ex-LA cop on the run for murder: Christopher Dorner - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2013-02-08, 08:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
ex-LA cop on the run for murder: Christopher Dorner


So I found this on one of the forums I visit, thought it was interesting at least. Guy obviously has issues, but at the very least it's an interesting read.

Think I've read about half way through, but the interesting thing I read was the part where he said "I’ll be waiting for a PUBLIC response at a press conference. When the truth comes out, the killing stops." He was refering to the shit that happened to him that eventually ended up in him being terminated as an officer.

Seems like a simple solution to me, give him what he wants and he'll stop. Not like giving him what he wants is going to do anything other than ruin the reputation of one person, who it appears from his manifesto already ruined the reputation of multiple other people.

edit: After reading through some more, it makes me wonder why the LAPD shot up those poor newspaper delivery women who were in a truck that was similar. Seems they're not even concerned with attempting to arrest the guy, because they're not even properly identifying their target before opening up on them.

Last edited by Assist; 2013-02-08 at 08:38 PM.
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Old 2013-02-09, 02:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
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Re: ex-LA cop on the run for murder: Christopher Dorner

Yeah... this guy appears to be a rather honorable citizen who was dishonored by LAPD corruption, and it also cost him his military career. After trying everything to legally get his name cleared, of which he exhausted all options, he decided to escalate the matter to a far more serious and unavoidable circumstance that the public gets to see.

Being in the general Los Angeles area, I have absolutely zero fear that CJD is going to harm non-target civilians in any way (aside from maybe if one tries to help a downed cop, which he warns against in the manifesto) and I personally wish there was something I could do to further the cause of exposing the LAPD corruption.

Already there has been a major smear campaign to label him as crazy, or attack the credibility of his report and accusations. I don't buy it, the manifesto was laid out with great detail, and he appears to be following through with it precisely as promised. He battled with depression yes, I would have too if I went through what he went through, but I'm glad he is not letting go of the injustice he suffered as a LAPD officer who actually stands up for citizens.

As for the two trucks that LAPD shot up, neither matched the description of the suspected vehicle (which has since been destroyed), but that doesn't stop overzealous and consequence-free police from taking the opportunity to randomly brutalize the community. Most LAPD are a buncha bigots, fuckups, thugs, and murderers, to be perfectly honest with you.

Last edited by Neurotoxin; 2013-02-09 at 02:47 AM.
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Old 2013-02-09, 12:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Re: ex-LA cop on the run for murder: Christopher Dorner

Originally Posted by Neurotoxin View Post
Yeah... this guy appears to be a rather honorable citizen who was dishonored by LAPD corruption, and it also cost him his military career. After trying everything to legally get his name cleared, of which he exhausted all options, he decided to escalate the matter to a far more serious and unavoidable circumstance that the public gets to see.

Being in the general Los Angeles area, I have absolutely zero fear that CJD is going to harm non-target civilians in any way (aside from maybe if one tries to help a downed cop, which he warns against in the manifesto) and I personally wish there was something I could do to further the cause of exposing the LAPD corruption.

Already there has been a major smear campaign to label him as crazy, or attack the credibility of his report and accusations. I don't buy it, the manifesto was laid out with great detail, and he appears to be following through with it precisely as promised. He battled with depression yes, I would have too if I went through what he went through, but I'm glad he is not letting go of the injustice he suffered as a LAPD officer who actually stands up for citizens.

As for the two trucks that LAPD shot up, neither matched the description of the suspected vehicle (which has since been destroyed), but that doesn't stop overzealous and consequence-free police from taking the opportunity to randomly brutalize the community. Most LAPD are a buncha bigots, fuckups, thugs, and murderers, to be perfectly honest with you.
Frank Castle anyone....

You really need to fear the man who has nothing to lose and because of their actions, he has nothing to lose...I think that their are some very frightened people in the Corruption Hierarchy in LA today....I think this man is going to turn into a legend...
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Old 2013-02-10, 09:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
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Re: ex-LA cop on the run for murder: Christopher Dorner

The way that the LAPD has handled the entire matter certainly lends credit to Mr. Dorner's case. Shooting up other people's vehicles without having any idea if Mr. Dorner was even there speaks of incredible indifference for public safety. Last time I checked their motto was "to protect and serve".
While I won't condone Mr. Dorner's suspected actions I most certainly don't condone the LAPD acting like the mafia on a personal vendetta.
Apparently his actions also prompted the LAPD to reopen his case.

A strange case for me. On one hand he almost certainly murdered 3 innocent people and on the other hand the police are acting exactly like he claimed they would.
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Last edited by ChipMHazard; 2013-02-11 at 12:39 PM.
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Old 2013-02-10, 11:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Re: ex-LA cop on the run for murder: Christopher Dorner

Originally Posted by PurpleOtter View Post
Frank Castle anyone....

You really need to fear the man who has nothing to lose and because of their actions, he has nothing to lose...I think that their are some very frightened people in the Corruption Hierarchy in LA today....I think this man is going to turn into a legend...
This, QFT.
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Old 2013-02-13, 10:28 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
Re: ex-LA cop on the run for murder: Christopher Dorner

Well it seems the PD burned the house down with him alive inside. Nearly every news station in America was covering it, so millions watched a guy burn alive on TV. And people still think guns are the issue...
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