Well after playing with the new patch for 10 mins or so. i have to say that the new lattice thingy kicks maj0r ass. there are still usually 3 bases that you can attack at any given time, and there is always a large scale battle going on! i hopped into the game and spawned at my sanctuary.
i snagged a reaver and headed to esamir. we were engaged heavily with the vanu fighting over a building at the center of the continent (btw new sanctuarys pwnz!). No TR controlled places that i saw on the whole continent. but that's no big surprise.
anyway, i sped away into the battle. i killed 2 people in the first few minutes of gameplay (usually it takes about 30 before i see any!) then my reaver was shot down and i bailed. respawned in our facility that was about to be hacked. we fought off the vanu attackers and i unhacked the base, earning myself a hefty 1000 xp thanks to the new xp system that gives you XP for rescuing a base. good reason to defend
then, sadly, my game crashed to the desktop while i was about to own a vanu max who was apparently lagging out ( he was standing in the middle of a room shooting at the wall and not paying much attention to anything else)
ooohhh, the new reaver effects and gun bullets are a large improvement over the others. gauss bullets (only hand held gun i played with in that time) has yellow kind of bullets now instead of blue, looks much bettter. and the reaver has those same yellow bullets for the machine guns, they seem to have improved damage, and they are a helluva lot more accurate now. they seem to shoot right from the front of your ship instead of from under it. and the missiles shoot faster now and they are much easier to aim (faster as in velocity, not how often you shoot one)