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Old 2003-06-01, 08:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Asherons Call 2: Rising Failure?

I know I know, most of you havent even HEARD of the game, its still living in the shadow of its predicesor, Asherons Call. But I'm not posting to discuss AC1. I recelenty downloaded the 7 day free tiral of AC2 and it's not that bad, but why is it so unheard of and unplayed?

I was playing earlier today, at normal gaming peak hours of 5 PM and on all the servers combined there was about a total of 3000 people playing, compared to AC1's 10000 players. AC2 has been out a few months now and Im surprised it hasent picked up in popularity, but I can see Microsoft and Turbine arnt very happy about the games popularity.

How unhappy are they? As much to go as far to give out 7 day trials of the game, with microsoft's popularity everyone knows it all over the net. They've even gone as far as to include presets for the controls in the game that are EXACLTY the same as EverQuests' and Dark Age Of Camelot's. That sounds pretty
desperate to me.

I only see one reason its doing so bad in the market, its living in AC1's shadow, and since AC1 was rated as one of the best MMORPGS in all of MMORPG history, Thats a tough challenge to overcome.

I just wanted to see some peoples reactions/thoughts on the game and how its doing player wise.
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Old 2003-06-01, 08:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
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i bought the game and it never sparked any intrest with me,i clicked one button a monster died i click another i walk 2 feet,got really boring and kinda stupid
these are lame
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Old 2003-06-02, 12:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #3

AC1 DT was the best PVP in any MMORPG i'v ever played in, i got to lvl 50 in ac2 coldeve (its great fun) but i could see how it would be boring on a PvM only server. AC2 has GREAT potential, ac1 still has some left, but im a litte burned out on the game play.
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