Re: Bring Back Stamina! Anti-Bunny Hop Petition
Bunny Hopping works in almost every modern shooter for a few reasons. Hitboxes are the main reason. In theory, Jumping is a superior tactic in a firefight because it suddenly boosts your speed in a random direction, raises your hitboxes up away from crossheirs, and in most games. Aiming DOWN is easier than aiming UP. The jumping player, now has his head hitbox protected, and has a much better view of YOUR head hitbox, you have to aim up, which takes longer and you're more likely to shoot his chest or shoulders/arms. And HE can just aim down and put shots into your head.
Planetside mitigated this by making just one hitbox. All weapons did the same damage regardless of where you were struck by the projectile. And you also moved slower when jumping and didnt jump very high. With the addition of hitboxes in Planetside 2, you WILL see bunny hopping, regardless of wether you like it or not. Crossheir bloom slightly mitigates this, but he will still have better shots on your head, then you will have on his. Assuming you are both using Headshot weapons that deal similar damage.
Stamina SHOULD return in Planetside 2, it will at least limit bunny hopping to an extent, and the weight of your armor should delegate how much stamina it takes to jump. If someone IS going to jump in combat, they will have to keep an eye on their stamina.
Oh, and Bunny hopping DOES work in Planetside. But i've only seen it done in a MAX unit, when the MAX jumps, he is more likely to dodge fast moving Deci missiles, or let the Missile hit below his feet and only take splash damage.
The only real way to stop Bunny Hopping in a shooter that uses Hitboxes, is to not allow players to jump at all.