They have an amazing game in ps2 they're trying to market right now, but eventually they'll make it free. You just know plenty of the people playing the second version of the game are going to want to play the first one.
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Old 2013-01-02, 09:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Lieutenant General
Re: Do you think we could plan another community PlanetSide Day (May 20th)?

Originally Posted by MasterChief096 View Post
Great idea, I just need to figure out a way to contact him. I doubt he sifts through the hundreds of inbox messages on YouTube that he gets from fans.
You could... you know, PM him here.
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Old 2013-01-02, 09:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
Sergeant Major
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Re: Do you think we could plan another community PlanetSide Day (May 20th)?

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
You could... you know, PM him here.
What's his handle? Searched for TotalBiscuit, TB, CynicalBrit, etc, didn't find anything.
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Old 2013-01-02, 02:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Lieutenant General
Re: Do you think we could plan another community PlanetSide Day (May 20th)?

Originally Posted by MasterChief096 View Post
What's his handle? Searched for TotalBiscuit, TB, CynicalBrit, etc, didn't find anything.
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Old 2013-01-23, 01:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Re: Do you think we could plan another community PlanetSide Day (May 20th)?

you have my support!
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Old 2013-01-25, 01:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
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Re: Do you think we could plan another community PlanetSide Day (May 20th)?

Late to the party...

You have my support, but I'm thinking 500 signatures would be quite a bit since the main petition has plateaued around 220 or so signatures. However, if we got the attention of TotalBiscuit or any other big name people I'm sure it could get a ton of signatures.


Last edited by Death2All; 2013-01-25 at 01:59 AM.
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