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Old 2003-05-25, 12:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Underground base


Ok, so once you get done laughing at my plane and tank, and scratching your head at what it all means then let me direct your attention to what I've drawn here.

This is a split level view. The top half is a side cut away view and the bottom half is a top down view. This is my idea of a base that could be cut into a cliff. This base would fit really good onto creyshen or someplace similar with some sheer faces on it.

The brown line is the cliff/ground. At the very top of the drawing you see two boxes with a 1 in them. That is the bunkers that allow access to the base. The bunkers have 20mm cannons or 12mm cannons or maybe a popup base turret. Not alot of firepower but enough that you can put up some form of defense when needed. Maybe an outer line of trenches or something that you can use as initial defense and fall back to the bunkers while they put out cover fire.

You have to come in thru those bunkers though. They lead to a long hallway and a set of stairs. These stairs run the entire depth of the base. Level two is the med terminals (purple boxes with red crosses) and lockers (green rectangles in the room to the right. You can put other rooms on the other side of this level if you want. Meeting rooms, a cafeteria, some beds and whatnot.

Level 3 has the air vehicle terminal and the spawn tubes/equipment terminals. The spawn rooms connect to the locker/med rooms above with it's own unique stairs. I don't have that drawn in but it should be easy to picture. The air vehicle terminal will auto fly you outside onto an overhanging pad. Once there you can take off on your own.

Level 4 has the vehicle terminal, generator and CC. You can access the base thru the vehicle terminal, but you can not access the CC from it. The vehicle terminal is connected thru it's on stairwell to the 2nd floor. From there you can continue on down to the other floors. Outside the vehicle termina is a set of bunkers (I didn't have room to draw them in) and some trenches and obstacles. Maybe set a turret into the base of the cliff facing out but with a good upward angle to cover planes. Several different ways to add some defenses to this entrance.

The generator and CC can only be accessed thru the central stairwell. The rooms in front of the CC have scattered box's and positions to use to engage incoming attackers.

Anyway, that's just a very rough concept of what I'm thinking. If I had any skill with drawing I could really get more in depth, but I have a hard time with stick figures so I'm not gonna try. Basically I'm just tossing out a different option for a base that incorporates terrain into design rather then ignoring obvious terrain features.
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Old 2003-05-25, 12:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Lieutenant Colonel
Zatrais's Avatar

Pretty cool idea
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Old 2003-05-25, 12:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #3

all very kool and nice pic, but imagine what that would be in a game! It's something for like PS2 i think
That was interesting...
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Old 2003-05-25, 12:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #4

instead of one central stairway a person should have to cross the entire level to reach a stairway to another level. This way someone would have to fight for every room instead of having to only capture on stairway that leads to every room.
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Old 2003-05-25, 12:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #5

Your right, that is a better idea hehe. Lots of room to work with on this concept really. You could have a really big base underground if they spent a little time on it.

This is the kind of content they need to add to keep people playing. It's ideas like this that let me see past the level treadmill thing. Why use levels to keep interest when they could easily add in things like this every month.
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Old 2003-05-25, 02:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #6

very cool idea
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Old 2003-05-25, 02:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Demdadar's Avatar

Your pic KICKS ASS

Your idea KICKS ASS


dat big thing pwnz j00
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Old 2003-05-25, 02:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Originally posted by Demdadar
Your pic KICKS ASS

Your idea KICKS ASS

Agreed, would be awesome to see an underground base or two around. The concept of having to cross a room to get to the next floor is great, focuses on one big battle as opposed to all over the base.
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Old 2003-05-25, 03:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Lieutenant General
io's Avatar

Indeed a sweet0rz idea, i'm sure the devs will think of something like this for a future patch.
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Old 2003-05-25, 03:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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I ntocied theres so many awsome things the DAMNED DEVS DIDNTTHINK OF!!

Although i guess they deserve some credit for makign the whole game....some...

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Old 2003-05-25, 04:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #11

All of this stuff was mentioned on the beta boards. I wasn't the first one to come up with it. I've added some of my own ideas, but I got inspired from other people's thoughts.

The devs spent the last 3-4 weeks of beta monkeying around with the exp system and making it a big thing instead of looking at adding in this content. Could they have implemented it in time? I dont' know, but I do know they could definetly talk more about adding this stuff.

How hard would it be for them to say "We are working on an open field continent right now. So far we envision it as being rolling hills and open valleys. The purpose of it is to allow vehicles a place to fight without obstacles or confined spaces. We'd like for people to post some suggestions while we work on it. We are looking at about a two week time frame to design this. As we flesh it out more I'll keep you updated and try to update the ETA as things change"

Seems easy enough to type up a short message like that and keep us informed. It also gets thousands of minds working on ideas instead of just the limited number of dev minds. Instead things are wrapped in secrecy and vague indications that something is in the works, but no clue as to when it will be there.
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Old 2003-05-25, 04:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Demdadar's Avatar

You surprise me Chavr

dat big thing pwnz j00
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Old 2003-05-25, 04:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #13

How do I surprise you?
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Old 2003-05-25, 05:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Lieutenant Colonel
mistled's Avatar

Originally posted by chavr
How hard would it be for them to say "We are working on an open field continent right now. So far we envision it as being rolling hills and open valleys. The purpose of it is to allow vehicles a place to fight without obstacles or confined spaces. We'd like for people to post some suggestions while we work on it. We are looking at about a two week time frame to design this. As we flesh it out more I'll keep you updated and try to update the ETA as things change"
They don't do this because as soon as they decide in house that it won't work for whatever reason, they'll be lynched for lying. Besides, from idea to implementation of something as huge as underground bases would take a long time unless they were specifically dedicated to only that.

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Old 2003-05-25, 05:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #15

If they realize they can't pull it off then they come back with

"We tried to implement underground bases but are unable to with the hardware we have now. Maybe in the future we can do this though. Our new goal is now to work on blah blah."

Ok, so they can't do it, atleast they tried, time to move on.

I dont' think it'd be that hard to put in underground bases. They already have the hallways and rooms that are underground. They have bunkers. They would just need to rearrange the way they are aligned pretty much. Seems easy enough to me.
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