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Old 2003-04-11, 11:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Second Lieutenant
Reason to Deffend Bases

Deffending a base should be easier than attacking. But are bases being cap easily because it's easier to attack than deffend? Or is it because once a base is yours, you move on, and once someone else tries to take it, only half of less of you come back to deffend?
I think it is the later, and I think it will always be. Maybe exp should be given like this:

Killing an enemy in their SOI gives (x) exp.

Killing an enemy in no SOI gives (x +30%) exp.

Killing an enemy in your SOI gives (x +45%) exp.

Killing an enemy in other factions' SOI gives (x +60%) exp.

Also exp for capping should be something like, if 50 people cap a base with 100 enemies in that SOI, the attackers should get more exp than if less enemies were in the base. (Not sure if it is like this or not)

Taken or deffending a base should give about the same mount of exp. But only taking should give CR because it's easier to code.


Also, what if the bases were more like the Tech Plant along with what else they do to make them worth more. Like:

Tech Plant
*Provides access to all vehicles except for the Galaxy dropship *Other facilities can only produce standard vehicles, but when linked to the Tech Plant they can then produce heavy assault vehicles.
*Change: None.

Dropship Center
*The Dropship Center does not carry any link benefits of its own, but it is the only facility that has a Galaxy terminal.
*Change: None, because there is only one on each continent.

Bio Lab
*Reduces respawn delay at other friendly facilities
*Upgrades medical terminals to advanced medical terminal functionality (where health and armor are repaired).
*Change: Gives you access to Medical Applicators, and refills at all bases your faction controlls.

Amplifier Station
*Increases the radius of the Sphere of Influence (SOI)
*Activates shields on the wall turrets
*Reduces the amount of NTU consumed by 50%(friendly facilities remain operational for notably longer before needing resupplied)
*Change: Gives you access to common pool weapons at all bases your faction controlls on that continent.

Interlink Facility
*Reveals the majority of enemy vehicles on radar when within an SOI
*Wall turrets will fire upon any of the revealed vehicles in automated form when not manned.
*Change: Gives you access to BANK, Nano-dispenser, and refills at all bases you control.


But then again, we need to keep it so that we can get BANK, Nano-dispenser, Medical Applicators, and refills at AMS's. So I guess those changes wouldn't do much.
...What's Iraq like?

IEDs, SAF, RPGs, & mortars. But only during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The enemy is so poor, they have to keep day jobs

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Last edited by Toimu; 2003-04-11 at 11:56 PM.
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Old 2003-04-12, 12:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Lieutenant Colonel
mistled's Avatar

From my extremely limited experience, it's because players move on from the base once they take it and don't come back. If your empire is already at the base with any sort of presence, it doesn't seem to be a huge deal to reclaim the base before the 15 minutes is up. (unless, of course, the team attacking it is actually organized and a full squad or two or three )

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Old 2003-04-12, 12:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Led's Avatar

Still have yet to see any of that
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Old 2003-04-12, 12:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #4

I agree. From the sounds of things it seems like the importance of defence will need to be increased more.

I am a defence man. Always have been, always will be.

I dont want to be the only jackass sitting in a base turret waiting anxiously for the enemy to attack.
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Old 2003-04-12, 02:04 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Master Sergeant
SpaceDrake's Avatar

Why would we want to defend something?

Because we can and because it belongs to us, darnit.

I'm getting tired of people looking for higher meaning when it comes to attacking/defending/etc. etc. etc. This is a game, people. We play because it is fun. We play as we wish to. We should NOT need "motivation" to do something. If there is a motivation, then it is most likely not fun and should be changed.
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Old 2003-04-12, 03:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
Lieutenant Colonel

Im with you spacedrake ,ive been playing for a few weeks now and the more organized a squad our outfit is the easier it is to deffend and its verey rewarding on its own. it doesnt need anything ,rememebr people it doesnt really take that long to build up xp, youll be full before you know it, so dont think of xp as the point of the game, thats just a bonus.

Right now were still in beta people are just messin around, but once the game hits teh shelves youll see alot more deffending and people palying better once they start forming squads and outfits.
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Old 2003-04-12, 03:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #7

If defending a base, and not continual counter-attacks, is not a valid tactic, I promise trying to make it one will not be fun.

I do agree with SpaceDrake, that an artificial system like gaining extra exp would not be a good idea. It would have to be something more natural, like making bases much easier to defend, which could be handled in several different ways: more automated turrets, more range of turret types, like AA and AP. Structure of the base gives defender the upper hand(cover, slowing large vehicles with obstacles, bunker type windows, etc), or maybe the best idea would be to lessen the number of bases. Fewer bases might make things more organized, less constant scrambling about, and lead to larger, more epic battles.
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Old 2003-04-12, 03:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
Lieutenant Colonel

Originally posted by Mydis
If defending a base, and not continual counter-attacks, is not a valid tactic, I promise trying to make it one will not be fun.

I do agree with SpaceDrake, that an artificial system like gaining extra exp would not be a good idea. It would have to be something more natural, like making bases much easier to defend, which could be handled in several different ways: more automated turrets, more range of turret types, like AA and AP. Structure of the base gives defender the upper hand(cover, slowing large vehicles with obstacles, bunker type windows, etc), or maybe the best idea would be to lessen the number of bases. Fewer bases might make things more organized, less constant scrambling about, and lead to larger, more epic battles.
Im asuming you havent played yet because all of that exists, "bunkers" "human placed turrets" "obstructions" and remember anything that you get when your deffending the enemy would have when your attacking, so it really doesnt matter
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Old 2003-04-12, 08:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Second Lieutenant

All very good points. I see now it was just a bad idea. I guess the aswer is more POEPLE !!! hehe I've only seen 1800 on one server so far. I think we need more like 5000+.
...What's Iraq like?

IEDs, SAF, RPGs, & mortars. But only during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The enemy is so poor, they have to keep day jobs

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Old 2003-04-12, 10:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Warborn's Avatar

You defend because it's your job. What does exp have to do with anything? Go kick some ass, stop worrying about numbers.
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Old 2003-04-12, 10:49 AM   [Ignore Me] #11

Originally posted by ABRAXAAS
Im asuming you havent played yet because all of that exists, "bunkers" "human placed turrets" "obstructions" and remember anything that you get when your deffending the enemy would have when your attacking, so it really doesnt matter
accually, attackers dont have bunkers, not turrets either. So the attackers dont have everything the defenders has.
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Old 2003-04-12, 12:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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They are already working on things to make defending more worth while.

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