I'm finally confident enough to release the first stable (beta-) version of my POJO mapper for the API. The goal is to simplyfy working with the API and taking care of most of the annoyances it currently has, like random errors. It includes (nearly) all collections the API offers plus the server status, which is somewhat hidden.
// basic setup to retrieve character information
ApiConnection apiConnection = new ApiConnection();
CharacterApiDAO characterDao = apiConnection.getCharacterDao();
// get the character by name (don't need
CharacterResponse characterResponse =
// no need to check if the character exists.
// I know the character exists because its mine.
ApiCharacter character = characterResponse.getCharacters().get(0);
// getting additional character information
CharactersFriendsResponse friends = characterDao.getFriends(character);
CharacterOnlineStatusResponse onlineStatus =
CharactersEventsResponse dearthEvents =
characterDao.getEvents(character, CharactersEventType.DEATH);
CharactersWorldResponse world = characterDao.getWorld(character);
That's 5 API Request with just 8 lines of code and you can continue working with it, like you would with any normal data structure. You don't need to thing about json/xml.
You can find more information on the
projects website. I'm also at Planetside universe's API irc channel (irc.planetside-universe.com #api).